Birdbrains in the press complain

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by Don Surber

The Bezos Post and the rest of the media blew it by not standing up for Trump’s rights

Paul Farhi, a Pulitzered galley slave at the Jeff Bezos Post is crying over the public’s treatment of the media. People are expecting the media to follow the same laws everyone else does, he complained in a piece for The Atlantic, “The Media Are Getting Easier to Push Around.”

He began his piece,

“Until a few months ago, the tiny town of Atmore, Alabama, was perhaps best known for the glitzy casino-and-hotel complex on its northern border and its proximity to the prison where the state carries out executions. Then Stephen Billy decided to pick a fight with the hometown newspaper, the Atmore News. In October, the paper published a story, based on an anonymous leak, revealing that Billy, the county’s district attorney, was conducting a grand jury investigation into possible financial fraud by the local school system. Shortly thereafter, Billy charged the paper’s publisher, 73-year-old Sherry Digmon, and its only reporter, 69-year-old Don Fletcher, with violating a state secrecy law. Digmon and Fletcher were cuffed by deputies they’d known for years and charged with felonies that could land them in the local prison for up to three years on each count. They maintained they’d merely reported news of importance.”

So Digmon and Fletcher tipped off possible targets of a grand jury investigation. Their ages — 73 and 69, respectively — are the only identification given other than their jobs. Fahri wants everyone to believe they are just pop and granny doing their jobs.

I might work up some sympathy if only Fahri’s galley — the Bezos Post — had objected to the ridiculous length of sentences given the J6 defendants just for being inside the Capitol. The Bezos Post was gentle as a lamb — and a silent one, too. But Fahri and his fellow scribes rooted for the government going after others, not them. Now the government goes after them and they want help fending off the government.

(Did I say Fahri worked on the Bezos galley? I meant dinghy because Bezos paid twice as much for his yacht than he did the paper. He still got fleeced by the Graham family as he is stuck losing about $100 million a year to keep the paper alive.)

Don’t just take my word on the J6 sentencing being outrageously unfair.

Politico reported,

“A federal appeals court panel ruled Friday that Jan. 6 defendants who obstructed Congress’ work had their sentences improperly lengthened by judges who determined that they had interfered with the ‘administration of justice.’”

Congress was not administering justice. It was holding a routine vote on accepting the Electoral College’s vote on the presidency and vice presidency.

Here’s the thing about the First Amendment that media mob overlook. The amendment does not simply cover a free press. It covers freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to peacefully protest and freedom to petition the government for grievances as well. When it comes to the First Amendment, we must be one for all and all for one. The media has spent most of my life attacking churches and conservatives. Pardon us while we sit on our hands. We need to warm them because it got cold and lonely out there when our rights were trampled.

In his piece, Fahri cited a few cases similar to his first example, and then he turned his column into an attack on conservatives. He wrote:

The alarming rate of official actions against the news media can’t be divorced from the hostile climate that surrounds reporting these days. Donald Trump has infamously referred to journalists as “enemies of the people”; his acolytes have gone even further, such as when Marjorie Taylor Greene called for journalists to be “held accountable — even jailed — for what they did to Trump and our great country.” Tech titans are also publicly hostile to the press; Elon Musk attacks the media while arguing that people should use his platform to do unpaid citizen journalism. Rhetoric like that isn’t likely to inspire a great deal of respect for the Fourth Estate. “Local authorities seem to have gotten the message that they can get away with this,” Trevor Timm, the Press Freedom Foundation’s executive director, told me.

Excuse me but Fahri said nothing about the FBI arresting reporter Scott Baker for covering the J6 protest. Fahri loves fascism. If he didn’t, do you think Bezos would keep him on the job?

The media is getting kicked around? Not hard enough to knock any sense into their practitioners.

Fahri and his fellow featherheads in the Fourth Estate cheered when Twitter canceled Trump’s account. Their tedious TDS argument was well, it was a private company censoring him, not the government, so that’s OK.


It turned out the government paid Twitter and similar social media companies to censor Trump and his supporters.

The media also has a bad habit of going after kids such as Nicholas Sandmann. The latest to get bullied was Holden Armenta, 9.

Benny Johnson tweeted some good news,

“Deadspin is a fake news media company that falsely accused a 9-year-old boy of wearing blackface at a Chiefs game.

“In response, the boy’s family is now suing them to hell for defamation.

“Today, Deadspin was forced to lay off their entire staff and sell the company.

“Fake News is the enemy of the people.


The media conspired to elect Biden by suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and by refusing to consider any evidence of an election fix. Somehow Trump went from 62 million votes in 2016 to 75 million in 2020 — a record rise for an incumbent president — and lost the election, but no on in the press seems to find that odd.

The media was ticked because Trump beat them once. They had thrown out any pretense for objectivity when Republicans nominated Donald Trump in 2016. The New York Times announced its abandonment of this principle on its Front Page on August 7, 2016, in a story,

“Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism.”

He tested them all right, and the media failed miserably.

NYT’s fair-haired boy Jim Rutenberg whose research seemed to consist of talking to Carolyn Ryan, The New York Times’s senior editor for politics, wrote the media manifesto. He made excuse after excuse after excuse for turning the news media into a propaganda machine.

Rutenberg ended his piece,

“As Ms. Ryan put it to me, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is ‘extraordinary and precedent-shattering’ and ‘to pretend otherwise is to be disingenuous with readers.’

“It would also be an abdication of political journalism’s most solemn duty: to ferret out what the candidates will be like in the most powerful office in the world.

“It may not always seem fair to Mr. Trump or his supporters. But journalism shouldn’t measure itself against any one campaign’s definition of fairness. It is journalism’s job to be true to the readers and viewers, and true to the facts, in a way that will stand up to history’s judgment. To do anything less would be untenable.”

Rutenberg is wrong. The solemn duty of those in the news trade is to tell the truth. They ain’t and we no longer care about their little stories and their melodramatic problems. The failure of the press to maintain its credibility makes reporters the Kakapos of the birdbrain world. said,

“The Kakapo is a flightless parrot native to New Zealand. Despite their endearing appearance, Kakapos have earned a reputation for being rather dim-witted due to their lack of natural predator awareness. This, combined with their inability to fly, has made them vulnerable to extinction.”

There are only 247 Kakapos left. The layoffs at news organizations work similarly.

This exchange on Twitter is a great example of the Kakapovian state of journalism. The Hill tweeted,

“Special counsel Robert Hur’s transcript shows nuance of the Beau Biden exchange as it now paints a more fulsome picture of the exchange between Biden and Hur during an interview last October.”

Andrea Widburg replied,

“The state of the media today. Fulsome doesn’t meant more full. It means overwhelmingly flattering or complimentary — like the media’s factually disconnected praise for Biden.”

Caa-caa and poo are a good way of describing media output these days. People notice.

In his piece, Fahri wrote,

“The public’s general antipathy toward the press is spelled out in Gallup’s annual survey of trust in the news media. The percentage of people expressing trust in news reporting last year fell to the lowest level since Gallup began asking the question in 1972. Self-described Republicans traditionally have had the highest mistrust of the press, but that sentiment has lately been increasing among Democrats and independents too.”

Newsrooms that once cheered the fall of Nixon — done in by Mark Felt, the man he passed over as FBI director — now cheer the persecution of President Trump, who was Watergated (spied on) by the FBI on behalf of Obama.

Why should any freedom-loving American support such fascists? And so we walk away. With us go the advertisers. Newspapers, cable channels and news web sites are dying.

Newspapers are vanity press for their billionaire owners. Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire said,

“Whoever you are — I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”

Then the doctor walks her away to the loony bin. The press has been in its loony bin for a while.

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When it comes to New York City and their Climate Change nonsense and a Blue footed Booby which ones more intelligent?

Donald Trump has infamously referred to journalists as “enemies of the people”

A lie, but what do you expect? Remember when Obama harassed James Rosen? Remember that Media Matters gets tax exempt status to attack conservative (factual, honest) reportage? Remember Herridge? Remember the FBI telling social media to lie about Hunter’s laptop? Remember the attacks on Musk for EXPOSING the FBI telling social media to lie about Hunter’s laptop?

Unless, of course, Fahri is admitting that the journalists he refers to were engaged in fake news, which they probably were.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called for journalists to be “held accountable — even jailed — for what they did to Trump and our great country.”

No problem with that. It’s called “liable” and “treason”.

Why should any freedom-loving American support such fascists?

Because, a) they aren’t really “freedom-loving” (they love being coddled) and b) they have no idea what fascism is. They think fascism is the cop that gives them a ticket. They think fascism is anything they are told not to like. I love it when someone responds to a criticism of ANTIFA with, “but anti-fascist is in their name!” As if N. Korea is actually a democratic republic. Like with racism, it is so much a part of the leftist id that they can’t even see it when they do it.

The left stream Ministry of Propaganda has found a unique audience that they find very easy to please; people who LOVE to be lied to.

Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

The worst Enemies is the M.S. Media because their not informing us of the truth they just keep on lying to us their the Partners in Crime with the UN/CFR/Globalists

A lie, but what do you expect? 

Where’s the lie?

Trump has taken to Twitter to slam “The FAKE NEWS media,” saying it “is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”

Trump specifically cited a series of news outlets, naming The New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN.


Trump ACTUALLY said, “Fake news is the enemy of the people.” Now, do you have any idea what “fake news” is? Probably not, so I’ll just tell you. It’s LIES. So, do you think that LIES are the enemy of the people?

So, what are lies? Well, the entire “Russian collusion” coup attempt was composed entirely of nothing but lies. Saying Trump said the media is the enemy of the people is a lie. Saying Trump said Nazis were “fine people” is a lie. Saying Trump loves Putin is a lie. Saying Trump said to inject bleach was a lie. Etc, etc, etc. Particularly, specifically, the Russian collusion lie was very much the enemy of the people because it caused division, wasted time, wasted money, caused doubts about our nation among our allies, encouraged our adversaries to challenge us more, undercut initiatives of Trump’s to, for instance, work favorable trade deals with China. All of this had a negative impact on We, the People.

Of course, when you actually LIKE the lies, as you obviously do, you really can’t grasp the meaning of any of this. Everything you oppose and/or support is based on lies.

The lie was saying that Biden was exonerated or innocent. Oft repeated Trump said the nazis were very fine people. He tried to get GA to find votes for him rather than toss any fraudulent votes, he tried to wrestle control of the Limo on J6 from SS, the Clinton Obama Russian lies, the Zelensky phone call lie, The horsepaste lie, the drink bleach lie, Ukraine is winning lie, smirking kid, hangmangman noose in a garage, Rittenhouse illegally having a rifle, hands up dont shoot, knee on neck,mostly peaceful, insurrection way to many to list.
They are not stopping with confederate statues
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Last edited 9 months ago by kitt

The M.S. Media have failed us and we can just Boycott them by 100% no one can force us to Watch Read or Listen to these scoundrels