Biden Boom? November Inflation Highest In Nearly 40 Years

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U.S. inflation rose to the highest its been in nearly 40 years in November, according to the consumer price index report released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Since November 2020, inflation rose by 6.8 percent, which according to the Labor Department is “the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1982.”
Energy prices shot up by 33.3 percent and gas prices, which are known for indicating inflation to the American public, skyrocketed by 58.1 percent. Food prices went up by 6.1 percent in just 12 months.

“These changes are the largest 12-month increases in at least 13 years in the respective series,” the report states.
Since October of this year, gas prices increased by 6.1 percent, which contributed to the 3.5 percent overall increase in the energy index. Consumers also experienced rising food prices, which increased on the out-of-home food index 0.7 percent while food at home increased o.8 percent.
Other indexes across the board saw rising prices including “shelter, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles, the indexes for household furnishings and operations, apparel, and airline fares.”
One day before the consumer price index report was released, the Biden administration, Democrats, and Twitter promoted an article that ignored the fact that the economy is still in dire need of pre-pandemic recovery to praise President Joe Biden for “the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades,” which the author dubbed the “Biden Boom.”



This propaganda-like response prompted an outpouring of tweets from Republicans and others who mocked the administration’s attempts to spin Americans’ economic frustrations.
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Just last month, a CBS News poll found that 67 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation.

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Democrat mantra, when obscuring their own abject failures in anything:

Left is right, up is down. The sky is green. 2+2=5. Biden Boom.

The only boom was under President Trump, and that was erased by a strangely time pandemic and an rigged election…leaving us with a drooling clown who is literally undoing every good thing Trump did, and literally getting people killed, and making American’s poorer.

It’s a fact.

Biden has created no jobs and no sane individual not prescribing to the Leftist Cult would say otherwise.

biden, getting things done…

INFLATION SKYROCKETING – Prices Up 6.8% Over Last Year – The Highest Level in Nearly 40 Years

The nation just had the lowest level of unemployment claims in 52 years. There are currently more jobs available in America than job seekers to fill them.

Add to that the highest number of new jobs available during any recent president’s first year in office. Trump didn’t even come close.

So why inflation? You’re all economic geniuses, right? It’s simple, common sense economics: More money is chasing after fewer goods. A second year of COVID has diminished global production and slowed supply chains.

All charts and graphs tell us precisely when the economic disaster occurred: the second quarter of 2020. It was the worst contraction in US and world economic activity in 74 years. The negative GDP growth was even worse than during the 2008 Great Recession.

July 30, 2020 – Coronavirus: US economy sees sharpest contraction in decades

…and the Democrat takeover of our country made it worse. It’s a fact.

They got big pharma over a Trillion in dividends already, for there meager billions to install Biden.

The rich win, and the normal and poor lose under Democrats…always.

Don’t speak about economics; you don’t have the education, or intelligence.

Covid has destroyed a strong America and strong West, purposefully.

We want Trump back, now. He’d fix things faster than Jill can change Joe’s diaper.

These facts only prove that passing these pork-laden corruption buffets is not about building anything back, better or otherwise. It’s pure greed.

All of those were existing jobs, over 11 million of them now empty.

Worst economy in my lifetime.

It’s a fact.

Idiot Biden is creating no jobs. They jobs were already there, the employees were simply sent home by Fauci. In fact, idiot Biden has permanently killed good-paying energy sector jobs. Like under Obama, the labor participation rate is pathetic.

Newly printed money chasing goods Buttplug can’t get off the ships sitting offshore.

Yeah, COVID caused the economic catastrophe. But in the 3rd quarter of 2020, Trump showed all that needed to be done is to reopen his economy. 33% growth in one quarter, a record that will never be equaled. Idiot Biden wants to maintain shutdowns, instill more fear, suck up to climate-psychos and kill our energy industry and jobs and print trillions of dollars for his Democrats to steal.

Why have all your fellow propagandists abandoned you here? It the task at hand too depressing and humiliating?

“The nation just had the lowest level of unemployment claims in 52 years.”

No it did not. People left the workforce and we have over 11 million jobs that need filled.

Be honest, you fool.

Lets see we shut down the economy for what is called two weeks to flatten the curve. Which turns into the longest ongoing two weeks on record. Thousands more people are out of work due to the shutdown so we pay them to stay home. Then when things start to open back up and people begin to go back to work President Dementia Joe takes credit for it as jobs created instead of returning to work. However the labor force participation rate is around 61%. Lower than pre covid. So how is it the labor force participation is lower now yet unemployment is lower as well? Answer: government math. CNBC has story on the public’s view on all this.

Brutal poll for Democrats… Bloodbath coming in 2022

Results in the CNBC All-America Economic survey imply large Democrat losses in the November election. Biden’s overall approval rating stabilized at a low level of 41%. His economic approval sank more deeply underwater, with 37% approving compared to 56% who disapprove, down from 40% approval to 54% in the second quarter survey.

As bad as Biden’s number may be, the polling data for Democrats in Congress is far worse.

Republicans now sport a historic 10-point advantage when Americans are asked which party they prefer to control Congress, holding a 44%-34% margin over Democrats.

That’s up from a 2-point Republican advantage in the October survey.

In the past 20 years, CNBC and NBC surveys have never registered a double-digit Republican advantage on congressional preference, with the largest lead ever being 4 pints for the GOP.

“If the election were tomorrow, it would be an absolute unmitigated disaster for the Democrats,″ said Jay Campbell, partner at Hart Research Associates and the Democratic pollster for the survey.

If Supreme Court conservatives kill Roe v. Wade a few months before the midterms there will be a bloodbath for sure–and that’s the timing they’ve just set up.

There are only seven states out of fifty where a majority of voters believe abortion should be illegal in most or all cases.

61 percent of Americans believe abortion should be LEGAL in most or all cases.

But it’s angry WOMEN voters who will massacre the GOP.

Do state laws on abortion reflect public opinion?

Do state laws on abortion reflect public opinion?

Don’t get too excited. Abortion is essentially a eugenics program that has destroyed black families and is allowing for a very short-lived bloom of white women who will die alone, without kids, and with lots of cats.

Those idiotic genes will die with them.

We just have to play the long game like that maniac Xi and his illegal Communist Party.

greggie the village idiot, first, there is no place in the Constitution where abortion is allowed. 2nd, it is up to the state to determine law that is not restricted by the Federal government. 3rd, Sotomayer has been identified by about 60% of the commentators as being a very poor justice on Constitutional Law. 4th, her comment on allowing the Texas law on abortion would allow individuals to sue gun manufactures for deaths attributed to their products is quite different. There is Federal Law that prevents individuals from suing gun manufacturers for deaths by gun users. I know, the village idiot would not know about more sophisticated documents like federal laws! Your ignorance can be excused because of your village status.

“If Supreme Court conservatives kill Roe v. Wade a few months before the midterms there will be a bloodbath for sure–and that’s the timing they’ve just set up.” Is that what you are basing all your hopes on, some miracle to compensate for idiot Biden’s endless and ongoing string of disasters? Pathetic.

“But it’s angry WOMEN voters…”

Yup, you nailed it. That’s the downfall of our society. Angry women, and a lack of strong men to bring them under heel.


And what’s their grand strategy to turn this around? Beg their compliant Ministry of Propaganda to LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE relentlessly, remorselessly, shamelessly. Nothing else, just try to lie their way out of their utter failure.

Former Georgia Senator and Governor Candidate David Perdue Says He Wouldn’t Have Certified Georgia’s 2020 Election Results

Biden Downplays His Historic Inflation Crisis, “Not Everybody is Looking For a Used Automobile”

What does that even mean?

Obviously he has not bought gas or groceries recently.

It means if you’re not looking for a used automobile, their inflated prices don’t pose a problem for you. Maybe you should be worried about the enormously inflated prices of prescription drugs instead. Oddly, republicans are resisting every effort to bring those prices under control.

Gasoline in many European nations presently costs well over $5 per gallon.

Corporate profits are rising faster than consumer prices. What does that tell you?

December 2, 2021 – Companies are pocketing their fattest profits in more than 70 years, even as they complain about inflation

“It means if you’re not looking for a used automobile, their inflated prices don’t pose a problem for you. ” Well, you aren’t going to get a new car because all the computer chips that make them work are stuck on cargo ships Buttplug keeps offshore.

Profits are being devoured by higher costs. Let’s go Brandon.

By definition, profits are what you have left AFTER costs are paid, Sherlock.

Typical ignorant liberal. You have gross profits and net profits. Maybe you should restrict your comments on topics you know something about.

profit (/ˈpräfət/) noun. A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.

November 9, 2021 – You know who’s not hurting from inflation? Big business.

If investors have been worried that inflation and supply chain and labor shortages would eat into corporate profits as the economy continues to recover, they’ve been wrong so far.

A new report from financial data firm FactSet, highlighted by financial journalist Sam Ro in his TKer Substack newsletter, found that the companies in the S&P 500 are on track to post profit margins of 12.9% in the third quarter of this year, based on results that have already been released and estimated forecasts for companies still yet to report.

FactSet noted this is the second-highest net profit margin for the index, following only the record-breaking 13.1% margins posted in the second quarter of this year…

Well, they did bribe idiot Biden, so I’m sure they, like Putin and Xi, will get their payback at the cost of the taxpayers.

Oh, and Business Insider is a leftist rag.

Putin and Xi are the foreign equivalents of what Donald Trump wants to be, and you’re gonna help him. So, I should deem your words reasonable?

No true American patriot, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, can support what Trump tried to do—and will try to do again, if given half a chance.

Trump has turned the GOP into an image of himself. Whether the true patriots remaining in the GOP can still reclaim and save the soul of their party remains to be seen.

Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. He won with using a Billion of his own money, and against a corporate-favored candidate who was thought to be “installed” by the powers that be.

Even so, Trump had half the money….AND STILL WON!

Biden is the actual equivalent of Xi and Putin.


Trump continues to be the obvious choice of real patriots, and those who support free and fair elections, the Constitution, and due process.

The Democrat Party and GOP be damned. We want to choose our leaders, not have them installed for us.

Trump was such, and now things will never be the same for you slime.

The protection of an individual’s freedom to choose is no longer a credible attribute of the Republican Party.

The protection of an individual’s freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is no longer a credible attribute of the Democrat Party.

What Trump DID was put this country first and make it stronger and better. Idiot Biden, being controlled by others, foreign and domestic, is tearing it back down, as Obama was doing. Everything Democrats do is detrimental to the national and citizens. The only debatable point is, is it malicious or incompetence?

Good morning Deplorable

In case any reader wants to know what Maosim looks like, just read above.

Blathering, misdirection, false-expertise…and still has to go dig out gutter oil in the street to cook your cat meat in the end.

Big companies are doing great” pretty much destroys this clown troll’s argument, and he’s too stupid to know it.

Trump had normal people making more money, taxed less, and free to pursue their happiness.

The average American is now poorer, while the corporations…well, let’s just post what the idiot shared:

“FactSet noted this is the second-highest net profit margin for the index, following only the record-breaking 13.1% margins posted in the second quarter of this year…”

Good for them. Meanwhile mainstreet is closed and normal Americans are paying more.

Abolish the Federal Government now and vote in un-installed, democratically selected representation.

Trump got generic prices lower, and that’s why Big Pharma colluded to rig the election and get him out. It’s about what it’s always about:


“Corporate profits are rising faster than consumer prices. What does that tell you?”

That Biden is doing what they paid him to do, stupid.

Psaki Claims the Only Americans Who Look at Economic Data “Work in New York and Other Places”

It’s a “boom” only in the sense of a destructive detonation. Idiot Biden, Democrats and the Ministry of Propaganda all believe if they lie big and call the worst economic disaster for absolutely no valid reason a “boom”, everyone will believe that instead of the facts they see. If I was stupid enough to be a Democrat, I would be insulted at how stupid the elitist ruling class regards me with this pathetic bullshit.

I’m sure there’s a few loyal Leftwing Cultists that swallow these lies whole.

The country is failing. It’s a fact.

He Did It – White House Celebrates Joe Biden Reaching Inflation Milestone Set By Jimmy Carter, 6.8 Percent and Rising

Joe Biden may be celebrating his historic achievement in reaching an inflationary milestone previously set by Jimmy Carter, but the working class is paying the price for their economic stupidity.

This charts says it all
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The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the November inflation rate today [DATA HERE]{} showing another rise in the annualized rate of inflation of 6.8 percent. As you review the data, ask yourself this question: ‘Is there anything in the current economic landscape to indicate this is going to stop?’ The honest answer is no.

Clueless Joe Says Federal Spending Doesn’t Increase Inflation, Reality Begs to Differ

At the most troubling level, Joe Biden believes what people tell him to say for the reason they tell him to say it. This reality underscores the reason why Barack Obama’s network selected Biden as their disposable front man in 2020. Biden sounds convinced, because Biden is convinced. He’s wrong, factually and fundamentally wrong, but he believes what he repeats in public.

The most painfully obvious examples of this dynamic are present when Joe Biden explains economic things based on what other people have told him. The guy really is the modern personification of the naked emperor parading around to show off an invisible coat that he genuinely believes he’s wearing. The self-deception would be embarrassing except for the fact he is only deceiving himself; so people laugh…. but this is dangerous.

Questioned today about inflation, Joe Biden starts talking about his Build Back Better program. It really is worth watching to see how oddly emphatic he is in the belief that if government pays for a thing (childcare, healthcare, prescriptions) the cost of that thing somehow mysteriously disappears.

Biden believes that if government subsidizes something there is no longer a cost associated with it. He believes this.

Setting aside the historic fact/truth that anything government pays or subsidizes ultimately costs more, the real cognitive dissonance in Biden’s worldview is that any cost associate with a ‘thing‘ disappears if the government pays for that ‘thing’. From that bizarre viewpoint, the disappearance of public expense for that government subsidized thing then creates “deflation”, or a lowering in overall prices.

This claim is abject nonsense. Truly and genuinely batshit crazy nonsense.

Example. According to Joe Biden’s talking point: if government pays for college education, the price of a college student’s car drops. It doesn’t. To make that claim is absurd in the extreme. The college student may have more money to pay for a car if they are not paying for tuition, but the car itself doesn’t change in price.

A person may have more money to pay for groceries if they are not paying for childcare expenses, but the price of the groceries doesn’t change. The inflation on the prices of products at the grocery store does not change just because some families no longer have daycare expenses. But Joe Biden believes it does.

Keep in mind that people like idiot Biden have never worked for a living. He has gotten a paycheck written by the US taxpayer and, has he collected more influence, made millions selling influence. He’s had his son peddling his influence overseas, raking in more millions. Corrupt politicians have money pouring in hand over fist and it leaves them with no possible concept of how hard it is to make money and survive when the policies the crooked politicians sell for their own profit destroys their livelihood.

MAGAnomics vs JoeBamanomics, a Simple to Understand Graphic

President Trump economic policy -vs- Joe Biden economic policy

When wages (blue line) are above inflation (red line) our income is growing, life is good and the working class has more disposable income to enjoy life. However, when wages (blue line) are lower than inflation (red line) our income is shrinking, life is a struggle and the working class has less disposable income to enjoy life.
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♦ Point One – Nothing happens accidentally. The road to a “service-driven economy” is paved with a great disparity between financial classes. The wealth gap is directly related to the inability of the middle class to thrive.

♦ Point Two – There is nothing of value behind the obtuse term “service-driven economy.” The multinationals are paying for this administration, just like they paid the Obama administration; paying for economic policy that advances their interests. Congress goes along with the K-Street demands, because Wall Street is now the primary benefactor of legislative intent. Nothing about their effort is done with American interests in mind.

To go deep, keep reading.


MAGAnomics vs JoeBamanomics, a Simple to Understand Graphic

Biden trying to salvage his sagging polls as be bumbles and stumbles his way

Joe Biden Needs Notecards For His Interview with Late-Night Comedian Jimmy Fallon (VIDEO) His Interview with Late-Night Comedian Jimmy Fallon (VIDEO)
Joe Biden’s first interview in a month was with a late-night comedian.

Biden did not travel to New York for an in-person interview with Jimmy Fallon, rather, he opted to appear virtually with his notecards in hand.

Biden repeated one of his favorite lies as he promoted his Build Back Broke bill: “No one making less than $400,000 will pay an additional cent in taxes as well as it will not increase the deficit one penny.”

Jimmy Fallon spent the entire time complimenting Joe Biden and throwing softballs.

It wasn’t even an interview.

Fallon gave Joe Biden a platform to push his Build Back Broke agenda.

Misery Index: New Numbers Show Biden’s Economy Continues to Hit Americans in the Wallet

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(AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

Each month economists attempt to gauge how average Americans are weathering the ups and downs of the U.S. economy. By using the simple yet clever technique of adding the U.S. unemployment rate (4.20%) to the current rate of U.S. inflation (6.81%), economists attempt to quantify the economic well-being of the country into a Misery Index.
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The current U.S. Misery Index stands at 11.01%.

What does the Misery Index tell us? First, we know that as the rate of inflation goes up, the cost of living increases. Next, as unemployment numbers rise, more and more people fall into poverty. Consequently, the Misery Index acts as a kind of snapshot that can be used to gauge the health of the economy as a whole since both employment and inflation impact the average American wage earner.

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Inflation decreases the purchasing power of the consumer. Higher prices mean fewer goods can be purchased, so even as more Americans get back to work after the disruptions of the pandemic, their wages, savings, and investments buy less and less. The sad fact is, even though consumers haven’t done anything wrong, inflation and the mere passage of time increase the prices of everyday goods and services such as housing, food, and transportation. In other words, as the Misery Index rises, life simply becomes more and more expensive.

As the Joe Biden presidency lurches on and the Misery Index creeps ever upward, average Americans are feeling a more intense economic pinch. Just one month ago, the index stood at 10.82%—that’s a 0.19% increase and it’s likely not gone even higher because of seasonal hiring. Is the health of the U.S. economy really impacted by who is in the White House? The short answer is yes.

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When the Misery Index is compared over the terms of the U.S. presidents, it’s obvious that most Americans have been economically better off under most Republican presidents.

In fact, most Americans enjoyed a fairly robust economy with a low Misery Index hovering around 5.0% to 6.0% under Donald J. Trump until the CCP virus pandemic hit.

It’s unmistakable that the Biden administration’s economic policies are increasing the everyday American’s misery. When Biden took office in January 2021, the index stood at 7.70% and it has since climbed to a crippling 11.01% today.

A Harvard School of Business paper published in the American Economic Review found that unemployment causes Americans 1.7 times as much misery as inflation does, so realistically the Misery Index is even more painful to the average American than these seasonal numbers show. As Biden and his leftist pals would like us to forget, the mess at our ports continues to negatively impact the U.S. supply chain while they do little to nothing to fix the problem. Meanwhile, Democratic leaders accept no responsibility for the spike in crime and the racial and civil unrest going on across the country while they blame local leaders and Trump or take numerous personal trips.

Sixty-nine percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation: poll

Nearly 70 percent of Americans say they disapprove of how joe biden is handling inflation, according to a new ABC News-Ipsos poll released on Sunday.

The poll found that 69 percent of Americans disapprove of how biden has handled inflation, while only 28 percent said they approve. Along party lines, 94 percent Republicans said they disapprove, while 54 percent of Democrats said the same. Among independent voters, 71 percent disapprove.

When it came to the economic recovery, 57 percent said they disapprove of biden’s performance so far.

ABC News noted that biden’s approval ratings also dropped when it came to crime and gun violence, with 36 and 32 percent of those surveyed approving of his handling of those issues.

Epic Fail, biden is the worst president in US History…

Consumer Inflation Reaches 7 Percent in December, Highest Rate in Forty Years and Still Climbing

As you know, the top line number of 7% is a false premise. We are feeling much, much higher overall prices in our lives with gasoline, home heating fuel, electricity costs, housing and the astronomical prices at the grocery store. The BLS data is backward looking, meaning it was compiled in early December 2021 for comparison to December 2020. Where we are CURRENTLY is much worse than where we were in early December.

We are feeling the front side of the inflation hurricane right now. The consumer prices at end of January and through February are now reflecting new purchase order prices and contract prices to wholesalers, buyers and retailers. The higher energy costs, fuel costs, warehousing costs, transportation costs and delivery costs are cumulative. As a result, the December report is simply the precursor to what will be much more damaging inflation data in Feb (showing this month) and March (showing Feb).

Additionally, the BLS data captured gas prices at their slight drop from oil prices in late November and early December. The price of oil has now gone even higher, and the price of gasoline is once again on the rise. We have not yet seen the worst of this folks. Hopefully most are prepared.

This is being done on purpose. Paul Volker beat inflation in the 80’s not by tamping down demand but by monetary policies.

Inflation emerged as an economic and political challenge in the United States during the 1970s. The monetary policies of the Federal Reserve board, led by Volcker, were widely credited with curbing the rate of inflation and expectations that inflation would continue. US inflation, which peaked at 14.8 percent in March 1980, fell below 3 percent by 1983.[21][22] The Federal Reserve board led by Volcker raised the federal funds rate, which had averaged 11.2% in 1979, to a peak of 20% in June 1981. The prime rate rose to 21.5% in 1981 as well, which helped lead to the 1980–1982 recession,[23] in which the national unemployment rate rose to over 10%. Volcker’s Federal Reserve board elicited the strongest political attacks and most widespread protests in the history of the Federal Reserve (unlike any protests experienced since 1922), due to the effects of high interest rates on the construction, farming, and industrial sectors, culminating in indebted farmers driving their tractors onto C Street NW in Washington, D.C. and blockading the Eccles Building.[24] US monetary policy eased in 1982, helping lead to a resumption of economic growth.

We are being gutted from the inside.

You don’t accidentally stop pipelines, cancel oil leases, shut down refining capacity, change port regulations and then act surprised by saying: ‘Whoopsie’ gasoline seems to be costing more?  Duh! It’s a feature not a flaw.  Many of the people behind Joe Biden are stupid, but they ain’t *THAT* stupid. They know what they are doing, but they have to pretend not to know things in order to avoid the tar and feathers.

If they can reduce demand by making things unaffordable, they can claim victory over inflation (mid/late 2022) and proclaim their economic policies a success. The prices will never drop, but the percent of change will stall out. They will push the windmills, sustainable algae cakes, and other ideological quests from the Moonbat tribe who worship at the altar of climate change.

The downside of the White House achieving what they call “success” is unfortunately, by the time we reach that point we will have nothing left; we’re broke. Prices will finally level off, but the savings of Americans will have been depleted, and wage growth will take years, if ever, to catch up.  You will own nothing, and be happy.

Unexpectedly, Retail Sales Fell a Huge 1.9% This Christmas Season—Ace

As you probably know, “Black Friday” is so named because it begins the holiday shopping season when retailers’ books start going from the red they’ve been running all year to the black.
The books won’t be quite so black this year. Maybe still a little bloody.

Retail sales fell much more than expected in December as surging prices took a big bite out of spending, the Commerce Department reported Friday.

The advance monthly sales report to close out the year showed a decline of 1.9%, considerably worse than the Dow Jones estimate for just a 0.1% drop.

Excluding autos, sales fell 2.3%, a number that also fell well short of expectations for a 0.3% rise.

In addition to the weak December numbers, the November gain was revised down to 0.2% from the initially reported 0.3% increase.

Considering that the sales numbers are not adjusted for inflation, the data point to a slow ending to what had otherwise been a strong 2021 in which sales rose 16.9% from the pandemic-scarred 2020.

Oh, 2021’s sales at retailers rose from the year in which we were all locked in our homes and couldn’t go to stores? Wow, what a strong year.
Also unexpectedlyconsumer sentiment has tumbled, presaging lower economic activity to come as consumers delay spending and prepare for lean times.

U.S. consumer sentiment fell by more than expected in early January as rising prices dominated the pandemic and unemployment as the most serious problem facing the nation.

The University of Michigan’s preliminary consumer sentiment index tumbled to 2.5 percent to 68.8 from 70.6 in December, the second-lowest in a decade. The lowest reading was recorded in November. Analysts had forecast a reading of 70.4, little changed from the prior month.