Biden wore a wire

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via @Dan Farley

via @Nguyễn Thắng


I didn’t think he could manage without it. This is explains a lot and why he did as well as he did.

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Sad, right? You could see Trump destroying his mind (all the laughing), then some handler was able to cheat and talk him back by offering CNN disinformation points.

As Trump said, “You just lost the Left”.

What better example that Biden is a puppet can you get?

Trump won handily, against both Biden and Wallace.

Joe supporters are claiming he wears a rosary bracelet for Beau and that it’s just a wrinkle in his dress shirt.
But, so far, no one is weighing in on that large box-like thing by his kidney under his jacket.

@Nan G: Look, Trump was debating the staffer in Biden’s ear, not Biden.

It was just a constant string of Leftwing media talking points.


paedophile joey is a liar and a cheater for the last 47 years. that is a wire. he alleges he wore a rosary bracelet for Beau, dangling bracelets fall backwards when you raise your hand-magic this one fell forward,
everyone knew he was gong to cheat. nothing but street trash, no different that the trask that is rioting in major democrap run cities.

@Nathan Blue:

The media today is calling uncle on the remaining two debates. Must be because the internet is on fire with the obvious wire. Several times during the debate sleepy joe was showings signs of drifting mentally. A handler would have recognized that and given him a little “jolt”

@July 4th American: Look, Trump asked for botha drug test and to inspect for earpieces.

Biden’s team declined, so a sober, independent Trump “debated” a drugged and puppet-mastered Biden.

I don’t care for Joe Biden, but…
I watched the video that showed it dropping out of sight when he lifted his arm higher.
There are photos that show Biden wearing rosary beads on that wrist in memory of his better son.
Probably the only decent thing left about this husk.
That’s what this looks like to me. We have enough to criticize him over without ambiguous things like this.