Awwww … Barry got his feelings hurt …


Poor wittle President Thin-skin


Liberals Rail Against Clint Eastwood’s “Racist” Empty Chair Skit; But Not Piers Morgan’s?

This is too precious.

Breaking News!!!! Clint is yelling racist slurs at the chair. #RNC
— Samantha Gibbs (@LiberalChick89) August 31, 2012

Eastwood Chair Rant so racist white man manipulating mouth of black man like puppet getting him to say swear words
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

OUCH! good i missed it RT @mikeelk: Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Liza Sabater (@blogdiva) August 31, 2012

Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

6 retweets from moron followers.

“It was like Amos & Andy meets Waiting for Godot.” – @meeshellchen on racism of#eastwooding
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

Ok, the Godot thing is clever.

Romney trying to take away grants hell now Obama need to sit in the chair for another term Romney seem racist
— Jα’Mεяiα(@_iRunThisShxt) August 31, 2012

Read more

If you haven’t seen it here is the whole raaaaaaaaacist speech


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@Richard Wheeler:

Excellent observations, as always.

I don’t think I ever mentioned this, but my grandfather was in the 4th during WW2. He died before i was born, but Iwo Jima has always loomed large in my imagination, knowing he was there. My father said he could never talk about the war. Needless to say, I couldn’t respect Marines more.

Richard Wheeler

KERRY is shouting his mouth and is known by the MILITARY FOR WHAT HE DID IN WAR TIME, AND HE HAS A NAME GIVEN TO HIM,

Thanks Tom The true heros rarely talk about war or what they’ve seen. Flags Of Our Fathers’–the book more than the movie clearly points that out.
The battle for Iwo went on for many days. On day 4 Feb. 23 1945 Sec.of Navy Forrestal wading ashore with Marine General Howlin’ Mad Smith looked up as the FLAG was being raised on Mt.Suribachi and said “Holland, the raisng of the flag means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years.”
Your grandfather guards “Heaven’s Shores” and I’m sure he’s proud of you.

Semper Fi


For hundreds of years, from The Scarlet Letter to The Crucible authors have written about this thread of prurient interest running through American Puritnism. The repression tends to manifest itself in persecution of what others do behind closed doors.

Oddly the French with their more Enlightened attitudes about sex blew up their society in a genocidal orgy of bacchanalian violence because the open hedonist behavior of the French elite fostered widespread sexual rivalry resentment, insecurity and sexual frustration.


One wonders whether you and I read the same “The Scarlet Letter”. “The Scarlet Letter” I read wasn’t about prurient interest. It was about legalism, sin, guilt, repentance and dignity.

The Crucible was NOT about prurient interest either. It was an allegory of McCarthyism, using the occult and witchcraft as a device.

For hundreds of years, from The Scarlet Letter to The Crucible

The Scarlet Letter dates to 1850
The Crucible dates to 1952
Only 102 years separates the two.

If I had to guess, I guess that you Tom do your American culture studies by reading Huffington Post.

@Richard Wheeler:

Aye and retire05 If you wanna get crass and nasty why blast the parents?
Up until 40 “W’ was a drunkin womanizer who as O’Malley suggests spewed his seed around Connecticut and Texas. So what. Did that define his Presidency?

Repentance … and renewal. By the time “W” was sworn in as POTUS those who hated him knew he was no longer a drunken womanizer. They hated him because they sensed, the knew, “W” had come to a place in his life where he genuinely lived his Christian faith.

On the other hand Billy Jeff was a coke snorting womanizer. And while I recall no creditable tale that Billy Jeff used drugs after he was sworn into the presidency, his womanizing does to no small degree defines Billy Jeff’s Presidency.

@Richard Wheeler:

Thanks, Rich. I am a big fan of Flags, as well as the Eugene Sledge book With the Old Breed.

@Mike O’Malley: @Mike O’Malley:

I’m impressed with you grasp of Wikipedia. Of course to be taken seriously discussing literature might require a deeper reading, or in your case, one reading

@Richard Wheeler:

… said the civil rights leaders were Communists(sound familiar).

Thurgood Marshall was a secret FBI informant within the NAACP because he himself was concerned about the CPUSA infiltration and influence on the leadership of the Black civil rights movement.

Rev. Martin Luther King had three of the top five CPUSA leaders as advisers.
For example, Stanley David Levison who secretly served as one of the top two financiers for the Communist Party USA and was MLK’s closest white advisor.

Dem.Segregationists like Strom Thurmond switching parties and bringing the white Segregationist Dems. over to the Repub. Party, said the civil rights leaders were Communists(sound familiar).

Boston political figure and U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (D) “believed that one of King’s closest advisers was a top-level member of the American Communist Party, and that King had repeatedly misled Administration officials about his ongoing close ties with the man. Kennedy acted reluctantly, and his order remained secret until May of 1968, just a few weeks after King’s assassination and a few days before Kennedy’s own. But the FBI onslaught against King that followed Kennedy’s authorization remains notorious, and the stains on the reputations of everyone involved are indelible.”

FBI’s wiretapping of King was precipitated by his association with Stanley Levison, a man with reported ties to the Communist Party. Newly available documents reveal what the FBI actually knew—the vast extent of Levinson’s Party activities

.Strom Thurmond

Richard, were you unaware that Thurgood Marshall, Robert F. Kennedy shared these same well founded concerns, about CPUSA infiltration, with Strom Thurmond?

Mike You step right in and confirm the “Communist influence on Dr.King.”

Were you aware that Strom Thurmond was just as proud to be a Republican Racist as he was to have been a Democratic Racist?


Obviously, you have not really done your homework on the “progressive” movement, which you say you want. Perhaps you should understand that “progressive” is what the Fabian Socialist and Frankfort School Of Marxism professors labeled themselves. And what exactly are we supposed to “progress” toward, because it certainly isn’t the ideals as laid out by the Founders.

Odd, you are so worried about the U.S. becoming a theocracy, when the Founders of this nation were much more religious than any Republican you can name. Yet, in 221 years, your right to adhere to any faith, or no faith at all, has not been thwarted. But I, unlike you, understand that we are a nation with freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Our very Constitution is built on Biblical values, with a little Cicero thrown in for good measure.

So yes, if you subscribe to Progressivism, you are nothing more than a Frankfort Marxist. Thank you for making that clear.


You think progress is a bad thing? Tell that to the slaves. There are no more slaves? Ah, progress.

You believe Washington and Jefferson were more religious than any current Republican? Wow.


Again, you seem to have little understanding of something you are trying to discuss. Progressivism is a political philosophy and was not even part of the American political scene until AFTER the Emancipation Proclaimation.

So tell me, why do you subscribe to a political philosophy when you don’t even understand what it is?

And yes, Washington was an extremely religious man. A man who never failed to take time out of his day to devote to prayer, even during the heat of battle. Jefferson, ah, there is a man who was a contradiction to himself. Yes, he was religious, and made it quite clear in his letters that he was a Christian. History does not seem to be your forte, Tom.


You used the word “progress” in the sentence to which I responded, did you not? Try and be more precise if that was not your intention.

So you consider a Deist “much more religious” than every conservative Christian Republican I can name? I have no objections to that, but i am surprised to hear you are so ecumenical.


By the way, how does one measure “religious”? Is this a hundred point scale? What criteria, or device, is used in taking a measurement? How did you acquire the measurement for the Founding Fathers? Are you qualified to take such readings?


In regards to Retire’s post # 260 she asked you a valid question. You want to play word games with it and act cute by pretending to not understand what she asked. So let’s ask you more specifically, essentially the same question worded specifically with today’s Democratic party and Presidential administration in mind.

What does President Obama and the Democratic “progressive” movement want to “fundamentally transform” this country into?

It is a very simple question which deserves an answer. Your Democratic party is standing fully behind Obama and his stated goal of transforming the fundamentals of this nation, and if you expect others (not of the choir) to vote for him, they deserve to know what you would transform this nation into. This administration claimed that it was going to be transparent, so tell us. The floor is yours. Personally, I suspect that you will continue to bloviate, try to change the subject, dissemble, and evade the question. Prove me wrong and answer completely and honestly.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the Dems alot time for the clergy between those seeemingly unending hours of Muslim clerics prayers and that darn bowing towards Mecca.


They don’t want to “transform” it into anything. Unless you’re an anarchist, you believe in some amount of government and some amount of taxes to pay for it. After that, it mostly becomes an argument of degrees. Sure, maybe I do believe in student loans and unemployment benefits. I might think having an EPA and a FDA are actually beneficial . Maybe you believe in trillions in defense spending. Reasonable people can disagree on these things. In the end, we’re likely talking about percentage points. And then there’s the fact I might support less government intervention in social issues, while you might support more. Again, all points to be discussed. Yet when you don’t agree with me, you label me a Marxist. Maybe you’re just a greedy miser hiding behind lofty philosophical pretentions to mask the fact you’d rather step over a sick unemployed man in the gutter than pay one more dime in taxes. See, it’s easy to label.


They don’t want to “transform” it into anything.

Don’t lie to us Tom. In 2008 the Democratic party sold the public on this ‘pig in a poke’ and never bothered to vett him while they demanded intense vetting of his opponents.

Obama: “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Real Clear Politics: Will Americans Really Vote to “Fundamentally Transform” America?

“It will require common effort, shared responsibility and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one,” Obama said,

“On every issue, the choice you face won’t be just between two candidates or two parties,” Obama said. “It will be a choice between two different paths for America.”

We are not naive college students Tom. Nor are we fooled by the pomp, circumstance and verbal tapestries that are woven by either candidate or campaign. We have already seen some of the transformations Obama is forcing down our throats. We have already seen Obama legislate from the oval office and though his agencies, in end-runs around Congress and the Constitution. Now they are telling us that they need more time to implement their utopian vision for this nation. We rightly demand to know exactly how they want to fundamentally change America. No more evasions, answer the question posed you.

@Richard Wheeler:

Mike You step right in and confirm the “Communist influence on Dr.King.”

Me? You are afraid of authentic American history Richard? You were afraid to check and credit my linked source? That was David J. Garrow of (left-center) Atlantic Magazine. CPUSA infiltration of the civil-rights movement is factual and part of the historical record.

So Richard, were you unaware that civil rights leader Thurgood Marshall, North-eastern politician Robert F. Kennedy shared these same well founded concerns, about CPUSA infiltration, as did Strom Thurmond?

Were you aware that Strom Thurmond was just as proud to be a Republican Racist as he was to have been a Democratic Racist?

If you edit your statement to make it factually accurate as follows;

Were you aware that Strom Thurmond was just as proud to be a Republican integrationist as he was to have been a Democratic Racist?

I can agree. The Republican Party accepted him as an integrationist, perhaps a reluctant integrationist but an integrationist nonetheless. Senior Ku Klux Klan leader Senator Robert Byrd (KKK)(D) made a similar transition from segregationist to integrationist.

So Richard, were you unaware that Senator Robert Byrd (KKK)(D) was a senior Ku Klux Klan leader who made a similar transition from segregationist to integrationist as did Senator Thrumond (D)(SR)(I)(R)? Those facts also undermine any self congratulatory narrative of the Democratic left.


Speaking of pride, Senator Thrumond’s oldest daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, was nominated for the National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize. She is a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and I think also the Daughters of the American Revolution. Essie Mae, a true American of whom we can be proud, is active on behalf of the Black Patriots Foundation and is proud of her father Strom Thurmond.

@retire05: @Tom:

So you consider a Deist “much more religious” than every conservative Christian Republican I can name? I have no objections to that, but i am surprised to hear you are so ecumenical.

Thomas Jefferson was a man of notable self contradiction. He is best characterized as a Christian Deist. He had profound respect for Jesus Christ as a moral teacher. Washington is best characterized as a liberal Christian. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Washington was not an anti-Catholic bigot.

@Richard Wheeler:

I was pleasantly surprised to see the Dems alot time for the clergy between those seeemingly unending hours of Muslim clerics prayers and that darn bowing towards Mecca.

Me too. The DNC originally refused Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s offer to say a benediction at the Democratic National Convention. Then Drudge broadcast the DNC’s plans to open the convention with a two hour Islamic hardliner prayer service. Thereafter some party leader got a clue and Cardinal Dolan’s offer was belatedly accepted.

“Thus do we praise you for the gift of life. Grant us to defend it. Life, without which no other rights are secure. We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected,”

Cardinal Timothy Dolan Gives ‘Life’ Prayer at DNC

@Mike O’Malley:

Washington is best characterized as a liberal Christian.

History, unfortunately, has watered Washington down in an effort to alter the way he is remembered regarding his religious beliefs and faith in God.

Might I suggest Peter Lillback’s Sacred Fire to you? This book is chock full of remarkable information that has been lost or excluded over time either on purpose or by accident.

Be forewarned though, it’s 1200 pages and weighs in at over three pounds so it’s not to be considered “light” reading. 🙂

@Mike O’Malley:

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that Thurmond departed the Dim party in disgust because of the views that the party held regarding race.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that Thurmond actively opposed the white supremacist movement.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that the US Senate’s first black aide was hired and worked for…wait for it… Strom Thurmond.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that the Civil Rights movement was NOT led by Dims but rather by Republicans.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that LBJ-(D) actively and passionately fought Civil Rights legislation when he was in the Senate.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows which US president segregated the US military and to which party that president belonged.

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows which US president said: “I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for two hundred years.”

Bonus Query: I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows which US president had a KKK promotional/recruiting film shown in the White House and to which party said president belonged.

Thank you. It is now on my Amazon wish list.

I’ll reciprocate with

God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution

@Mike O’Malley:

So the question remains for Retire5 why she considers either of these men “more religious” than the most devout Christian Republicans in Congress today. This might be a good time to point out Retire5 never answered my question above (post 247) in good faith.

@Aye: @Richard Wheeler:

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows …

I wonder if Mr. Wheeler knows that James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. (D)(W) and recipient of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize ran for office in Georgia as a hardline segregationist on several occasions, the last time was when he ran for and was elected governor in 1970?

In 1966 Carter ran for governor of Georgia in order to block the election of liberal former governor Ellis Arnall, in effect giving the election to hardline segregationist Lester Maddox. Lestor Maddox went on to serve as Jimmy Carter’s Lieutenant Governor after the 1970 election.


It’s difficult to have this discussion if you can’t put aside your paranoid extremist talking points. Unlike Romney, who is hoping to vaguely ride a wave of anti-Obama sentiment into office without actually laying out any policy, Obama has from day one told the American people what he plans to do. Be honest: is he as “extreme” in his first four years as you predicted in 08? One of the great things about this particular office is the public won’t allow a President to get too far out of step with the mainstream without electoral consequences. The office tends to have a moderating effect, unlike one of these Gerymandered House seats that allows for the election of an out of step Tea Party candidate. What’s unfortunate for you is that redistricting has created a GOP that is out of step with mainstream America on the national stage. It’s demographically and philosophically doomed in its current incarnation. See, while you were spending all that time pushing your party to the Right, you forgot to bring the electorate along with you. Never forget that you alone do not decide what is best for this nation.


I can say this with certainty; George Washington was not afraid of showing his faith or his total acceptance of Christianity. Do you recall the iconic painting of Washington on one knee deep in prayer? That was not just some artist’s vision of George Washington. That was who the man was, and it was well known that Washington devoted time every day to prayer, even during the most heated battles during the Revolutionary War. Can you imagine any politician of today, Republican or Democrat, bending on one knee to pray before entering the floor of Congress? Washington was an unabashed and unapologetic Christian and it was his Christian faith that guided his every move. Broaden your intellect; read Sacred Fire as Aye has so wisely advised.

Now, to your post #277. Romney most certainly has laid out his plans. His convention acceptance speech included a five point plan for creating jobs. What did Obama give last night? Nothing but more platitudes about how bad things were (worse than he ever dreamed although he was a U.S. Senator at the time and would have been fully advised on the status of the economy) and well, golly gee, boys and girls, he needs four more years to complete a job he claimed in 2008 that he would have perfected by now. Where was all the crowing about the success of the Stimulus Bill or Obamacare? Seems his speech last night was blatantly avoiding those issues, touching only briefly on them.

Is Obama as extreme as I though he would be in the fall of 2008? No, he is MORE extreme. Obamacare, shoved down American’s throats in the dead of night, in spite of the opposition to it by the American populace, is a travesty and still rejected by over 50% of Americans; the Stimulus Bill, and abstract failure (Solyndra, et al) with no growth from imaginary “shovel ready” jobs; millions of dollars offshored to create jobs in foreign nations (money to Brazil for drilling, money to Finland to create automotive jobs); a Department of Justice that is the most radical, out of control DoJ in the history of our nation; usurpting the Constitution with over ruling Congressional law by EO fiat. Shall I go on, Tom?

So what exactly do you think Obama’s great acheivements are, Tom? Do you think that having a work force that is the lowest it has been since 1981 is an acheivement? Do you think 44 months of 8+% unemployment is an acheivement? Do you think the loss in personal income is an acheivement? Is having more people than any time in our history on food stamps an acheivement? Do you think the recent survey that shows our military thinks the greatest threat to the greatest army this world has ever seen is political correctness is an acheivement? Just what is it that makes you believe in Obama? Because frankly, most Americans cannot see what you seem to be able to see.

You say you are a large (P) Progressive. Exactly what is it you want to progress to?


Again, you duck 247.

For the record now, are you claiming that a person who did not aknowledge the divinity of Jesus is “more religious” than the practicing Republican Christians? are you going to stand by your own statement or not? It’s a yes or no question.


It’s difficult to have this discussion if you can’t put aside your paranoid extremist talking points. Unlike Romney, who is hoping to vaguely ride a wave of anti-Obama sentiment into office without actually laying out any policy, Obama has from day one told the American people what he plans to do.

This of course is a message from an alternative universe … or is it projection? Pres. Obama rode the left’s anti-war sentiment and anti-Bush/Cheney sentiment into office. He only most vaguely laid out his plans. You know: hope and change … the seas stop rising … there was something vague said in Germania …

… unless you are talking about the radical Socialist agenda that was posted to his official campaign website but kept disappearing within hours after being located by non-leftwingers.

Be honest: is he as “extreme” in his first four years as you predicted in 08? O

Very much so, the insanely high deficits, the expansion of the Peronist style welfare state, Iran moving unobstructed toward obtaining nuclear weapons, the failure to support the pro-democracy movement in Iran, the unobstructed rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, the betray of America’s traditional allies, the anti-Semetism masquerading as anti-Zionism, The legitimization of Hamas and/or Hezbollah, the disingenuous demagoguery against “Wall Street”, socialized healthcare … and in general acting consistently with a Cloward–Piven strategy.

The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by (Marxist) American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”. Cloward and Piven were a married couple who were both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. The strategy was formulated in a May 1966 article in left-wing (Progressive/Marxist) magazine The Nation titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”


I can only assume that the question you keep referencing is Obama, Sr.’s “ejaculation” practices. So let’s look at that, shall we? Obama, Sr. was a man without morals; someone who held no loyalty to either the women he married or the children he sired. Yet, Obama, Jr. seems to idolize that man, adopting not his personal failures, but his political philosopy. The fact that you seem unable to comprehend that fact is amazing. I know no one who idolized someone who was no more than human trash that even his own nation rejected his Marxist views. Or do you think that Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a political success?

Also, if you think that Thomas Jefferson denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, you would be poorly informed. For he most certainly stated in his own letters that he was a Christian, which is a follower of Jesus Christ. And you cannot deny, in any way, the Christian faith held by George Washington.

Again, history seems to not be your forte.

Once again, as a large (P) Progressive, what exactly is it you want to progress to?


Because all of the above does not fit in with his fantasy view of the dem party, he erased it from his memory.

Let us not forget it was JFK who originally planned to deepen our involvement in Vietnam
It was JFK and Bobby who illegally wiretapped Americans in violation of the Constitution.
It was JFK and cronies who stole a national election thru vote fraud.
It was JFK who used the Fairness in Broadcasting Act to stifle his opponents.
It was LBJ who used vote fraud to win a Congressional seat.
It was LBJ who abused his dog by picking it up by the ears.

@Hard Right:

It was LBJ who abused his dog by picking it up by the ears.

Well, at least he didn’t eat it, eh?


101 ways to wok your dog


So for the record, Thomas Jefferson was more religious than any current Republican? Try using one word for a change.


Why do you continue to use the example of Thomas Jefferson in reference to the Christianity, and the practice of it, in relation to the Founders? Is there a purpose in your use of the example of Jefferson? Why don’t you tell me where you are trying to go with that line of thinking?

Aye I recognize that as a proud son of The Palmetto State you are an ardent admirer of your longest elected Senator,Strom Thurmond. I’d suggest he be poster boy for those advocating term limits be placed on our Reps.
As O’Malley points out 22 year old Strom fathered his first child with the 16 year old black maid Essie Mae Williams, and though never acknowledged by Strom,did in fact grow up to be a fine lady of the South. Her heritage was acknowledged by the family after Strom’s death.To Thurmond’s credit he had been sending her money and provided for her higher education.

Sen.Thurmond was a segrgationist Dem. Senator who switched to the Repub. Party in 1964.He opposed the Civil Rights legislation of 64 and 65 to end segregation and enforce the voting rights of African Americans.He swiched parties but not mindset.

As mentioned Civil Rights movement spearheaded by Republican and Democratic Senators from the North. No Southern Senators in support

No suprise Dems. like Johnson Carter and Thurmond were not supporters of Civil Rights leg. in the 50’s They would not be elected. Johnson,the supreme pol. and in search of NATIONAL prominance pushed for it in the 60’s and it helped him get elected in 64. Carter also seeking national prominance took a similar path. Thurmond never got out of the South Carolina mindset that consistantly got him re-elected at home. As more blacks got the vote in S.C. he loosened up and hired some. He had strongly opposed Thurgood Marshall as first Black Supreme Court Justice. Like Johnson and Carter ,Thurmond was a smart Pol. He knew what to do to get elected in States Rights S.C.

Aye We all know a majority of whites in the Deep South before 1960 were Segregationists The Deep South had one Party. Things began to slowly change in the 60’s and thank God accellerated after that.

Bottom line The Republican Party of the South DID NOT lead the way in the Civil Rights fight.It was Northern Repubs(Party of Lincoln) and Dems. To say Thurmond departed the Dems in disgust because of the views they had regarding race is wrong.His segregationist views didn’t change for many years and only loosened due to expediance,ie Blacks getting the vote.
Actively opposed White Supremacists. Good for him.


Your are dissembling, through spitting insults and rambling Tom. I will not be dissuaded by such trickery. I asked you a very specific question and I am going to keep holding your feet to the fire. I should think you would want to answer if you would sway voters to reelecting Obama. We rightly demand to know exactly what Obama’s end plan is for America. No more evasions, answer the question posed you. If you believe so much in it you should be eager to tell us. Here again is the question:

What does President Obama and the Democratic “progressive” movement want to “fundamentally transform” this country into?

@Richard Wheeler:

Once again Mr. Wheeler, you’re either ignorant of reality or you think that I am.

Either way, it’s plainly evident that you need to do some research and actually present some references which support your claims. That would be a most welcome departure from your normal debate technique and will likely teach you some things in the process.

Once you’ve studied up and are ready to have an informed conversation including source material let me know.

@Richard Wheeler: @Aye:

Sen.Thurmond was a segrgationist Dem. Senator who switched to the Repub. Party in 1964.He opposed the Civil Rights legislation of 64 and 65 to end segregation and enforce the voting rights of African Americans.He swiched parties but not mindset.

In 1947 Exalted Cyclops and future US Senator Robert Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard of the KKK stating, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation” thereafter senator Byrd filibustered and vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was only late in his life, Byrd explicitly renounced his earlier views favoring racial segregation. (1993 I think)

An “Exalted Cyclops” was the highest local office in the KKK.

Obviously Richard you are using a double standard.

@Richard Wheeler: @Aye:

Bottom line The Republican Party of the South DID NOT lead the way in the Civil Rights fight because there WAS NO white Republican Party of the South to speak of in the 1950’s or 1960’s. Bottom line: The powerful Democratic Party of the South (the party of the KKK) DID NOT lead the way in the Civil Rights fight in the 1950s and 1960s because it was anti-Black and segregationist. It took Rev. King to convert white Southern segregationists into integrationists. That conversion was gradual for older white Southerns and rapid for younger white Southerners. It was Northern Republicans (Party of Lincoln) and selected Democrats such as Harry Truman to help end segregation.

BTW white Northern Democratic support for de-facto segregation was also strong before Rev. King’s efforts had their intended effect.

You under estimate the importance of Rev. King and you seem to be ignorant of Northern white Democratic racism.


I’m asking you to reaffirm your statement after I’ve put a specific name to it. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it? Jefferson was a Founder. If you can’t stand by your statement, then just admit it. Either way, stop stalling.

Mike I am in agreement with your #291 with a couple of comments Texas Dem. Johnson came across as VEEP in early 60’s because he was aspiring to higher National office.In 40’s and 50’s there was one party and they were segrgationists.Dems

I would never underestimate the influence of the great Dr.King—-derided by at least one F.A.’er as a Communist.
I am fully aware of racial prejudice across party lines throughout this great country. It is an ugly scar.

Mike #290 No double standard. Thurmond and Byrd have the same feathers. Both very late to the party.


You keep bringing up Thomas Jefferson while I did not. I talked only of George Washington, and other “Founders”, but never specifically mentioned Jefferson. You were the one who brought up Jefferson, assuming he was a “Deist”, which in reality, is not the case.

So……………..let’s settle once and for all why you are so fixated on Thomas Jefferson. Is it because you think you can use him as a model of a Founder who was not a believer in Christianity? Since we all know how you love to dodge the subject at hand, obfuscating at best, and being dishonest at worst, state your position, and do so on Thomas Jefferson.

BTW, Jefferson was only ONE of those considered to be a “Founding Father.” But your fixation on him is curious.

@Richard Wheeler:

Mike #290 No double standard Thurmond and Byrd have the same feathers. Both very late to the party.

Then cease selectively using Strom Thurman to promote a broad brush narrative defaming the modern post-civil rights era Southern Republican Party as racist.

It was during the Johnson Administration that Black American advancement was crippled by Progressive Democratic welfare subsidies, destroying the traditional black family and locking an ever growing number of Black single mothers into destructive economic dependency on the Democratic Party. No accident this was.

I was recently greatly astonished to learn that not only were our founding fathers Christian–they were Mormons!

From The Mormon Chronicle: America’s Founding Fathers are Mormons

Except maybe for Jefferson. He may have been a proto-Scientologist. And as we all know from numerous childhood magazine advertisements, Benjamin Franklin was a Rosicrucian.


the Founders of this nation were much more religious than any Republican you can name.

Those are your words. If that doesn’t apply to Thomas Jefferson, not exactly a ‘minor’ Founder, then I have no choice but to consider them false. You have chosen not to stand by your statement. Furthermore you have chosen the path of dishonor and dishonesty by not affirming your statement, or admitting you are wrong. You’ve been offered multiple opportunities to stand by your words and you’ve demurred: now we know what they are worth.

Mike Let me be clear. I have no use for Byrd or Thurmond or any other racists past or present.I believe you added to Thurmond discussion when you introduced his accomplished oldest daughter Essie Mae. As you know she was the child of Strom’s “relationship” with the family’s sixteen year old Black maid.


Ah, so now we have it. You want to use Jefferson because you think he represents the anti-religious faction of the Founders. And apparently, you, like a lot of others, place much more importance on Jefferson as a “Founder” than he actually deserves.

Learn some damn history. While Jefferson is considered the author of the Declaration of Independence, he was only one of many “Founders” who deserve equal credit for the design of the U.S. Constitution.

But the question remains; was Thomas Jefferson a Christian, i.e. a follower of the preachings of Jesus Christ? Let’s let Jefferson’s own words answer that, shall we?

“To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others……………”

Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush
April 22, 1803

“I, too, have made a wee-little book fromt he same materials (the Bible), which I call the Philosophy of Jesus; it is a paradigma of his doctrines, made by cutting the tests out of the book, and arranging them on the pages of a blank book, in a certain order of time or subject. A more beautiful or precious morsel of ethics I have never seen; it is a document in proof that I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus…”

Letter to Charles Johnson
January 9, 1826

Was Jefferson a devout Christian, a follower of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, who found the doctrine of Jesus the most “beautiful morsel of ethics?” Most certainly, as verified by his own words.

So while you may want to example Jefferson as a separation of Church and State, he most certainly did not have a problem in trying to create a New Testament Biblical text for use in the conversion of the Native American, or using federal funds to send priests to the Native American population for the purpose of conversion.

Your knowledge of history is a major fail.

Ancient history is interesting but not relevant.
What does each party intend to do NOW?
The Republicans are trying to stop the profligate spending on borrowed money of the Democrats.
The Democrats are trying to continue their spending on cronies while pretending they are ”spreading the wealth EVENLY around.”
In Obama’s dad’s past there might have been slave traders.
Arabs in Africa did that before the modern era.
Heck, some of them STILL do it in 100% Muslim Mauritania!
Here’s the current situation there:

Mauritania is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to conditions of forced labor and sex trafficking; women, men, and children from traditional slave castes are subjected to slavery-related practices rooted in ancestral master-slave relationships; Mauritanian boys called talibe are trafficked within the country by religious teachers for forced begging; Mauritanian girls, as well as girls from Mali, Senegal, The Gambia, and other West African countries, are forced into domestic servitude; Mauritanian women and girls are forced into prostitution in the country or transported to countries in the Middle East for the same purpose.

On paper Mauritania outlawed slavery in 2007 (YES, 2007!) but slavery is tolerated by officials so it flourishes there anyway.
So, why is any of the past histories of dead politicians/their relatives relevant to Obama’s thin skin?
He gets his feeling hurt all the time!