Biden, FBI: We May Never Know Why A Radical Muslim Made Anti-Semitic Comments, Took a Synagogue Hostage, and Demanded the Release of a Terrorist Called “Lady Al-Qaeda”

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The FBI doesn’t know anything, except this is totally not Islamic terrorism. Their pro-terrorist Islamic advisers/infiltrators/overlords told them so.
As usual: We may never know the motive, they vowed.
The Morning Greatness at American Greatness:

Some person did some thing this weekend at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. The person, who is NOTANISLAMICTERRORIST, took four hostages for 11 hours. The NOTANISLAMICTERRORIST who selected a Jewish venue on the Sabbath “demanded Aafia Siddiqui’s release from jail after she was sentenced to 86 years in prison for plotting to murder U.S. military personnel.” The FBI wants you to know this was “not connected to the Jewish community.”

BREAKING: The FBI says the Texas synagogue hostage taker’s demands were specifically focused on issue not connected to the Jewish community.– The Associated Press (@AP) January 16, 2022

Nothing to do with Jews, Jewish people, Jewish community or the Jewish religion, understood? This attack might as well have been at a shopping mall, a Costco, a 7-11, a TJ Maxx or even a movie theater.

The NOTISLAMICTERRORIST was identified as a 44-year-old British national Malik Faisal Akram. He’s dead now after the FBI extracted some agents from stormtrooping MAGA meemaws to free the synagogue hostages. USAToday reports the NOTANISLAMICTERRORIST’s immigration status and history is “unknown.” I’ll bet, how did this guy get into the U.S.?


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“President” (lol) Droolcup went out and claimed he could not even guess at the motive of the Islamic terrorist who was demanding the release of another Islamic terrorist by threatening to murder Jews.

After backlash, the FBI has finally admitted the possibility of what it spent the weekend denying: this is a “terrorism-related matter.”
Not terrorism. Oh no, not that. The FBI won’t call that. The FBI is very determined to preserve its perfect record on preventing Islamic terrorism in America through its time-tested strategy of denying that all Islamic terrorism committed in America is Islamic terrorism and then saying “You’re welcome, America!”
They reserve the “terrorism” word for parents objecting to the r@pe of their daughters by schoolboard-protected transsexuals.
But it will allow that perhaps this matter is… terrorism related.

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BREAKING: The FBI says the Texas synagogue hostage taker’s demands were specifically focused on issue not connected to the Jewish community.– The Associated Press (@AP) January 16, 2022

Funny how this carefully arrived at conclusion based on all the evidence available was quickly reversed 100% when there was public outcry. Suddenly, evidence just appeared that contradicted the “evidence” they used initially. Idiot Biden doesn’t believe background checks would have stopped Akram from illegally purchasing an illegal weapon. Wow. What a grasp! However, keeping criminals in jail just MIGHT have kept whoever sold this terrorist a gun off the streets. This, though, is well beyond the grasp of idiot Biden.

Remember the Parkland High School shooter that the FBI let slip through it’s monitoring numerous times? Remember the failure to catch Dylann Roof’s firearm purchase application? On the plus side, fascist parents unreasonably demanding their children not be raped or turned into racists have been kept in complete and total check.

And remember, the great success that was Afgahistan propagandized here by biden and greg, imported more unvetted afgans into the US. There have already been examples of their unfitness to live in a civilized society, rape and child molestation. How many more of the 100k+ have intentions like this UK dirtbag?

And garland merrick and the DOJ identify patriotic Americans and domestic terrorists.

And, then there is this:

Why Did the FBI Violate Protocol and Launch SWAT Assault After All Hostages Escaped?

Let me make it clear up front that I have no problem with killing a terrorist. But the death of Malik Akram, who had been holding four hostages at a synagogue north of Dallas, does not make sense. The FBI Hostage Rescue Team did not follow the standard operating procedure for conducting an assault.

I have more than 35 years experience with counter-terrorism and police training. I was the Deputy Director of the Anti-Terrorism Assistance Training Program when I was at the Department of State. There is a checklist that SWAT teams follow in evaluating a threat and deciding on a course of action.

When you have a hostage incident the prime objective is to end the situation peacefully with no harm to the hostages. If the hostage taker escalates the threat to the hostages or begins to physically harm them, that should trigger an assault. But if the hostages escape and are no longer in jeopardy and there are no other civilians at risk, there is no need to put the lives of SWAT officers in danger by conducting an armed assault. Anytime you are firing automatic weapons and using flash bang grenades in a confined space, the good guys can be wounded or killed. Using force is a last resort when all other options are closed.

The movie Joe Hoft posted this morning of the immediate moments before the assault was launched shows the hostages running from the building. You also see the failed hostage taker poke his head out the door with a pistol in his hand. Malik Akram was now alone in the synagogue. There was no need to kill him and put the lives of the HRT at risk.

The FBI needs to do some explaining.

The FBI arrests people for just THINKING about supporting January 6th protesters but will not even investigate an organization that burns police precincts or lays siege to federal courthouses. How many are rotting in solitary confinement for taking over 6 city blocks in Seattle? Yeah, something is REALLY, REALLY wrong.

The FBI is a case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

While the FBI may in fact do some good things, I think we are beginning to see a pattern of deceitful behavior that needs to be put in check…

Last edited 3 years ago by TrumpWon

It is long past time that the FBI and likely the CIA do the job they are assigned by we the people instead of their political bosses. In the 2024 election it is quite possible that voters will vote for Trump if only to have him fire those in DOJ who are real threats to the United States of America.

Both of those organizations are beyond repair. Scrap the FBI and farm out their duties to other fed law enforcement agencies that aren’t as corrupted. The dems will have to do without their Stasi. As for the CIA, now that they are in the business of regime change in our own country, it’s time to dump them and go back to the OSS. While we’re at it, how well has the DoD worked out? Since their creation (1947) we haven’t done very well with wars. Korea was a draw, VN was a loss. Desert Storm needed OIF to turn that one into a victory because the globalists didn’t listen to our most effective post WWII general, Norman Schwarzkopf, who wanted to finish the job while we had a large enough military to do the job quickly. Afghanistan was a loss. Given the damage these woke clowns, including the Joint Chiefs and their Chairman, have done, we probably won’t be winning any wars for a long time so hopefully for the sake of the rank and file there won’t be any wars for awhile. When we had a War Department (1789-1947) we won wars. All of them. Time to scrap the DoD and its woke bureaucrats and go back to having a War Department.

Well at least they killed him instead of giving into his Extortion demands now they should cremate him and scatter his ashes all over Washington D.C. or District of Crinimals

It is more than likely they killed him to keep him quiet. The FBI swat team flew in from DC? Really?
Something does not pass the smell test here…

The Media Faction Notices That “President” (lol) Brandon Is Failing—AceVia Mike Miller at RedState, Tucker Carlson noted the Media Faction’s sudden Pivot to Journalism last night.

For Joe Biden the past few months amounted to the greatest political disaster of his life. In his case that’s not a small place to be. This is a man with three failed presidential campaigns on his resume, but this year has been different. We don’t mean to overstate it, but you can pick your humiliating ashes and sackcloth world-historic defeat, Stalingrad, Corregidor, Gallipoli and that is pretty much where Joe Biden is right now politically.

Polls show him losing astounding levels of support from virtually every group of Americans who voted for him just a year ago. That would include Hispanics, moderate Democrats, African-Americans, and by big double digits, independents. At this point the White House is down to just two core constituencies: Anxious upper-income women with multiple college degrees and baron personal lives, and members of the national news media. And even that might be overstating Biden’s support given that there is such dramatic overlap between those two groups. Essentially they are the same people. Now, because it can always get worse, Biden appears to be losing even the media. This is an ominous development. It’s not an exaggeration to say that if this trend continues, it is the end of the Biden presidency.

The media are the only reason Joe Biden is president and the first place. Biden didn’t campaign for the job, he didn’t hold rallies or give speeches or tell the public what he might do if elected. No, for nearly a year Joe Biden stayed home hiding in terror from infectious voters. Instead, he let news organizations make his case for him, which they did. The media hid Biden’s faults, they attacked and censored his critics. In general, they gave no hint at all that you might be electing a senile mannequin with a lifelong history of sleazy behavior. Voters had no clue, they didn’t know who Joe Biden actually was. And yet suddenly, news organizations have decided to tell them. It’s pretty amazing to watch it.

Sadly, the nation got exactly what it expected with idiot Biden. That’s why the majority voted against him and it took massive fraud to put him in office.

Exactly. A guy who was a disaster in the senate and had previously hid three dramatically unsuccessful attempts at president suddenly becomes president? Nearly 2/3 of Americans now believe biden is illegitimate.
his presidency should that be what it is called is for all intent and purpose over. Biden will be the longest serving lame duck potus in presidential history.
if he lasts three more years, high doubtful, that will be his legacy.

The first order of business when the Republican majority in the House convenes will be to impeach biden for his failure to secure the southern border.
it will not be necessary to hold impeachment hearings, he is guilty and the House should bypass hearings and go directly to a vote.