by Katie Pavlich
Speaking to House Democrats at their winter retreat in Philadelphia Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden started yelling at Americans who pin inflation on excessive government spending.
“I’m sick of this stuff!” Biden screamed, throwing his arms in the air. “The American people think the reason for inflation is government spending more money. Simply not true.”
“I’m SICK of this stuff!”
Joe Biden is furious that Americans blame inflation on his government spending.
— (@townhallcom) March 11, 2022
But it is true. Take a look at the rise in inflation after Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was passed and signed.
🎉🎉Happy Birthday American Rescue Plan🎉🎉
CPI +7.9% (highest o 4 decades)
Gasoline +38%
Used Vehicles +41%
Food at Home +8.6%
* Food at elementary schools -53% because too many children still forced to "learn" from home.
Real Wages in freefall
Note: free money ain't free— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) March 11, 2022
This week’s Consumer Price Index report not only showed inflation at the highest level since 1982, but broke historic records for price increases on essential goods.
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Many price increases are the **highest ever recorded** by @BLS_gov
Hotels +29%
Furniture +17.1
Chicken +13.2
New cars & trucks +12.4
Flooring +11.3
Lunchmeat +11
Dry clean +9.5%
Tools +8.7
Baby food +8.4
Full service restaurant +7.5
Pet supplies +7.5
Toys +6.7
Car repair +6.7— Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) March 10, 2022
During an interview with CNBC Thursday afternoon, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned inflation is here to stay.
Idiot Biden likes to lie so much that he tells the lie of his policies not being to blame for the embarrassingly high inflation to the very people that made it happen! Even Hitler and Goebbels didn’t bother telling the same lies to their cronies the same lies they tell the ignorant people.
Biden sounds like greg.
It’s all slipping away, isn’t it?
Who is going to tell goose stepper that his low IQ isnt because of gasoline?
The last place, Algeria, stopped selling it July of 2021. Has not been in the states for years, I suppose he might want to stop eating paint chips and listening to CNN.
Bidens might not be dementia he has always been this dumb.
I won’t believe it until a Tic Tok “influencer” tells me it’s so.
idiot biden and his cadre were hopeful that starting a conflict in Ukraine would divert Americans attention away from his dumpster wildfire economy. Except, everyday Americans buy gas, groceries, pay energy bills and a host of other monetary activities that are a reminder of how disastrous this economy is.
November cannot come soon enough…
Tucker hits it out of the park
Tucker Carlson Outlines Biden Strategy To Blame Russia for Outcomes of White House Economic Policy
I fear this is coming to a crescendo before our very eyes. The people who are currently in power cannot be trusted. Those, media etc., who are aligned with the power structure are also not to be trusted, ie goosestepper greg…
Today they come for everyone all at once and they censor us so we cant speak out, even for the children.
If Putin is responsible for the exorbitant inflation here, why is the rest of the world seemingly unaffected?
How about that goosestepping greg?
He’ll be along. He sounds like Biden when he posts now.
It’s all coming down for these assholes, and they don’t know what to do except double down on the already-rejected narratives they have Colbert and CNN putting out as state propaganda.
This week Obama economic adviser Steve Rattner said that Biden shouldn’t be blaming Russia invading Ukraine for inflation.
He said Biden owns this.
Now another Obama economic adviser, Larry Summers, is blaming Biden for inflation.
Biden used to work with these men in the Obama White House.
Steve Cortes: Blaming Putin for inflation is completely contrary to the facts of the case – Whatfinger News’ General Dispatch
Well, well said.
Biden and his broken propaganda network, and the 20-30% of Americans who actually follow this religion are finally waking up to the reality: they are the fascists.
Its too bad releasing can’t BUILD an economy. They’d do it, if so.
“People think the reason for inflation is because the government is spending more money. Simply…not…true.”
The sad thing is this will fly with the Millennials because they never learned about economics. They also didn’t learn the lesson that “The government is not your friend.”
The business news channels are warning us about a wheat shortage, worldwide.
Our breadbasket for wheat in the Great Plains is being affected negatively by mega-owners who’d rather grow potatoes for MacDonalds, the higher cost of fertilizer (oil by product) and higher cost of using large deisel farm equipment.
The world’s breadbasket for wheat WAS Ukraine.
If you bake, buy up flour now.
If you don’t bake, learn or prepare to pay lots more for bread, when you can get it.
We are living through the most excruciating I told you so in history. The White House is now the world’s most expensive nursing home.
Sunday Talks, El Erian Predicts, Accurately, Inflation To Climb Beyond Ten Percent This Year
Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
Nobody Is Buying Biden’s Bull on Inflation – He Created It – He Owns It
Dumbest Statement Yet: Pelosi Argues Spending Trillions Helps Lower National Debt – ‘Global’ Inflation Is Putin’s Fault
Dumbass biden still trying to sell his snake oil poison.
Joe Biden Says 17 Nobel Prize Winners in Economics Wrote to Him Saying Build Back Better will Ease Inflation
NO, they DID NOT.
We need to see those letters or emails.
I bet they were delivered by lying dogfaced pony express.
biden does not have enough respect for the American people to tell them the truth. Everything biden says is a lie.
So 17 of the 46 living winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics wrote him?
Should be easy for someone to prove. Only 46 calls to make.
But listen, this the real issue we face today. Authority is conferred by the titles or credentials of others.
That’s a 20th Century paradigm that the elites and the low-self-esteem Left is trying valiantly to defend.
“If this Doctor says it’s true, then it’s true.”
The issue is they simply dismiss another doctor or scientist that doesn’t re-affirm the state-approved narrative.
It’s a circle of tyranny, basically.
The state says this person is the “expert”…then that expert says Biden is “correct”…then if others say he isn’t, those people are no longer “experts” but they are now quacks…
But a crock of shit. It’s pathetic.
Barry won a peace prize FFS he bombed 6 or 7 fk’n countries.
Maduro Regime Tells Beggar Joe Biden to Pound Sand – Psaki: Importing Venezuela Oil “Not an Active Conversation at This Time” (VIDEO)
ouch, that will leave a mark
You mean Nobel winners like Paul Krugman? That dumbass idiot has been wrong on every comment he makes. The Nobel means nothing anymore.
Biden Claims He Discussed Rising Gas Prices as a Kid ‘At the Kitchen Table’ – Gas Prices Were Flat For Biden’s Entire Childhood