Via the Free Beacon, the search for motives goes on for a media that hasn’t yet nailed down whether “Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez” is a Muslim name. Andrew Stiles’s alternate headline for this one is better than mine, frankly: “Andrea Mitchell: Is there a chance the Muslim extremist Tennessee gunman was also a redneck?” Nope, no chance, as it turns out. Which is surprising. I bet there were some sweet deer-hunting opportunities during thatmysterious months-long trip to Jordan that Abdulazeez took last year before he started writingcryptic blog posts about breaking free of one’s earthly prison and entering paradise.
Hard to blame her for asking the question, though. The correlation between hunters and mass murderers targeting Marine recruiting stations probably approaches 1:1. Exit question: What conclusion would Mitchell draw if it turned out, as seems likely, that one or more of those murdered Marines had gone hunting a few times in their lives?
Abused children often take the side of the abuser over the victim (parent.)
His father abused his mother because she fought his idea of taking extra wives (as is OK under Islam.)
He went to ME places that socially sided with his father over his American-assimilated mom.
There are so many factors involved in how he got either ”radicalized,” or emotionally blackmailed into taking out a few Infidels while fighting jihad.
I say he might have been emotionally blackmailed because he was caught (and his fellow Muslims would have known) driving drunk.
Even drinking alcohol is grounds for death in his dad’s version of Islam (his mosque’s, too?)
Often emotional blackmailers in Islam give their victim a few days or weeks to kill some infidel before they will kill him themselves.
It might be that this young Muslim man was marked for an honor killing if he didn’t kill infidels and die in the process.
He was told he had a chance to attain Paradise by his death.
Death by an honor killing would have meant hell forever.
Add to that his honor killer would have been guarantted Paradise simply by killing him.
A great incentive.
It’s an entirely legitimate question. Law enforcement investigators likely asked that same question very early on. The answer is that he was familiar with and owned firearms, as is the case with many young men his age in the place where he grew up. The point of the question was whether any training would have been necessary to prepare for the attack.
Evidently not. He only had to have acquired the intention.
Local friends and acquaintances who have spoken to the media seem to be clueless as to when or how this might have happened.
Do you never tire of hypothesizing?
Ask any law enforcement officer whether that question would come up during the investigation. I already know the answer.
I guess you want us to believe that you have already ask a LEO that question. Really? Like who? What LEO?
You’re an idiot.
Was he into guns or hunting or something
A truly insightful bit of pap
Yep hunters are more prone to commit an act of terror
Yep all people who are into guns commit murder
An experienced investigator might ask where he got the gun, why he did what he did…
I seriously doubt they wanted to know if he hunted rabbits, ducks…
It’s again just the left trying to minimize the radical Islamist terror angle and make it about gun ownership
@retire05: gullible greggie now spins around on the floor going woob woob woob like curly