By Nick Arama
Politicians often lie. But with Joe Biden, we ought to have a counter on the website — for how many days in a row that he can go without a lie. It would be permanently stuck at zero. Because it seems, virtually every day, he tells another lie. With Biden, he tells so many lies, it’s hard to keep up. There are the ones that are to puff himself up personally, to make himself look like he has something in common with the people he’s talking to, like being a tractor-trailer driver or being arrested in the Civil Rights movement.
Then there are the ones about his actions or policies — like the claim that Build Back Better doesn’t cost anything.
On Friday, Biden told a huge whopper that falls into that second category while talking to construction workers in Maryland. This is completely shameless, as Biden claims, “Unless the product I’m purchasing for the American people was made in America…we ain’t buying it.”
Biden: “Unless the product I’m purchasing for the American people was made in America…we ain’t buying it.”
Biden just paid Communist China $1.2 billion for COVID tests.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 4, 2022
Imagine the absolute gall it takes to lie like this.
Just a reminder of my report on Jan. 24, after I got the Biden COVID tests: they were made in China.
— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) January 24, 2022
Not only did he get them from China, and is now telling us a bald-faced lie, he entered into contracts directly with a Chinese company to get the tests, paying them more than $1.28 billion dollars for millions of the tests. So, after all they did with COVID, China is being enriched by Biden.
Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) put forth a bill to stop the buying of tests from China.
“Unfortunately, instead of supporting American manufacturing, the Biden administration is handing nearly $1.3 billion of taxpayer funds to a company in Communist China,” Scott said. “The Biden administration’s willingness to fund the Communist Chinese economy, instead of the American economy, is a disgrace.”
It’s especially disgraceful given China’s blatant dishonesty regarding COVID. But Biden and the Democrats don’t seem to care about that. The Democrats blocked the bill. Now Biden is lying to our faces.
Biden also let loose with this inspiring bit of babbling today and refused to take questions.
BIDEN: “You know all what I’m about to, what I’ve said, and you know what I’ve done, and you know what we’re doing, and you know—I know what you’re doing.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 4, 2022
Biden took off his mask to talk to the workers and told them not to jump. I suppose we’re lucky he didn’t say that he’d once been a construction worker.
What it’s like we got a taste of what it’s like to actually elect a president by the will of the people instead of having it installed for us by the powers that be.
Trump was and is one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.
Now the traitors have reinstalled their illegitimate regime, but the Free people of America will never go back to that.
Biden is not the president and he never will be.
The real question is how the states come together to legally eject this unelected and corporate and globally bought imposter regime that is literally destroying our country and making people poorer.
After that, we hold the genocidal Maniacs responsible for unleashing the Wuhan virus on the rest of the world.
We don’t suffer tyrants, whether they be in Beijing or in a fake White House set.
A Republican majority in Congress will do it. He should be impeached. Constitutionally removing this affliction is the very best way.
Careful what you wish for. Yes, he should be impeached. There are at least 3-4 impeachable offenses that could translate into singular articles.
There may be a risk not knowing who the Veep may be at that time. The biden junta is trying to offload harris and looks like they are going to have to Agnew or Yeltsin her.
Republicans will take back the House and the the midterms. I am not confident in the current Republican structure in the senate that he would be removed following impeachment in the House.
Honestly, I’m talking about a legal dissolution of the Federal Government and an immediate rebuild.
We also need to look at block-chain based direct representation over these corrupt and bought “representatives.”
Imagine we the People all voting for Bills on the same day via our phone, computer, or a voting station? No Pelosi and her insider trading, no Biden and his installation and crackhead son. No Trump needed to kick these jerks in the ass, with CNN waging a disinformation war.
Just real democracy, in our Constitutional Republic.
It’s coming: legally, safely, and without the influence of Soros, Schwab, or Xi.
Blockchain has been hacked stealing millions in bitcoin. First reported in 2019 they have had a couple of years to perfect it. Keeping the representatives investments in a special blind account and banning all stock or investment purchases. To be confiscated upon any illegal behavior might work. Living paycheck to paycheck would do them some good.
No doubt who ever the VP is, they too are corrupt. Harris can be impeached for ignoring her responsibilities at the border. Everyone would be on notice to toe the line.
I’m concerned about rigged elections, and concerned when most of the GOP is being paid by the same lobbies and companies as the Democrats.
We need an “American” majority, no matter the silly party title.
Manchin and Sinema are earning that title, being about policy and principle over Party and Payments.
I agree with you and it seems now that a majority of Americans are beginning to see through the veneer of the DC power structure. President Trump had a bead on it and the DC power structure fought back with a stolen election. We all know that now and so do they. They know their time is limited but they will not go down without a fight. They will try everything short of trying to steal the midterms to keep their power.
biden is a complete joke, laughing stock of the world. biden is public enemy #1
Fighting Back: 16 States Challenge Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers
I wonder, were are the ongoing and regularly updated WaPo, CNN and NYT lists of idiot Biden’s lies? Is it simply too much effort and too difficult to keep up with and maintain? Practically every complete sentence out of his coprolite mouth is a lie.
What happened to that “imminent invasion” by the Russians Biden was mumbling about a week ago?
I’m so old I can remember when Democrats made fun of Republicans for being worried about Russia.
Possibly it was delayed for Putin’s Olympics photo op with Chairman Xi yesterday. That was calculated to intimidate.
FOX News, 02/04/2022 – Russia-Ukraine: Photos show Ukrainian troops preparing for conflict
If it’s going to happen soon, it might be before the spring thaw bogs down Russian tanks.
Comrade Greggie, don’t worry; Biden will eventually get us into war with Russia. Victoria Nuland is already working on selling Ukraine out again, just like she did under Obama. Funny how you on the left blame the right for what you actually do; steal elections and start wars.
Look at the bright side. Maybe we can recapture all of that American uranium you claim Clinton sold to Russia.
Oh greggie the village idiot, we will but the uranium as well as the oil from Putin. Biden and Obama gave us no choice.
Oh, they sold that to China years ago.
Maybe we can recapture out standing in the world after a 1000 year dark age in the wake of CCP and Wokeist-induced calamity.
Make a joke of one of the greatest treacheries carried out against the US.
It’s all theater.
Did idiot Biden lie about buying everything American?
Just think about it. If a barrel oil oil was still 30 dollars Putin couldn’t be doing this. Instead it’s over 90 and Putin is rich. Thanks Joe Biden, today’s Putin’s puppet.
Here’s just a bit more.
Oil was $41 a barrel on 03/11/2020
today it is over $93
I wonder who owns assets in foreign oil production?
Did idiot Biden lie about buying everything American?
Our tax dollars hard at work, what does Hunter advise the Big Guy?