Biden Immigration Policies To Blame for ‘Bloodshed’ Before Southern Border: National Security Fellow

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by Isabeel van Brugen and Joshua Philipp

President Joe Biden’s mixed messaging on immigration is partially to blame for the violence and bloodshed between migrants and Mexican law enforcement near the southern border, according to a national security fellow.
Todd Bensman senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies told EpochTV’s Crossroads program that he personally witnessed a violent clash between a caravan of migrants trying to pass north to reach the U.S. border through Mexico, and law enforcement trying to hold them back.
He explained that Mexican authorities typically stretch a cord across a road where caravans are coming, and they meet them wearing riot gear and helmets.
The migrants will put their toughest, youngest gangsters up front, with rocks, bottles, sticks, with nails in them and everything else, and they will charge at the soldiers,” said Bensman, author of “America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration.”
“There will be full out clashes in the street. And a lot of times it works, they bust through and then all the women and children and everybody else just pours through and they’re in, they get through.”

Bensman said that in the clash he witnessed, there was a “surprise attack.”
“Mexicans were hiding in the bushes and all along the road, and then on the signal, they all just pounced behind them and in front of them. They [law enforcement] beat them silly. I mean, there’s no other way to say it,” he recalled.
There was a lot of blood and they brought in buses and with billy clubs, beat them all onto the buses, and turned those buses around and shipped them back to Tapachula detention center,” Bensman said, “That’s the cycle down there.”
“The bloodshed spilled in those clashes really is because of the Biden administration,” added Bensman.
Biden, who campaigned in part on rescinding his predecessor’s immigration orders, not only halted construction of the wall at the border but ended the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which forced many asylum seekers to wait in Mexico until their claims were heard.
The Biden administration rolled back a number of key Trump-era policies shortly after taking office, including halting construction of the border wall, trying to end the MPP program, and curtailing the use of pandemic powers to allow all illegal immigrant children who arrive without a responsible adult to stay in the United States.

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Thanks to the incompetence, corruption and criminal dereliction of duty of idiot Biden, Mexico is going to pose a massive problem for the United States for a long time to come. Every illegal immigrant pays the cartel thousands of dollars to illegally cross our open border. They make millions of dollars a day and with that flood of cash they can cause severe problems for the Mexican government (making it even MORE corrupt) and for the border states. Idiot Biden and Democrats, of course, don’t care. They show their low regard for the US taxpayer and only want the cheap lawn care, babysitters and votes.

This is the first thing idiot Biden should be impeached for in 2023.

Biden Sends Kamala Harris to Urgently Secure the Border – No, Not That One

There’s a big problem at the border, and the installed occupant at the White House sends Kamala Harris on an urgent mission to address it.

The unfortunate part is… it’s not the U.S. border crisis, Harris is being sent to secure the Ukraine border.

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New York Post – Vice President Kamala Harris set off Thursday on a peace mission to Europe as Russia appeared to accelerate preparations for an invasion of Ukraine — undeterred by her failure to resolve the ongoing US-Mexico border crisis as President Biden’s point person on illegal immigration.

About two hours after Harris departed DC to attend the Munich Security Conference, Biden emerged from the White House and said he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin will launch an invasion of Ukraine “within the next several days.” (read more)

Harris likely to declare, ‘the urgent and severe measures we are prepared to deliver, are the consequences of urgent preparations we have made for severe measures of great urgency, consequence and preparation,’ or something.

Before departing to save the world from thermonuclear war, Kamala Harris explained the internet to an audience during remarks at the White House.

Just think, we might be one brain aneurysm away from having the cackling buffoon in the oval office

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“Comrades, that does it. UNCLE! … Invasion cancelled.”

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Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Maybe what idiot Biden’s hollow threats cannot accomplish Kamala can get done on her back with her feet in the air. Perhaps she can sneak across the border and give the Russian army the clap.

Yeah, she can now say that she has been to Europe. But, she has yet to go to our southern border.

Trump secured the border. He built a wall, got Mexico to pay in both funds and with troops, and made immigrants safer in the process.

Biden needs to face crimes against humanity for this, maybe even Treason for reversing policies that worked so, so well.

The first article of impeachment, among numerous others, will be his abrogation of his Constitutional responsibility to provide for a safe and secure country.
This one is a slam dunk and would easily be found guilty in the Senate especially following the November midterms.

If I had actually voted for this turd, I would be supremely embarrassed. I bet even the copy machines that “voted” for him are ashamed.

There are immigration laws that idiot Biden is intentionally disregarding. In the midst of an epidemic, which he and his party exploit the fear of for maximum benefit, he has transported infected illegal immigrants throughout the country, intentionally spreading the virus. The transportation of illegal immigrants itself is a violation of immigration law; aiding and abetting illegal immigration. He is aiding and abetting human trafficking. Conviction on this one count would not be too difficult.

The list of other possibilities is long.

Disconnect anyone?
Most important issues by party:
GOP: Inflation, Immigration, Crime
Indies: Inflation, Immigration, COVID
Dems: Climate Change, Election Laws, Inflation

Whenever I happen to talk with someone following the religion of climate change I always ask if we do all the things they believe we need to do what happens? How much will the temperature drop, the sea recede and over what time period? Just the numbers per the science. Funny how I NEVER get any answers containing numbers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

That’s probably related to the media they consume. Republicans and independents are more likely to shun CNN and MSNBC, as well as the networks and seek out more independent and balanced sources. Democrats will avoid any source that they fear might infringe on their prejudices, biases and preconceptions and adhere to CNN and MSNBC. Therefore they are not aware of the rampant crime, the stupidity that brought about inflation and the dangerously open southern border. What they are told is that white supremacy causes all the domestic problems and, though there is no sign of it, climate change is an existential threat.

Democrats are simply ignorant; dangerously ignorant and, worse, they prefer being ignorant. Look how hard Greg fights to remain ignorant.

Your “news” outlets are not “more independent and balanced sources.” They all pitch the same bullshit at the same time, which argues against both claims.

Your “news” outlets are not “more independent and balanced sources.” They all pitch the same bullshit at the same time, which argues against both claims.

Oh. Like what? Russian collusion? Quid pro quo? Bounties on soldiers? Alpha Bank? Prior knowledge of Wikileaks? “Good Nazis”? Injecting Lysol? Laptop is Russian disinformation? How about an example of this “bullshit” you claim has been pitched?

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Jen Psaki Again Insists Ukraine Should Not Be Invaded by Unwanted Foreigners — Forgets About US Southern Border (VIDEO)

biden owns the boxer mess. We had a relatively secure border before he began dismantling the policies President Trump had put in place.

And the jackass biden is concerned about the borders of others.


Families crossing a border illegally is not the same thing as an armed military invasion by a foreign power. Why does something so obvious even need to be explained?

Families crossing a border illegally is not the same thing as an armed military invasion by a foreign power. Why does something so obvious even need to be explained?

While there has been no Ukrainian invasion yet, over 2.6 MILLION illegal immigrant have crossed our border and been distributed around the country, in DIRECT VIOLATION of US immigration law. Even the dumbest of dumbasses can understand this… why does something so obvious even need to be explained to YOU?

It appears lost on you BOTH borders were at lot less busy when Trump was President. Everyone takes avantage of Biden.

04/13/22 – Delays, closures and chaos mount at Texas-Mexico border crossings from new state inspections

U.S. Customs and Border Protection called the state inspections ordered by Gov. Greg Abbott “unnecessary” and said commercial traffic at the Texas-Mexico border has dropped 60% since they began.

Abbott’s own little contribution to your rapidly rising grocery prices…



Biden caused higher grocery prices, and gas prices. It’s on him.

Nice try.

Great job to Abbott for actually protecting the Union and protecting immigrants by not making it easy for them to break our laws and invade our country like roaches in the dark.

The open border policy is treason, and will have consequences for those who’ve allowed it.

‘They are going to starve to death’: Shanghai residents in lockdown with ‘no end in sight’

I know you stand with the brave citizens of China as they fight back against an unelected, totalitarian evil CCP forcing unnecessary and immoral measures on them.

Currently, no one has died from the current outbreak…at least not from Covid.

What is going on over there?

If the Abbott plan, “Texas Hold-em” keeps dirtbag scumbag illegal aliens from coming into our country, it is more than worth the minor increase in the cost of some goods.

If the biden regime would do its constitutional obligation of protecting the border from illegal entry, Governers of border states would not be forced to act. Dirtbag scumbag illegal aliens do not have a right to enter this country on their term’s moron…

One way or the other, idiot Biden’s immigration policies will cost the American people dearly. If Texas can shove a little bit of the disaster back down idiot Biden’s throat, it IS worth the cost.

Abbott’s own little contribution to your rapidly rising grocery prices…

If idiot Biden would carry out his Constitutional obligation on the border, this wouldn’t be necessary. Abbot is making deals with governors on the Mexican side to police the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants and suspending the inspections. Just like Trump: doing things that are BEST FOR THE NATION.

Abbott’s stupid stunt is part of the GOP’s effort to sabotage Biden, no matter the cost to the nation. It’s the same approach they took with Obama, though with Trump’s buddy Putin acting out it has now become far more dangerous.

They’ve offered no rational alternative approaches to anything. Everything they do now is focused on their hopes of a midterm takeover. Everything they say and do plays on meme-driven hot-button issues and involves pandering to Trump’s base. They do this even though they know unity is of enormous importance during a time of growing national danger, and even though they have utter contempt for the men that their actions are aiding.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Abbott’s stupid stunt is part of the GOP’s effort to sabotage Biden, no matter the cost to the nation

biden has engaged in self sabotage. Nobody has to do anything to wreck the human wreckage that is biden.

Producer price index at 11.2%. Highest in history. No one is to blame other than biden and his cabal.

The southern border is the democrats Nemesis. It is going to kill the democrat party this November thank God.

If you read any real news, you would know that inflation is surging GLOBALLY. The pandemic has been GLOBAL. Supply chain disruptions have been GLOBAL. And the Putin’s damn war is affecting the ENTIRE GLOBAL ECONOMY, which everything local is a part of.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

bidens inflation is higher than anywhere on the planet. biden did that on day one.

One does not need to read news to know that.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

What is joes plan for the southern border? Does joe have a plan?

Why has biden failed at immigration border control where President Trump was immensely successful?

04/12/2022 – Even the Leftwing Rag WaPo Rightly Calls Out the Biden Border Policy as a Disaster.

Democrats are poised to lose control of the House and Senate this November in no small part because of the crisis President Biden has unleashed on the southern border. Now, Biden is ready to double down on disaster by lifting Title 42 — the Trump-era public health order that allows border officials to turn away illegal migrants to prevent the spread of covid-19. If Biden does so, he will turn crisis into a catastrophe — both at the border and at the polls.

Biden might be placing elections out of the reach of voter fraud efforts, so vast the votes would be needed to overturn the ire and overwhelming majority opinion on how badly Democrats are running the country.

—————- Biden Impeachable Offenses —————–
Alien Smuggling — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(i) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing that a person is an alien, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien.

Domestic Transporting — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law.
Harboring — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.
Encouraging/Inducing — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who — encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.
Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

And that’s just in the immigration category. The list is extensive and it MUST be done. If Republicans achieve the majorities to do it and DON’T, it will be unforgiveable.

Kari Lake destroys this liberal snowflake from the Arizona Republic. Kari Lake is quickly becoming my second favorite governor even before she gets elected.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Here is the rest and she throws down hard on this little snowflake

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon