Biden’s Monstrous ‘Anti-Terror’ Plan to Censor Christians, Conservatives Before 2024 Election

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When they’re not siccing the FBI on Catholic Churches or dragging upset fathers from school board meetings, there’s a new and equally monstrous plan to shut up conservatives terrorists before the 2024 election. It is sponsored by your friendly Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Careful guys, don’t trip on your jackboots.

The Media Research Center (MRC) has uncovered a Biden Administration plot — yes, plot —  to silence conservatives before the 2024 election with a “media literacy” program that targets conservatives, Christians, gun owners, and the GOP in the name of fighting terrorism. The program uses federal taxpayer funds to pay people to write, blog, and podcast messages that are anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, and anti-anyone who ever thought Donald Trump wore nice ties.

This goes beyond campaign bromides and slogans by crazed James Carville politicos; this program uses the force of government to smear anyone to the right of the organized left. We’re in Joseph Goebbels territory here. Heil Biden!

Under President Trump, the “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program” was used to fight terrorists who wanted to blow up and kill Americans, but under Joe Biden, the program morphed into something completely different. Now you are the terrorists and the nation’s school children are being activated to hate you.

Phase one of the three-phase program pays people to write blogs and do podcasts that are anti-conservative. The first phase, which has already been concluded, tilled the ground to produce the rest of this poisonous harvest.

MRC reports that the following is some of the material produced in “DHS-commissioned blog posts“:

  • “We are all living in a darker, scarier, angrier, less hopeful country thanks to Mr. Trump’s influence. Are we on the verge of civil war?”
  • “Donald Trump was also adopting the shock-jock style that Rush Limbaugh built into a cultural phenomenon, including his misogynistic and racist comments, conspiracy theories, and grievances.”
  • “It won’t be easy, but we really have to reduce Trump’s influence”
  • “[I]t’s tempting and entertaining to tune into the circuses of the Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Louis Farrakans [sic], and MAGA supporters.”
  • “It turns out even Fox Media has limits on how much misogyny and racism it will tolerate from its stars – witness the canceling of Tucker Carlson’s show last week.”

Through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, the Media Research Center uncovered an extension of the program that had previously started under the State Department, which they had previously reported.

Phase two of the program uses seminars produced by the University of Rhode Island’s Media Education Lab that “train educators across the country on how to divert students away from conservative ideas and media sources skeptical of the administration’s agenda.” American taxpayers gave an initial $700,000 to fund the project used to destroy your freedom of conscience.

The Eva Brauns who attend learn how to push schools “to put censorship tools from for-profit media ratings firms Ad Fontes and NewsGuard into American classrooms.” Both are leftist organizations cloaking their censorship under “media literacy.” MRC says that “the two organizations also have overlapping board members and staff [and] they essentially function as a single enterprise.”

MRC reported:

It is telling that before being allowed to participate in the DHS-funded seminars, educators must declare their political ideology. One teacher who declared herself “conservative” reported that she was confined to a breakout group controlled by the director of the Rhode Island Lab so as to limit her access to the most damning material.

And phase three of the plan grants $1,000 to the Biden Youth to demand action

Children “must create social media posts to increase demands for media literacy mandates”; that’s censorship to you and me. It will not surprise you to learn that the program is patterned after a “German socialist model” in partnership with the State Department “which focuses on pushing teachers to turn children into ‘media producers,’” otherwise known as state media propagandists.

This anti-terror program was hijacked in 2019 by DHS apparatchiks who were self-avowed “resisters” in the Trump Administration. You’ll recall that at the beginning of the Trump Administration, personnel at multiple agencies announced their #Resistance on social media. One even wrote an anonymous article in The New York Times entitled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.”

The author was later outed as Miles Taylor, who, you will not be surprised to learn, turned anti-terrorism into this self-licking ice cream cone of a program we see today. He was helped along by the former acting head of DHS, Kevin McAleenan, who took the spot when the left curb-stomped Kirstjen Nielsen.

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MAGA is not the enemy of America. MAGA/America First Patriots believe in God, Country and Family. The smear campaign by the illegitimate biden regime of everyday Americans is backfiring. Only a small minority of stupid democrats drank the kool aid and as a campaign message, it has failed. Even Jamie Dimon has warned democrats to call off the dogs. The sociopathic overlords in Davos are realizing President Trump will win reelection in November and they want to smooth out their role in what will be a contentious opposition of America to the globalist whack jobs.

President Trump dropped a napalm bomb last night when he said we would never have a CBDC, ever.

Making America Great Again is a simple, yet accurate, message. It means exactly what it says and what it actually means is what Democrats oppose. The vast majority of Americans, even some Democrats, want this but leftist propaganda convinces some that it is Trump that is dictatorial, not the party in power that is currently BEING dictatorial. Propaganda, censorship, suppression and election fraud is absolutely necessary for the Democrats’ very survival.

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So when so they start throwing Christinas to the Lions Again? Biden and Emperor Palpatine wants all Conservatives sent to Concentration Camps/Gulags for daring to stand in his way. Even more reasons for his Impeachment

MAGA is not the Nazis they don’t wear Swastika armbands and their not starting riots like Antifa/BLM are and their not stealing elections like the DNC/Globalists is