Andrea Mitchell: Responsibility hurts democrats

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NBC’s Meet the Press October 19, 2014

CHUCK TODD: And welcome back, the panel is still here. We’ve got our new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Annenberg weekly tracking survey, Andrea Mitchell. Generic ballot among the likely voters, the biggest lead we’ve reported yet for generically for the Republicans. In the Annenberg one, 49-44, this is the NBC/Wall Street Journal, earlier in the week among registered voters, it also had 45-43, but among the likely, it went up to five. Here’s what I can tell you. All Democrats agree, it was a bad week for them. The question is, is it holding?

ANDREA MITCHELL: It’s a bad week for Democrats. The White House has been under fire. At the same time, Neil Newhouse, our Republican former partner in polling has said that it’s the get out the vote effort, and that Democrats do a whole lot better at getting out the vote. And it’s going to come down to a ground game. I think that a ground game, I think that Texas Supreme Court decision on Saturday morning is going to be really telling, if there are more voter restrictions placed in some of those states, it’s going to be really hard for Democrats.

Restrictions? Voter ID is a restriction?


Question- why is procuring an ID any harder for democrats than for Republicans?

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That people like Andrea Mitchell and Candy Crowley can still have jobs at NBC and CNN after the stuff they have pulled on live national television speaks volumes about how in the tank the MSM are for The One.

In Florida, the left had coniptions over the scrubbing of the voter rolls to remove the dead and non-residents. I am sure there is an instance of Republicans using voter fraud to influence a race, but none are prominent as are Democrat examples.

Democrats fear that door being slammed shut, as they are about to need fraud really badly.

In AZ, where the Republican for Senate is 8 points ahead of the Dem, a man came into a polling place with a gigantic number of filled-out ballots and stuffed them all into the one precinct’s ballot box.
He turned out to be a Dem operative.
IF all those ballots are actually made out for that one precinct it is many times more votes than the entire adult population of that precinct!
He was caught on tape.
In most states an absentee ballot MUST be put in in person OR a stamp placed on it and mailed in.