by Ace
Joe Biden whines about the signs he saw — which probably said “Let’s Go Brandon” or a more pungent variation thereof — and brags about his vote totals.
Say, remember when the leftwing media branded Trump a narcissist unconcerned about his job as president when he would tout his vote totals?
I guess the leftwing media has changed its mind as regards bragging about winning (or — “winning”) an election.
Biden got more chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” in Michigan.
Amusingly, people really now are chanting “Let’s Go Brandon.” But you know what they mean.
#BREAKING @POTUS arrives in Howell. @FOX2News @WWJ950
— Charlie Langton (@charlielangton) October 5, 2021
It just occurred to me: Is this why Biden dismissed Kyrsten Sinema’s stalking incident? Because he thinks, “Well my motorcade is having ‘F Joe Biden’ shouted at it as it cruises by at 60 mph, so if I can deal with that, Sinema can handle being trapped in a bathroom while she’s urinating?”
I think that’s exactly what this hideous corrupt invalid is thinking.
And what the hell is Pops Bagman saying here? And isn’t it time to put him in a place where he can get the care he needs?
What is Biden saying?
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 5, 2021
John Kerry attempted to cover for Biden badly botching the submarine issue and alienating France. But Kerry’s excuse-making revealed that Biden… “literally had not been aware of what had transpired” in the sub deal.
Biden unaware of a major decision of the government he supposedly runs?
It checks out!
Face is Biden Americans are seeing right through you ruse and your stealing the Election
I guess it has been definitely proven once and for all that having legitimate elections and honestly counting the votes is a far better method for choosing a President than allowing the DNC to use massive and widespread fraud to eject a highly capable President and install a bumbling idiot.
It seems idiot Biden is such a profound embarrassment and disaster that his enablers are beginning to turn on him. It took the Afghanistan catastrophe to get the media to wake up (a little on a limited basis), but his top generals turned on him and now Herman Munster threw the dumbass under the bus. Members of the White House are leaking tidbits of discontent and criticism.
If the Republicans take the House and Senate in 2022 but don’t have the super majority in the Senate to impeach idiot Biden on their own, does anyone think he would survive without a few Democrats defecting and, finally, doing the right thing for the nation? It’s beginning to look REALLY bad for idiot Biden.
If the TPost Millennial commentator had an attention span longer than that of a gnat, maybe they could have understood him.
BTW, King George VI overcame a speech problem, as did Biden. Only idiots judge a person’s worth based on a handicap.
He doesn’t have a speech problem. He’s a senile, career puppet who was installed by a globalist cabal.
He has no worth and no authority. He’s also getting people killed and allowing the world to crumble.
By design.
Either you are an evil propagandist, or truly another stunted Boomer for defending this completely indefensible conduct from Biden.
Blame Trump. Blame Millennials.
You are complete garbage right now.