Are Perceptions of COVID Changing?

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By Anthony J. Ciani

Mask and vaccine mandates are less politically damaging than they should be.  Recent polls show that around 64% of Americans support mask mandates, although less than half view masks as effective.  One in four view masks as hazardous and ineffective.  Playing on COVID fears, Democrats are beating Republicans 45% to 33% on their handling of the COVID pandemic.  John Q. Public views the party that called the pandemic a hoax, that played games with lockdowns, and that had plentiful hairdresser and French Laundry moments as they abused and made light of the pandemic, to be more trustworthy on the issue.  Why, and what can be done to correct this?
The repetition of the big lie, suppression of facts and lack of personal experiences have skewed perceptions.  Big Media and Big Tech have consummated an unholy alliance with Big Government to spread “fact checks” and disinformation masquerading as truth.  If government disinformation is the problem, then privately spreading information is the solution.
A scientist colleague proclaimed, “I cannot believe how anti-science the Republicans are acting.”  I corrected him, “the Republicans are the only ones following the science.”  I informed him that the CDC’s studies showed that masks were ineffective, that other studies suggested masks would worsen the spread and severity of disease, and that Pfizer’s Phase II/III vaccine trials suggest that their vaccine will kill three healthy people through side effects to save one life from COVID (over six months, with declining efficacy).  Meanwhile, there are multiple effective therapies, such as ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, budesonide, vitamin D3, zinc, azithromycin, and hydroxychloroquine, which are inexpensive and can individually reduce deaths by over 80% and can be used in combination.

Republicans are trying to stop self-destructive and counterproductive policies as we transition to the reality that COVID is here to stay, and we should focus on effective treatment rather than harmful and futile prevention.  Meanwhile, Democrats continue politicizing COVID for power.
Moreover, if Pfizer’s study of 44,300 participants and three confirmed COVID deaths were scaled to the U.S. population, that would be 66,000 confirmed COVID deaths, far fewer than the 660,000 on the highly politicized COVID death clock.  Is the error in Pfizer’s study or the death clock?
None of this is hidden.  PubMed is a great resource for scientific papers.  Information is available from government and vaccine and mask manufacturer’s websites.  Even Google will provide solid sources for the dangers and lack of efficacy of masks and vaccines after you filter the results for anything prior to 2020.  During 2020, the origins and severity of COVID, its therapies, and masks, and vaccines became political, and the web filled with “fact checks” that contradicted long-standing and emerging science.
My colleague was taken aback.  Neither he nor his nurse girlfriend had heard any of this, and the same is true for many of my left-leaning associates, even MDs.  They only knew what issued from the talking heads on network news or appeared in drive-by media headlines, and only accepted what came from official, non-Republican political sources.
The fearmongers are Democrats, and their purpose is political, so everything about COVID becomes political and loses trust.  You might inform some people that COVID has a 99.8% survival rate but will persuade few to end mask and vaccine mandates.  There has been a gross overreaction, and the resulting loss of liberty is of greater concern and harm than COVID.  On that issue, conservatives have won public opinion by a large (65/30) margin.  But to many, it says that conservatives are okay with killing 0.2% in the name of freedom.  They see little harm in masks and vaccines and grossly overestimate the severity of COVID.

Consider that over 1/3 of all COVID deaths are among people waiting for death at long-term care facilities, and the remainder on the death clock were not in much better condition. If masks and vaccines are neither safe nor effective, the question about mandates becomes, why would you force people to injure and kill themselves in futile attempts to save those near the ends of their lives?
As people gain experience that masks and vaccines are neither safe nor effective and learn of the mundane nature of COVID, attitudes will change.  While 50% now view masks as effective, it was 70% back in December 2020.  Personal experience is contradicting the government and media narratives.
Many have had COVID and hardly suffered from it, a far cry from the certain death that some of our politicians proclaim.

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Covid as a pandemic — if it ever was one — is over.

Everything about this event has been either obscured or purposefully confusing.

The fusion of corporations with the media and the government is complete.

We live in a fascist state, by the real definition of fascism.

The fear mongering must continue at least until the 2022 elections. Democrats will want to use the deadly epidemic threatening us all with eminent death to promote election fraud, just as they did so successfully in 2020. It won’t go away until the Democrats do.

Usually my doctor (primary care) has a dictation person in the room with us.
But recently she and I were alone and she shared that she is prevented from treating covid early…..BUT that shouldn’t stop ME from amassing the treatments and testing equipment so I could treat myself early.
As soon as her minder walked back in she acted as though we were still talking about my original reason for coming in.

Doctors (at least here in Utah) are being threatened with loss of membership in important boards if they stray from the official line that you must take the jab or die.

There Is No Pandemic — There Never Was — but Early Treatment Would Destroy Megadollar Profits

There is no pandemic. There never was. In the early days we had a disease that we didn’t know how to treat. This created a real, rational fear that the new Black Death had arrived. The financial powers we did not see seized on this to push the “pandemic” button. But by May of last year, we already knew that HCQ was probably effective in early cases.

Early treatment would destroy megadollar profits, and that could not be allowed. So a publicity campaign went into high gear, assisted by “Orange Man Bad.” Donald Trump could not be allowed to have any triumphs whatever, and COVID became a cudgel to beat him with. Allowing Anthony Fauci to give him really bad advice went right along with the program. Trump’s flair for publicity got turned against him in news conferences where he trumpeted his successes, but all anyone really heard was panic porn.

The number of real cases of COVID-19 is likely about the same as seasonal flu, with severe illnesses and deaths similar as well. We have very effective treatments, and excellent prophylactic therapy even without vaccines. We have no need for masks, social distancing, vaccine passports, lockdowns and the like, because they can’t help. But getting rid of the subsidies and power for petty tyrants will be difficult. Sweden has shown that they aren’t needed. Denmark is starting to see the light. And the fight for freedom is spreading from Florida to other states. Stay tuned.

Another benefit (to the left) of a scary pandemic that rages uncontrolled through society is it gives Democrats the excuse to continue pushing their “aid” bills which consist of a few billion for us, several trillion for them every time. Simple and cheap medications that can control the virus have been opposed and suppressed by Democrats from the beginning because, for them, death sells.

FL Governor DeSantis wins against Delta without lockdowns, deaths are plummeting!

Florida Governor De Santis didn’t lock down or demand masks, yet the numbers of COVID cases are going down, have been going down for weeks. One of the reasons for his success is the use of therapeutics he has made available.

The Biden administration denied Florida monoclonal antibodies as they were proven successful. Governor De Santis then went directly to GlaxoSmithKline and got the antibodies, bypassing tyrannical.

Ask yourself why Dr. Fauci and the administration insist on ignoring therapeutics.

Lockdowns masks and vaccines are political, not science.

Anthony Fauci on Forced Vaccines: “You Have to Give Up Your Individual Rights for The Greater Good of Society”</b?

It’s always right there, just below the surface. Wait long enough and you will see it. Obama’s,”You didn’t build that”, is one recent example. Hillary Clinton’s, “It takes a village” is another. Today, Anthony Fauci says you do not have “individual rights”, you have collective rights and responsibilities to the greater good of society.

This vile little worm with a thirst for power is nothing more than a Fabian Socialist. WATCH:

Democrats or leftists throughout the world support the modern Fabian Socialist movement. They are, by nature, totalitarians who despise the natural inequities created by free and unregulated human activity. They have ongoing meetings and symposiums that are widely attended by current day politicians on the left and the socialist side of the continuum. The Fabian movement is very much alive and supported by the modern Democrat party.