That was hilarious!
Aura Bogado, apparently a ”native” American, has gone one further.
She has explained that George Zimmerman’s ideology is one that adheres to white supremacy.
Her ”logic:”
George Zimmerman is not white, but insofar as he does bad things, those bad things are “white.”
No true Hispanic would be so racist as to shoot a black person; he is merely acting according to white societal hypnosis.
This is the classic ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy including even the terms, ”No True Hispanic!”
This fallacy is a form of circular argument, with an existing belief being assumed to be true in order to dismiss any apparent counter-examples to it. The existing belief thus becomes unfalsifiable.
Aura seems to believe that all bad things are labeled “white supremacy,” which is defined as a complete and total system of “white” bourgeois logic, law, custom, etc.
This system is so pervasive that even when a non-white person does something ostensibly racist, he is only acting according to “white logic,” thus his or her racism is actually white racism.
Much of this derives from the theories of the pseudoscientist Frances Cress Welsing, whose definition of racism was white supremacy.
Again, circular word games.
In a way, atrocious articles, like Aura’s cannot be parodied.
And the parallels of her ”logic,” with the ”logic” Hitler used to begin his attempt at racial cleansing in Germany (and more) are too close for comfort.
11 years ago
This clip has been used so many ways, the film is MORE FAMOUS, for being RE-WRTTEN for satire using THIS scene, that for it’s original form!! LOL!
and like this time, it’s funnier than heck every time it’s done!!
11 years ago
“No true Hispanic would be so racist as to shoot a black person”. Now I can understand why blacks and Hispanics get along so well in prison and on the streets of LA.
MOS 8541
11 years ago
The reality of this case is that the prosecuting team of “great florida lawyers” lost, at a great cost to the taxpayers of Florida.
Why aren’t they protesting in their yards? The legal group met on tv to defend their case. LOL a well-defined group of legal losers
Check and see how many of the wonderous, loser lawyers still have a job in 6 months.
What a waste of time and money. Smile FL, when your state declares bankrupts in the near future blame the fool judge and prosecuting team.
Nan G
11 years ago
@Buffalobob: “No true Hispanic would be so racist as to shoot a black person”.
The ”No True Scotsman,” fallacy is also used this way:
No true Muslim would kill infidels in jihad.
Well, far be it for this Bohemian-American to try and guess what Hispanics are thinking. But if I were to venture that far I would say that they have to be laughing at the idiocy of blacks. They are fading in the rear view mirror of political power in the US as Hispanics blow past them. When do Hispanics remotely act like this? A. They don’t.
Richard Wheeler
11 years ago
I loved it.” Would rather have surgery done by Dr Bao.” Classic
That was hilarious!
Aura Bogado, apparently a ”native” American, has gone one further.
She has explained that George Zimmerman’s ideology is one that adheres to white supremacy.
Her ”logic:”
This is the classic ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy including even the terms, ”No True Hispanic!”
This fallacy is a form of circular argument, with an existing belief being assumed to be true in order to dismiss any apparent counter-examples to it. The existing belief thus becomes unfalsifiable.
Aura seems to believe that all bad things are labeled “white supremacy,” which is defined as a complete and total system of “white” bourgeois logic, law, custom, etc.
This system is so pervasive that even when a non-white person does something ostensibly racist, he is only acting according to “white logic,” thus his or her racism is actually white racism.
Much of this derives from the theories of the pseudoscientist Frances Cress Welsing, whose definition of racism was white supremacy.
Again, circular word games.
In a way, atrocious articles, like Aura’s cannot be parodied.
And the parallels of her ”logic,” with the ”logic” Hitler used to begin his attempt at racial cleansing in Germany (and more) are too close for comfort.
This clip has been used so many ways, the film is MORE FAMOUS, for being RE-WRTTEN for satire using THIS scene, that for it’s original form!! LOL!
and like this time, it’s funnier than heck every time it’s done!!
“No true Hispanic would be so racist as to shoot a black person”. Now I can understand why blacks and Hispanics get along so well in prison and on the streets of LA.
The reality of this case is that the prosecuting team of “great florida lawyers” lost, at a great cost to the taxpayers of Florida.
Why aren’t they protesting in their yards? The legal group met on tv to defend their case. LOL a well-defined group of legal losers
Check and see how many of the wonderous, loser lawyers still have a job in 6 months.
What a waste of time and money. Smile FL, when your state declares bankrupts in the near future blame the fool judge and prosecuting team.
The ”No True Scotsman,” fallacy is also used this way:
No true Muslim would kill infidels in jihad.
Well, far be it for this Bohemian-American to try and guess what Hispanics are thinking. But if I were to venture that far I would say that they have to be laughing at the idiocy of blacks. They are fading in the rear view mirror of political power in the US as Hispanics blow past them. When do Hispanics remotely act like this? A. They don’t.
I loved it.” Would rather have surgery done by Dr Bao.” Classic
No screw trotsman. – ancient Chinese wisdom.
Loved the bit at the end: “Branca will mock me.” Heh.
Funny as hell, but 100 percent true.