Brutal Jon Stewart Piece Rips Class Divisions, Elitist Condescension Within OWS

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The reporter asks an upper-crust “economically downtrodden” protester about “those shiftless hoboes from BumTown.”

I missed this, but commenters spotted a rather interesting word-parsing non-distinction: A guy who condemns private property refuses to allow “those shiftless hobos down in Bum-Town” use his iPad, because that’s personal property.

See, he’s against private property. Completely different!

But they are different, the way he means them:

“Private property” = “Your stuff” = he gets to use

“Personal property” = “his stuff” = you *don’t* get to use

See? It does make sense, in a three-year-old’s “because it’s mine/because I want it” fashion.

Video here

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The hypocrisy is being spread on like sugar frosting on a manure cake. This was truly funny, Stewart is a bore, but this woman is hilarious.