‘Backwards’: Hillary Clinton Apparently Still Has No Clue Why She Lost

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Hillary Clinton isn’t ready to let go of her election loss to President Trump. Clinton is in Mumbai, India, at the India Today Conclave, a “a meeting point for the best minds from India and around the world to map the geopolitical and economic future of the country.” But instead of keeping her focus on the complex and numerous problems facing India, Clinton took aim Monday at Americans who voted for Trump. Her patronizing and condescending words targeted voters in states that twice voted for Obama, and show she still doesn’t understand why Americans didn’t vote for her.

Clinton compared herself to the mother of the country, trying to enforce something wholesome that the children aren’t fond of. She said, “She ran the presidential campaign like a mother who was telling the kids to eat spinach because it was good for health while the other guy was asking them to go eat fast food and have ice-cream,” India Today reported. Clinton may not have realized it, but this also sheds a lot of light on how she sees the average American. She views them as short sighted, more interested in junk than substance, and in her words, they’re “backwards.”

Clinton reduced huge populations that voted for and against her to caricatures, by describing them as: “optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, and his whole campaign ‘Make America Great Again’ was looking backwards. You know, you didn’t like black people getting right, you don’t like women you know getting jobs, you don’t want it, you know, see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are. Whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.”

She traveled overseas to talk poorly about Americans, instead of building up the people that she campaigned to represent. Rural America is dealing with a host of serious issues, including poverty, joblessness, an opioid epidemic, a staggering suicide rate, and she doesn’t touch on any of these problems or offer possibly solutions.

Of the states she talks about specifically, six of them voted for both her husband, Bill Clinton, and for Barack Obama. Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida (with the exception of FL, which went to Bob Dole in 1996) together make up 99 electoral votes, a significant chunk of the needed 270 votes to win an election. These aren’t states that have always gone straight to the Republican party, but rather were states that she could have won if she understood what voters wanted.

Calling Trump’s campaign the first “reality TV campaign,” she also said that voters, “have to be prepared to say OK that was entertaining, wow, couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but what’s he really going to do and what has he ever done that convinces me that he could actually accomplish any of it. So it’s going to require a lot more sophisticated analysis by voters if this trend goes from our 2016 campaign.”

Her implication here is that American voters weren’t smart enough or sophisticated enough to realize what was happening and see through the showmanship of the campaign and pick what she clearly still thinks was the better of the two candidates — herself.

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There is no doubt the Democrats consider their electorate stupid. Obama’s Jonathan Gruber stated it clearly. But, though they elected Obama twice, he educated them to a certain extent and they were not all willing to vote for the most incompetent, corrupt and dishonest candidate to have ever run. By the numbers she collected, clearly stupidity still reigns as the predominant intellectual capacity.

How often do we hear that we should stop talking about Hillary, even when the discussion clearly has a Hillary context? After all, she lost and is not President. Well, if that was what the left actually wanted, why don’t they stuff a sock in her spiteful, lying, stupid mouth and shut her the hell up? Her ongoing efforts to keep herself relevant makes her a topic. Either shut her up or shut up about her being the subject of conversation.

Grammas drinking again ,she got out of the backyard and wandered off.

@kitt: Perhaps she should wait until she changes out of her pajamas to start swilling Bhang lassi.

When a person has brain damage (from dementia, Alzheimer’s, senility, or even after a stroke) they often get caught in a brain loop.
Like a broken record they keep on one theme.
Hillary’s seems to be why other people cost her the presidency.
But, if she had an iota of self-awareness, she’d realize she hasn’t got the stamina or energy to be president.
She can barely function for herself from day to day.

Still clueless and still pretty much too dumb the realize the truth she wanted too much Goverment big goverment in our lives just like any typical liberal democrat

I wonder how much they paid her?

@kitt: I think it is the mixing her meds with the wine.

@Songbird: Gramma needs to be in a home that has lock down sensors to keep her safe. Where she is kept from making a total fool of herself in public, who the hell dressed her in the tacky tablecloth?

@kitt: Trashing the United States overseas makes here so giddy she can’t navigate stairs

@kitt: “Tacky Tablecloth!” Best laugh today. I wondered if it was fake because of that outfit. heheheh The laugh took my mind off how much I hate her. Yes I said it! I’m a “hate her”.

@Nanny G: Doesn’t Huma look after her anymore?

I wonder if Hillary will run out of continents before she finds someone that cares about her stupid excuses?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Haven’t you heard? Trump has fired up the Space Program again. She sure is making a real spectacle of herself. Abnormal Psychology is a favorite of mine.

@Songbird: Who wore it better? http://blog.brightsettings.com/big-dot-polka-dot-tablecloths/
Scroll down a little

@kitt: the table, of course!

Well she did it again. Slipped in the tub and broke her wrist in India. She is a Mess!

@Songbird: You spelled “drunk” wrong.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Of course she was! In the latest article I referenced here, she was wearing Blue Polka Dots. HeeHaw! She must think they are slimming. Just so ironic, 2nd accident in 2 days? She needs to go a Home, errr, her home. I know they can afford private care. They can call “A Place For Mom” for references! I wonder how badly she cussed the Secret Service for letting her fall down those steps. So maybe it wasn’t an accident????? heheh The detail from Hell.

@Songbird: Heck, she can stay in India. Perhaps she can stand for photo ops next to Indian elephants in pant suits and claim she’s been dieting. I’m sure she envys those idols with eight hands; think of how much in bribes SHE could rake in if she had six more arms with which to reel them in!

@Bill Burris: Since she has gobbs of cash, she can pay to be the prime minster or whatever they have. The Madame Grand Poobahh