Biden’s new target for reopened schools is behind where US is now, data show

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President Biden‘s new target for reopening schools — having more than 50% of public schools offering at least one day of in-person classes a week — is behind where the nation’s public schools already are.

According to data from Burbio, a digital platform that tracks school data from across the country, 66 percent of students in kindergarten through 12th grade are already attending traditional in-person classes five days a week, or are on a hybrid schedule — meaning they attend at least one day a week or more.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki surprised reporters earlier this week in saying that schools will be considered “open” as long as they teach in-person at least one day a week — a goal that the U.S. is already largely achieving.

Psaki attempted to soften the landing of the White House’s announcement Wednesday, telling reporters that the president’s ideal objective “is for all schools to reopen, to stay open, to be open five days a week, for kids to be learning.”

“That’s what our focus is on,” Psaki said. “This is simply a goal for 100 days.”

Psaki claimed that the “majority” of schools across the country are not operating under an “open” status — though only 34 percent of students in the U.S. are still attending “virtual only” classes with no option to appear in person.

“It really depends, it differs from school district to school district,” she said Wednesday.

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Of course, the idiot Biden’s only real goal is to keep teachers union money flowing to him. Otherwise, he sets a low bar for achievement, meaning he has no idea how to succeed. Yeah, the goal is already met (success!) and, according to the CDC, ALL schools could be open, but when choosing between following the science or following the donations, Grampa Grope is going to follow the money. To hell with the kids; the dumber they are, the more likely they’ll vote Democrat.