Barack Obama Himself Was the Threat to the Rule of Law

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Former President Barack Obama warned Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” because former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn will no longer be prosecuted.

Obama’s remarks, leaked from a private conference call with members of something called the “Obama Alumni Association,” show a breathtaking lack of self-awareness.

Obama himself was the threat to the rule of law, both during his presidency and as it ended.

As Breitbart News has previously noted, Obama routinely violated the Constitution’s separation of powers, challenging America’s constitutional foundation in a way no president before him had done in peacetime.

“I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said, threatening to use — and abuse — his executive power — rather than allow the constitutional process of legislation to proceed.

Here are just a few of Obama’s more egregious violations:

  • Refusing to submit the Iran deal to the Senate for ratification
  • Declaring the Senate in recess when it was not (struck down, later, in a 9-0 Supreme Court decision)
  • Defying the courts when told to renew oil and gas activity in the Gulf of Mexico, or to stop giving amnesty to illegal aliens
  • Threatening the Supreme Court after Citizens United, and before the Obamacare decision
  • Altering Obamacare’s statutory deadline unilaterally
  • Creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) programs after admitting it was unconstitutional
  • Trying to wipe out the coal industry

Moreover, the Flynn investigation itself undermined the rule of law by targeting a man the government knew was innocent of any crime. Similarly, Obama’s own effort to protect Hillary Clinton, and his administration’s attempt to undermine Trump through false allegations of “Russia collusion,” also violated the rule of law.

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If you read the rest of the document it shows what many of us actually knew and understood were illegal or “against the rule of law”, Obama will likely survive with out criminal charges because most citizens will not want a president to suffer that no matter how bad he was. I do not recall the House ginning up an impeachment effort for Obama. You can bet your bippy if it had been Trump who did these things, he would have been set up for impeachment. As the documents continue to come to daylight, there will be a whole herd of criminals thrust into the limelight.


Obama, himself, likes to claim his administration was “scandal” free. Guess he forgot Benghazi, or Fast and Furious when his wingman actually approved illegal gun running that cost Brian Terry, and hundreds of Mexicans, their lives. Does anyone really expect Americans to believe that Obama didn’t know about Fast and Furious?

Is it just arrogance that caused Obama to claim there was “no precedent” for such a dismissal? His own Eric Holder did the same thing, for exactly the same reason (misconduct by prosecutors), and the Judge was Sullivan.

Obama was installed by powers bent on using star-power with no vetting. If any other no-name Senator came it of nowhere to run for President, it would never work.

Racial exploitation, pop culture, and communist-style propaganda worked once, unfortunately.

His “legacy” was thankfully swept away easily.

Obama was a threat to the entire nation and created a threat to much of the free world.

In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him.

Obama’s “favorite” general!
Obama even gave his reason for this pardon, altho he didn’t have to:
He agreed with the general’s motives.

@Nan G: And somehow, the information leaked damaged US and Israeli national security. Let us also remember Obama pardoning the mentally deranged traitor Manning and WANTED to pardon deserter Bergdahl. Yeah, he was always so worried and protective of “law and order”.

Yeah, somebody blew a dog whistle and FOX New’s cast of republican goofballs are taking up the message. I especially enjoyed Trey Goudy on Tucker Carlson this evening, looking even more like a banana in a suit and glasses than usual.

Yeah, Obama yada yada yada. As you would certainly see, Tucker, if only the second half of Condoleezza Rice’s message were declassified. (Which isn’t going to happen, because then everyone would know what it actually says…)

Translation: Oh Lordy, Miss Molly… We need a distraction from the Trump administration melt-down! Let’s go with Flynn and Obama!

In other news: COVID-19 fatalities top 80,000 Americans; indications are that it leaves many survivors with lasting serious health issues; we’re lifting social distancing measures without adequate testing capabilities; COVID-19 is loose in the White House; and China may be seeing an approaching second wave outbreak on the horizon.

But getting back to Obama…

@Greg: Crimes have consequences. Obama broke laws and violated the Constitution. He ordered people to go forth and use the powers of the federal government to attack political opponents and it is all beginning to get totally exposed.


Yeah, Obama yada yada yada. As you would certainly see, Tucker, if only the second half of Condoleezza Rice’s message were declassified. (Which isn’t going to happen, because then everyone would know what it actually says…)

How did we get Condi into this Obama criminal case. Lay off the drugs greggie!

Did I say Condoleezza? I think the banana-man was actually referring to Susan.

@Greg:so the weed you are smoking requires you to eat bananas?

Donnie and the Banana Republicans… That might be a good name for a band.

@Greg: Not so much brother its all documented.
It should be hemp neck ties for them all.


Donnie and the Banana Republicans… That might be a good name for a band.

A close second to “Barry and the Convicts”…which might be a chapter in a history book rather than a band.