Another Day, Another Media Meltdown

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The response to yesterday’s dressing down of the legacy media by President-elect Trump? Impotent, toddler fists-of-fury rage-tantrums. (No courtesy link for the ponces at the New Yorker.)

The over-all impression of the meeting from the attendees I spoke with was that Trump showed no signs of having been sobered or changed by his elevation to the country’s highest office. Rather, said one, “He is the same kind of blustering, bluffing blowhard as he was during the campaign.”Another participant at the meeting said that Trump’s behavior was “totally inappropriate” and “fucking outrageous.” The television people thought that they were being summoned to ask questions; Trump has not held a press conference since late July. Instead, they were subjected to a stream of insults and complaint–and not everyone absorbed it with pleasure.

“I have to tell you, I am emotionally fucking pissed,” another participant the coverage was all about [Trump’s] flaws and problems. And that’s legit. said. “How can this not influence coverage? I am being totally honest with you. Toward the end of the campaign, it got to a point where I thought that. But, I thought, O.K., let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. After the meeting today, though–and I am being human with you here–I think, Fuck him! I know I am being emotional about it. And I know I will get over it in a couple of days after Thanksgiving. But I really am offended. This was unprecedented. Outrageous!”

He’s not even in office yet and every day brings a new delight. It’s like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Independence Day all rolled up into a delicious tortilla made of freedom and laugher and smothered in hot, spicy schadenfreude.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump releases his 100 day plan… on YouTube.

No press conference. No press release. Message to media: I don’t need you.

The legacy media is still in denial about this election and even more so their newly diminished role in shaping opinion and influencing decision-making. They expect Trump to mend fences and kiss up to them in hopes of securing some semblance of fair coverage. And why wouldn’t they? It’s what Republicans have always done, despite the media’s intensely dishonest partisanship.

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O.K. the MSM spent the entire campaign debasing and disparaging Trump. They told lies about him and made sure to show him in a bad light continually. The MSM made no bones about doing whatever they could to get their messiah in office. I heard it a few times on television. Then the election is over and reality has set in. The MSM thinks that Trump should forget everything they did and go back to where they were before the campaign and treat them nicely. For some reason the MSM thinks that Trump should adhere to a set of rules they made up for the press in regard to the POTUS (since when do they have authority?). Too bad MSM, karma is a bitch.

You can bet how these mud raking joutnalis leeches are going to react to President Trump the same way they treated Reagan and the Hollyweed crowd(Especialy Micheal Moore,Oliver Stone and Spike Lee)will treat Preident trump and Gary Treudeau(Doonsbury)and Aran McGruder(The Boondocks)whos comics are totaly crappy and the rest of the infernal scribblers

The media in this country is a disgrace. They are biased, agenda driven and monolithic in their presentation of news. Trump is wise to distance himself from the corrupt media and instead focus on directing his message to the American people. At every opportunity it should be pointed out that the media is wrong and not presenting honest facts.

The media is simply corrupt. We will see how they react to their Ministry of Propaganda being shut down, but I think I know how that will be. Trump, however, seems to be able to call them out and make their dishonesty known rather than just sluffing it off and rolling with the punches as other Republicans have been forced to do.

Of course, before they can repent and restore their dignity, they have to admit to their own failures and corruption. It does not appear this has happened yet.

When ever the MSM circles the wagons and gives you a story 24/ 7 for more than 1 day its time to look to other sources for news, they are providing cover for something nasty elsewhere.
Thats why Trump slapped them, not just the worst of them but all of them.
The removal of air surveillance ,starting in January of this year, at the border. Stores in Germany no longer carrying Christmas items because they dont sell, Brexit resistance at government level, some type of EU army being formed. Dont look at Wikileaks 35, but Canada arresting 100 in kiddie sex ring.
They are dying just like the Democrat party they just forgot to fall over.

I really wonder how long it will take before the media understands they do not make the news? They are just supposed to report the news. Editorializing belongs on the Editorial page, not the news page. When the media understands that, then maybe someone will start respecting them again.

@Randy: They know this already. The problem is, most of the news does not support the ideology of most of the members of the media, so they MUST “create” the news. They are too dishonest to simply let the news be the news.