by Ace
“The Threatysburg Address,” commenter “…” calls it.
Even CNN had a problem with it:Brianna Keilar
@brikeilarcnnWhatever you think of this speech the military is supposed to be apolitical. Positioning Marines in uniform behind President Biden for a political speech flies in the face of that. It’s wrong when Democrats do it. It’s wrong when Republicans do it.But this Fancy Man, a “former Obama guy,” defended the use of the Marines, to send a signal that Biden means solemn war:
@BFriedmanDC when you are defending democracy in the face of anti-american fascism, you can use marines
Bonhomme says this “former Obama guy” was even more explicit in a subsequent tweet threatening to sic the military on his former fellow Americans:
@BFriedmanDC you don’t get to attempt to overthrow a free and fair election, storm the u.s. capitol, threaten 2nd amendment solutions at every turn, follow a traitorous leader who’s about to be charged with espionage and *then* complain about the u.s. military being used against you
I don’t?
As predicted, Joe Biden laid the predicate justification for his violent antifa allies to attack, beat, and kill conservatives.
He dog-whistled for violence against his political opponents, giving the Go Code to his own “Boogaloo” troopers, while claiming that his opponents are the violent ones.
He is engaging in what his leftist allies now call “stochastic terrorism:”While the exact definition has morphed over time, it has commonly come to refer to a concept whereby consistently demonizing or dehumanizing a targeted group or individual results in violence that is statistically likely, but cannot be easily accurately predicted.
From Wikipedia, on “Lone Wolf Attacks.”
He refuses, as usual, to tell his own Street Paramilitaries to stop, for example, firebombing pro-life pregnancy crisis clinics.
This is disgusting — and dangerous. And he intends it to be dangerous.
If the left can’t win clean, they’ll win bloody.
Last week, antifa showed up at a drag show with rifles to “defend the drag queens.”
They had a rifle-armed sniper positioned on third story rooftop.
The cops permitted this.
Biden says nothing to his antifa paramilitaries.
He says they’re a “myth” so he does not have to denounce them. He provides cover and succor to them.
This is antifa. This isn’t the Proud Boys. This isn’t MAGA Forces.
Joe Biden and the Antifa Media provide cover and air support for their street paramilitaries.
Below: This is antifa again. This isn’t “right-wing January 6th Insurrectionists.” These are the antifa paramilitaries the leftwing propaganda media defends. Chris Cuomo, for example, explicitly defended antifa violence on CNN by stating that “not all punches are created equal.” Some unprovoked attacks on law-abiding citizens are righteous blows for freedom.
I assume he would say the same thing about not all bullets being created equal.
Below: That’s an antifa sniper on the rooftop. Antifa admits it and brags about it, calling anyone who makes note of it a snowflake fascist.
Antifa is perched at high positions with rifles in Texas like Charles Whitman, and you’re a fascist pissbaby for even noticing.
Joe Biden sure doesn’t notice. These are his allies. They will help him “fight for the soul of the country.”
I don’t see any cops or FBI agents taking an interest in these Domestic Violent Extremists.
Kris Cruz
@realKrisCruz Armed #Antifa showed up in Roanoke, TX to protect the”kid friendly” drag show at this bar. Armed #Antifa escorted attendees to the vehicles. I counted about 9 AR-15s.Andy Ngo
@MrAndyNgo Today a group of armed #Antifa members came to Roanoke, TX to support a drag queen event. The local chapter of the John Brown Gun Club, an #Antifa militia linked to domestic terrorism, led the call to direct action. It is headed by Christopher Guillott & Garrett Lee.Joe Biden just told these people that you were terrorists that had to be “fought” to “save democracy.”
Andy Ngo
@MrAndyNgo A 22-year-old woman & recent graduate of @UNTsocial details how #Antifa & far-left extremists tied to terrorist groups threatened her for organizing conservative events in north Texas. Antifa also threatened her parents after she refused to self-censor.
Link to Human Events Article, headline below
Meet the Woman Antifa Militants View as One of the Biggest Threats in Texas
Antifa and the far-left here have sought to intimidate me into silence by doxxing me and my family, and threatening me with violence and even death.
Andy Ng
Christopher Guillott is revealed to be a leader of #Antifa group Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club (@EFJBGC) in Denton, Texas. He directed comrades to target the woman. A member of the group’s Washington state chapter died carrying out a terror attack in 2019.If you want to see the sexual abuse of children that this Domestic Terrorist cell of antifa was defending, go to SC Reviews, here. Most copies of this video have been removed from the internet either due to a copyright claim or because the children’s faces aren’t blurred out.
No police, no FBI. No mention from Joe Biden, who claims he’s against political violence.
Except political violence from his street paramilitaries on the left, against his political enemies on the right.
The Left acts like, and IS a threat to democracy.
The Right is not.
It’s not opinion. It’s empirical fact.
Democrats and the deep state conducted a coup.
Trump did NOT try to overturn an election. He merely stated that the election was rigged…because it was.
Those rigging it would OF COURSE invert reality and say Trump’s the bad guy.
Now we have Biden with out armed forces out, ready to kill. Now we have Antifa armed like they are the Oathkeepers.
What do they think they are going to do?
Americans, the majority being Trump voters, need only get out the way of these people. They are destroying themselves.
The stupid white karens they rely on now are NOT going to endorse events flanked by toxic males in black bloc, nor are they going to tolerate an angry old white man flanked with soldiers, lit in red…
What a bunch of fucking idiots the sinking Democrats are.
No elected politician in America has ever done as much damage to America and Americans the Adolph biden Hitler.
Why aren’t the photos of the mayor and chief of police of this town published as well as the addresses and photos of this Antifa terrorist group.
Do unto others.
That would be doxing and harassment.
That’s how the tyrannical Left acts. Not the rest of Americans, who are in the vast, vast majority.
That is, literally, what fascism is. The left is so totally ignorant of history that they can’t see it; all they see is a gang of Democrat-sanctioned thugs threatening and attacking people who are smarter, better, more patriotic and with a better argument than they can muster, and this pleases them.
Only because the leftist propaganda media protects, aids and abets pathological liars like idiot Biden can liars like him (and there are many, ALL Democrats) feel comfortable telling such monumental lies like the school closings were TRUMP’S idea! Now, I’m not saying that the only liars are Democrats, but when Republicans tell a lie, they get attacked by the media and suffer the consequences; even when they DON’T lie, they are misquoted out of context, accused of lying and suffer the consequences. If half of that rancor was directed at the actual liars, we would get far more honesty (or at least silence) out of politicians.
Any questions?
Now Biden the Dumb wants to disarm all law abiding Americans and allow these Antifa Scum suckers to run loose as w ell as his armed SS(IRS)agents Hitler did Trump did,nt
The new face of the IRS
You have no clue how offensive this is to America’s Jewish voters, do you?
BREAKING: Steve Bannon Swatted AGAIN During Live Show on Saturday Morning — THIRD TIME This Week!
Adolph biden Hitler has gone full-on Hitler. biden sent a swat team to assassinate bannon. Just like Hitler got rid of hi s opposition, biden wants to take out bannon along with Marjorie Taylor Green.
You have no clue how offensive this is to America’s Jewish voters, do you?
How offensive was it for Adolph biden to give his Nuremberg 1933 speech Thursday night?
MAGA supporters are the new Jews. Will Adolph biden use Amtrak to send his political opposite to death camps?
Just keep repeating to yourself: “WE are the fascists. WE are the fascists.”
Maybe you should ask a Jewish American what he or she thinks about your clever analogy.
Yeah, that’s what I notice about you Democrats who support Sharpton, AOC, Omar, Pressley, Rashad… you really worry about offending Jewish citizens.
Jewish Americans appear to be another demographic group that Trump has seriously alienated.
From the April 13, 2022 National Survey Of Jewish Voters:
I doubt that labeling MAGA Republicans as “the new Jews” will push Jewish voters in Trump’s direction.
I know this is a concept foreign to you, but let me explain. Unlike you leftists, we don’t make every statement as an attempt to pander to someone for a few votes. Sometimes, it is simply a statement of fact. Nothing more.
Democrats want to persecute anyone that does not subscribe to their anti-American, anti-Constitutional, hateful ideology and agenda.
The new face of the IRS
How did you post the photo?
Also, biden is scheduled to hold a Wannasee conference to discuss the final solution for all MAGA supporters.
All I did was open in new page then copy and paste
for greg test
“I never gave them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
~Harry Truman~
Comrade Greggie, how come you forgot to mention that the NIH just approved Ivermectin for the treatment of the Kung Flu? Does the NIH view us all as nothing more than animals?
Did it just slip your mind like you failed to mention how Obama told us that federalizing the student loan program was going to be a money maker for the government? Or do those “facts” not comport with your agenda?
And you have no clue how America’s Jewish voters feel or think about anything. What is offensive to them is seeing Biden’s black shirts (BLM/Antifa) protecting rioters with their AR15s.
You are a disgrace.
As opposed to idiot Biden, who lies with every syllable.
Because they didn’t.
December 2, 2020
It’s always been known to be effective. Democrats, however, would rather see people die.
It was Trump that moved the embassy to the Jewish capitol, his daughter married a Jewish man and converted, he has Jewish grandchildren. You make zero sense as usual.
As far as me offending anyone…tough, Biden funds Nazis in Ukraine.