“Boob Bait for Bubbas:” The “Conservative” Con on Amnesty

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The right is being asked to give up something important and large which will change the course of this nation’s politics for 40+ years, to our detriment.

And the left?

The left is being asked to provide a fakey figleaf with which conservative politicians can con conservative voters.

They’ve agreed to do so. Go figure.

Among the many misrepresentations, falsehoods, deceptions, and outright lies told by supporters of the Gang of Eight bill, the biggest involve border security.

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Stuff like this going on is the main reason I say there is no longer two major political parties. There is only one now. Please explain to me how the republicans will be better than the democrats, when EVERY time the republicans had full control of congress and the white house, they didn’t fix hardly anything.

Simple answer. Voters need to call and write all their Senators, Representatives and the party leadership and tell them if they vote for either version, we will not vote for them or their party ever again. There should not be even a consideration of an “immigration reform bill” until the border has been secured for at least a year, and those with gang connections and criminal records have been deported. Period. No pathway until Congress and Washington DC does their friggin’ job.

Forget online petitions. they are meaningless.

Will this stop them. I don’t know, but it needs to be made crystal clear to these elitist asses that we are “P”-ed off and we are ready to play hardball against them, even if it means registering and voting third party. We also need to all start supporting TEA Party groups with our money and presence.

@Smorgasbord: In fact what they do typically is set up for the next round of demo-commie-cRAT takeover — DHS is a perfect example — get all the people p-o’d at the repub’s (RINO’s) and then when the demo’s get in they play the “Bush’s fault, Bush’s fault game for as long as they can. Another perfect example is Bush’s appointing a democrat to head IRS — shortly before the end of his term — thanks alot a-hole.

@Ditto: Third party time!!!!

@Budvarakbar: #3
As I have mentioned before, Bush must have been a very powerful president when even THE ONE can’t fix his messes after four years and almost $1,000,000,000 in stimulus money, and who knows how many billions in other programs.

@Budvarakbar: #4
I agree with the third party idea, but after a short time in office, they will become a politician when the same companies and individuals who donated to the earlier politician tell him or her how much they will donate to the reelection campaign if they do what the donors want. We need to change the way elections are done, so the money is taken out of it, or it will continues as it is: The ones with the money get what they want.


With the way the Republican establishment Leadership is going, they may very well push their base into abandoning the Republican party as a lost cause (if they succeed in what they declared during the GOP Convention as to they were going to do in the next state primaries). The far-left have nearly completely culled moderates out of the Democratic Party, and the Republican leadership want’s to do the same with the Republican party in removing all but the establishment progressives from any chance of reforming the GOP.

I think it is definitely time to back a new set of players with traditional American views. IMO the Libertarian party is not a viable alternative because they too seem to support some of the same progressive agenda items that Dems and Estab-Repubs does, (except for big government and social programs.) As I mentioned in a different article’s reply, I’ve been been seriously considering the Constitution Party. At any rate, now is the prime time for a national discussion on an alternative to the corrupt Washington DC elitist “two party” system. I think that moderates and conservatives alike are fed up enough with the current self destructive lunacy currently in charge and the internet finally gives us the opportunity to network and join forces. Let the establishment sharks fight the socialist piranha’s school into a blood frenzy, meanwhile the conservative porpoise pods can unite.

Unfortunately, these immigration bills are coming to a head soon, and we can not stand idly by while the progressive wankers shove this down our throats. (Hence my post above) We can’t wait for the 2014 elections.

@Ditto: #7
Even though I don’t belong to any political party, and even though I want ALL politicians out of office, I think we need to get as many republicans in office as we can at the next elections. The next elections after that is when we need to get serious about throwing out the trash.


I don’t disagree, however, like Cruz I don’t trust the Republicans either. nor will they get my vote if they continue in the direction that they seem dead set in pursuing. I think that now is the time to start the ball rolling for the future. Perhaps the mere progress towards an alternative choice will bring the GOP leadership to it’s senses, but I am highly skeptical considering the fools didn’t learn their lesson with McCain and instead selected Romney.

@Ditto: #9
Trying to get republicans to vote for a third party will only spit the vote, and probably get Hillary, or whoever the democrats put up, elected for four more years of continued obama agenda. The puppet will be gone, but the marionettes will just attach their strings to another puppet. This would give the marionettes four more years of pulling the strings to continue their agenda of bringing in more illegals, banning guns, signing treaties with the UN, banning Christianity, and the rest of their agenda.

After we get the house, senate, and white house, then will be the time to say that we want non-republicrats in office after the next elections.

You would rather conservative voters stayed home like they did last year?

You, like the establishment leadership in Washington, need to understand that conservatives and moderate votes are not yours by simple inheritance. If the Republican leadership continues in it’s plans, these are votes that they wont get anyway. Better for a new third party to have a strong showing in primaries and local elections. Only that will scare the hell out of the GOP, just as it did as it did when Ross Perot got 14% of the popular vote. When third parties do well, the two “major” parties sit up and take notice.

I honestly don’t give a damn whether Republicans might lose votes. If they want our support and votes, they need to work to deserve them. Bohner and the rest of the establishment gang have gotten the idea that all they have to do is become Democrat lite to stay in power. They sneer at the TEA Party and conservatives and it will be their undoing.

@Ditto: #11
If I think a third party candidate has a chance at winning an election, I will vote for them. I was hoping Kane would keep going for his run for president. Right now, I honestly don’t know how I will vote. I will have to wait and see. As I have mentioned many times, I am tired of voting AGAINST a candidate, instead of FOR them.


I liked Kane and I was quite surprised he didn’t do better, I’m convinced that there were too many conservative Republican primary candidates to divvy up that portion of the primary vote. So it was clear that Romney would get the nomination. Maybe Republicans should encourage more establishment and RINO candidates to run in the presidential primaries, and have just one strong conservative. That way they will have to divide up the moderate vote.

If there are two or more conservatives, in the primary, they should get together early in the game and work a deal that the one that polls higher stays in, where the other conservative(s) will drop out with a promise that they will receive appointments.

I hated it, but I voted for Romney simply hoping that Obama would not get a second term to complete his “fundamental transformation” agenda. The Current GOP leadership seems hell bent on helping Obama succeed in destroying America. I will not vote for any more RINOs or establishment Republicans. I have had it with them.

@Ditto: #13

…I’m convinced that there were too many conservative Republican primary candidates to divvy up that portion of the primary vote.

This is one problem with the way we run the voting system. Most presidents got less than half of the votes. The way it should be done, is when people vote for their political party candidate, they list the ones they want from 1 to however many there are. The ballots would be run through the machine, and the one with the least votes would be dropped off. The ballots would be run through again with the remaining names, and this would continue until there are only two left. This way, the one that gets over half of the votes wins. All elections should be done this way.

I hated it, but I voted for Romney simply hoping that Obama would not get a second term to complete his “fundamental transformation” agenda.

This is why I say that I am tired of voting AGAINST a candidate, instead of voting FOR one. I want a candidate that I can vote FOR.