Biden Sold a Million Barrels From US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China-Owned Gas Giant- a company in which Hunter has a financial interest

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The Biden administration sold roughly one million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-controlled gas giant that continues to purchase Russian oil, a move the Energy Department said would “support American consumers” and combat “Putin’s price hike.”

Biden’s Energy Department in April announced the sale of 950,000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of the China Petrochemical Corporation. That company, which is commonly known as Sinopec, is wholly owned by the Chinese government. The Biden administration claimed the move would “address the pain Americans are feeling at the pump” and “help lower energy costs.” More than five million barrels of oil released from the U.S. emergency reserves, however, were sent overseas last month, according to a Wednesday Reuters report. At least one shipment of American crude went to China, the report said.

The Biden administration also claimed the Unipec sale would “support American consumers and the global economy in response to Vladimir Putin’s war of choice against Ukraine” and combat “Putin’s price hike.” But as the war rages on, Unipec has continued to purchase Russian oil. In May, for example, the company “significantly increased the number of hired tankers to ship a key crude from eastern Russia,” Bloomberg reported. That decision came roughly one month after Unipec said it would purchase “no more Russian oil going forward” once “shipments that have arrived in March and due to arrive in April” were fulfilled.

More at the Washington Free Beacon

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A act of Treason more reasons to have Biden Impeached and tried for Treason this only Benefits ‘s the Biden’s not America

Hunter did say he could tell daddy to do anything and he would do it. (laptop from hell) Are they the ones buying paintings for 500K a pop?

People are paying $100 to fill their gas tank while the Biden Crime Family sold our strategic oil reserves to the country that released a pandemic that cost you 2+ years of your life….. If that doesn’t tell everyone how much these people truly hate you and want to destroy America, nothing ever will.

The coup happened. Their brazenness is a tell. They simply dont care what we think or know.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserves cannot be sold on the open world market. They are intended for use only domestically.

biden has committed another act of treason against the United States.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Do the math!

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If Biden and company actually cared they would not be doing what they are doing. The SPR release is just a head fake.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

A thorough investigation is needed. We need to find out if the Biden Crime Family has divested itself from Chinese energy interests. We need to find out if idiot Biden has a predetermined plan to dangerously deplete our petroleum reserve as he makes us dependent (again) on overseas sources of energy. This can’t be done until Democrats are driven from control of all committees.

By law biden cannot put this oil on the open market. It can only be used domestically. biden broke the law and this action along with many others rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Democrats don’t care about the law. They ARE the law. Idiot Biden is depleting the SPR just to give the impression he is doing SOMETHING while he isn’t.

He is depleting the reserves as instructed by XI

biden is prohibited by law from releasing petroleum reserves to foreign countries as well as releasing reserves to effect the price domestically.

Two instances of recent action include post 9-11 and following hurricane Katrina.

By law the release is limited to domestic use exclusively.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Meanwhile the dumber than a box of rocks WH spox sounds like she may have gotten hold of some of hunter’s crack stash

White House Press Secretary Claims Current U.S. Status is Best Economy in Our Nation’s History

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

It’s the Goebbels principle; keep repeating the big lie. The bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe. They did the same thing with Obama’s flaccid economy.

biden is guilty of treason

An oak and a rope