Black Lives Matter Is Threatening An ‘Uprising’ Against ‘Racist’ Vaccine Mandates

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by Eddie Scarry

It’s a rule in the national media that vaccine hesitancy is worthy of shame and scorn, right up until it collides with their most precious cause, the Black Lives Matter movement.


Hesitant (white) nurses? Outcast.


Hesitant (white) Facebook moms? Shun.


Hesitant (white) Trump supporters? Guillotine.


But there’s oddly been no prescription for the Black Lives Matter crew in New York who are accusing the city of racial discrimination by mandating vaccines for public, indoor activity.


Hawk Newsome, the co-founder and chairman of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, was quoted Saturday in the New York Times saying that restaurants “are using vaccine mandates to enforce their racist beliefs and excluding black patrons.”


At a protest Monday in front of New York restaurant Carmine’s, Chivona Newsome, also a co-founder of the group, said of the vaccine mandates, “What is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?”


She further issued the threat that BLM was “putting this city on notice that your mandate will not be another racist social distance practice” and that “Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising .” She said vaccine verification “is not a free passport to racism.”


The catalyst for those remarks was an incident at Carmine’s last week wherein three black women from Texas were charged for assaulting a hostess at the restaurant, allegedly over a vaccine verification dispute and, as a lawyer for the women subsequently claimed, because the hostess, who is of Asian descent, used a racial slur.



A lawyer representing Carmine’s has disputed the allegation about a racial slur. Video footage of the incident includes no audio, but what can be seen is that the three women were being led inside the restaurant by a member of staff who was not the hostess. But once inside, the hostess is seen exiting to return to her post, when all three customers turn to follow her back outside. One of them approaches the hostess from behind and begins speaking as the others circled. A fight ensues.


Lawyers for both sides agree, though, that the dispute was not over the vaccination status of the three women, but over additional members of the party, several men, who did not have vaccine cards.


The details are kind of beside the point, though. Black residents make up a higher rate of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in New York City than white residents. They’re also vaccinated at a lower rate, with 45 percent of New York City’s adult black population having been fully vaccinated, versus 56 percent of white adults.


I don’t care if anyone, regardless of race, chooses not to receive a vaccine against COVID. That’s their dice to roll. But imagine a white Trump supporter saying his right to dine indoors among strangers shall not be infringed.

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“They’re Not After Me, They’re After You. I’m Just In The Way”

— The United States’ Last President, Donald J. Trump

Democrats kept, and keep, blacks as slaves. Once they were forced to pick cotton, now they are tricked/bought into voting Democrat.

Trump’s history 15% of the black vote finds that things are changing for the better. Biden wants to “put ya’ll back in chains.”

As we said, they won’t discriminate against BLM or Trump voters when they insist on their autocratic mandates.

This took a lot longer to materialize than I expected. I knew it would only be a matter of time before some black patrons challenged this idiotic vaccine passport bullshit. When the story first appeared a few days ago, the race of the patrons was not mentioned; it was “Texas Tourists Attack Restaurant Hostess Over Vaccines”. I guess it was believed it would just blow over and Texas rednecks would be blamed for being uncivilized in a civilized land.

But it was, no doubt, a set up. Keep in mind, BLM doesn’t care about the spread of COVID; they care about the spread of Marxism. Let’s see what Big Bird does now. What are the bets this becomes riot-worthy?

This is rich.

Who do you root for?

The lefty BLM’ers?
Or the lefty blue state lockdown’ers?

The Left ALWAYS eats its own.
It’s just a question when, not if.

That’s obvious. We root for BLM. For once, they’re on the right side of something.

these two domestic terrorist groups have no class. Eat with their fingers, smell like rotting garbage, they are equivalent to jihad, hamas, and the taliban. the two domestic terrorist groups are super spreader for hatred, communism, and the total destruction of America. these idiots have no clue that the globalist are using them as pawns in a game they have no concept of. In the end, they will all be removed and butchered as enemies of the new state. Got to read and understand history to appreciate the future.

That along with Chem-Trails and Floridated water

I wish us Whites would have the same response – violence against the notavax mandate and anyone trying to enforce it.
But, unlike BLM, we’d get shot or arrested.

“Biden’s approval rating among black Americans has fallen five points, according to a Morning Consult poll, since he announced his intent to mandate the coronavirus vaccine for businesses over 100 employees.”

It’s not just the radical BLM commies that disapprove of Biden.