While the mainstream media and gay advocates in America continue to castigate Christians for refusing to bake cakes for gays in the West, the monstrous pigs of ISIS continue to execute homosexuals by horrifically throwing them off buildings to their gory death below.
These are the pictures of the awful act – look at the enormous crowd of Muslims who gathered to watch the execution:
In a previous execution, when the accused homosexual hit the ground and didn’t die immediately, the onlookers stoned him to death.
This time, they hang him upside down before letting him go:
The pictures have been shared on social media:
The most recent polling shows that Muslims inside the USA desire Sharia to replace our laws.
A phrase that’s going around states that:
Extremist Muslims want to kill you for X, Y, and/or Z.
Moderate Muslims want extremist Muslims to kill you for X, Y and/or Z.
A story that leaked out of the Islamic State is that ISIS uses undercover muttawa (morality police) to trick men into agreeing to a homosexual act. Then the ”homosexual” is tortured and murdered.
When will the Left/Gay/Muslim alliance begin to crack?
Which homosexual murder will be the one that went too far?
By the way, the Koran teaches that having sex with PRE-pubescent boys is A-OK.
Now we have proof (photos and an article) that ISIS agrees with this teaching, too.
Recently a number of Arabic language websites posted the following picture which is attributed to the official Twitter account of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph Ibrahim of the Islamic State.
The Arabic writing reads:
The purported fatwa then justifies this position by quoting Koran 52:24:
Photo and Arabic script here:
Not only is this child molestation, but it is also grooming boys into sadism.
Lovely ”religion” they’ve got.
@Nanny G:
Benghazi didn’t faze them!!! Ann Barnhardt covered it: