Biden’s Feckless Energy Policies Are Making The Ukraine Crisis Far Worse



After blocking such sanctions last year using a national security waiver, the Biden administration announced Wednesday it would allow sanctions on the company in charge of building Russia’s Nord Stream 2, a natural gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany’s Baltic coast. While the sanctions are one of many possible responses to counter a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the reversal invites the question of why the Biden administration empowered President Vladimir Putin with increased power over global energy supplies in the first place.
In 2019, under former President Donald Trump, the United States became energy independent for the first time in 62 years, meaning we produced more energy than we consumed and exported more than we imported. The Trump administration achieved this in part by streamlining regulations that hindered U.S. pipelines and natural gas development on federal lands.
When President Joe Biden took office, he reversed this progress. In an attempt to appease climate activists, his administration placed moratoriums on oil and gas leases on federal lands and made it harder and more expensive to produce natural gas.
In May 2021, the Biden administration officially reversed Trump-era sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, allowing the project to move forward despite bipartisan opposition in Congress and warnings from former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that doing so would undermine American national security. During the same period, the Biden administration obstructed pipeline development at home and in some cases killed these projects altogether. Pipelines are OK so long as they’re not in our own backyard, so the logic goes.

Lost Independence

Now, America is no longer energy independent, and instead of the United States exporting natural gas to Europe, these nations look to Russia. Not only does Russia have an obvious track record of manipulating energy costs for its political benefits, it is also much less environmentally conscious, and therefore ends up releasing more emissions than the United States does when producing the same natural gas.
For an administration expressing alarm about climate change, this is not a good look. Of course, it also handed Russia — an aggressive, corrupt, authoritarian human rights disaster — massive geopolitical power that we’re watching Putin leverage today.
In Germany, for example, well more than half of the country’s natural-gas imports come from Russia. “This partly reflects Germany’s high dependence on gas in its energy mix, after the country phased out nuclear energy and is now exiting coal-generated power under a plan to shift entirely to renewable sources by 2045,” reports the Wall Street Journal.
This is what happens when Western leaders put Greta Thunberg in charge of energy policy: Countries substitute nuclear power — one of the cleanest, most reliable forms of energy — with renewable energy sources that are not yet ready for primetime, opening the door for thug dictators to take over sovereign countries. Expect oil prices, which already are surging to prices not seen in seven years, to get worse.

Biden to Blame

None of this is to excuse Putin’s flagrant violation of international law, or to place blame for what’s happening in Ukraine on Biden. But like Biden’s deadly and disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the extent of this crisis was entirely avoidable.
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The Biden administration chose to flush precious geopolitical leverage down the drain by making the United States and European allies once again dependent on hostile regimes instead of empowering our energy sector. It furthered policies that actively discouraged American oil production, then went to the Organization of the Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC) begging for help.
After decades of being dragged into wars in the Middle East over these very resources, we should have known better. But alas, Biden was there making that happen, too.

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Biden is a Traitor to America just like the rest of the Liberal Democrats like Clinton,(Both of them)and Obama Traitors to America and the American People

Under President Trump, we were energy independent and a net energy exporter. biden changed that on the first day of his illegitimate office. And, the American people have suffered since then as inflation and illegal aliens continue to grow.

biden hates America and Americans. The democrat party hates America and Americans.

biden has become what he accused President Trump of being, a dictator.

As a side note;

Senator Dianne Feinstein Husband, Richard Blum, Dead at 86

Dear Lord God,

No real complaints here; but I just wanted to let you know that I highly suspect that the Angel of Death’s aim may be a tad off. He missed Diane, again, today.

biden hates America and Americans. The democrat party hates America and Americans

They love money and they don’t mind cutting the US’s throat to get a quick buck. Too lazy to work and too stupid to serve a purpose, they rely on selling their political leverage to the highest bidder to enrich themselves.

Trump was already rich and had ample talents to make more money; he didn’t need corruption to make more and, in fact, a strong, prosperous United States was the best condition for him to increase his wealth. His “self interests”, if there were any, benefitted the entire nation. Idiot Biden’s self interests are a threat to the nation.

Is hunter still drawing a check from burisma along with China and the widower from Moscow?

BOOM! Gov. DeSantis DENIES Biden Request to Send National Guard Troops to DC

Gov. DeSantis DENIES Biden Request to Send National Guard Troops to DC

…because Ronnie is a posturing, right-wing ass wipe.

He and Donnie will soon be trying to out-ass-wipe each other. I look forward to the Ronnie and Donnie cage match. Meanwhile, Biden is effectively dealing with Vladimir Putin. Putin may not survive his own geopolitical blunder.

Anyone who won’t help guard their own nation’s capital from the threat of mob violence is no American patriot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Sure Biden is SOOOOO effective we are now up to 31 Democrats retiring or not running again. Now those are coat tails. NOT. Like roaches running when the lights come on.
Here’s a sample of of Biden’s other actions.

7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency

He’s so effective look who’s going to respond to the SOTU address.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Who didnt see that coming?

Idiot Biden has done a lot of stupid things, no doubt, but perhaps the MOST stupid (in close competition with opening our southern border in the midst of a pandemic) was destroying our energy independence. It served absolutely no purpose but to force the US to buy more foreign oil and for us, once again, put ourselves at risk of energy blackmail. It is no coincidence that it was stupid people that drove idiot Biden to such a stupid policy.

We need the energy industry unleashed. Idiot Biden needs to accept the fact that he is never going to be able to fondle Greta or smell her hair; putting the US economy and national security in danger to curry favor to such morons as Greta, AOC, Wahoo Warren or any of the other climate clowns is a long shot.