If America were in a hospital or prison, it would be under suicide watch for its blatant attempts
at self-harm. Seclusion in a padded environment, perhaps confining of hands, and constant
observation would be the obvious and necessary steps to save its life.
America is undergoing serious self-harm in all spheres of existence: ideational, scientific,
populational, educational, economical, political, legal, military, and territorial. The country is
rapidly headed for extinction, self-performed.
As good as any indication of future suicide is self-hate. America’s elites and governing party are
convinced that America is an evil country, conceived in hate and oppression and continuing on
the same path today. A July 2022 Rasmussen poll shows that the founding document and the
final law of the land, the Constitution, is regarded by the supporters of the governing party as “a
document rooted in racism” and as “a sexist document that given men advantages over women.”
“Sexist” and “racist” are two of most pejorative terms in contemporary America. Half of the
supporters of governing party believe that the Constitution “should be mostly or completely
rewritten.” The American populace has little faith in the major political and administrative
organizations of the country.
It is common to see American protestors burning American flags in the street, tearing down
statues of the founding fathers, and rioters attacking federal buildings and officials. The names of
the Founding Fathers and later public officials, no matter how great their contributions or how
politically correct their views were, have become verboten, lest they be seen to be celebrated.
Schools and colleges change names. The message is that our past is unalloyed evil, as is our
present. In response, Barak Obama’s intention was “…fundamentally transforming the United
States of America.” But as the transformation was not sufficiently complete for some, “burn it all
down” is a plea heard at Democrat Party events such as the Black Lives Matter riots, the Antifa
riots, and the abortion demonstrations.
A country can only survive if it maintains its population. Once the population is gone, the
country is gone. America’s birthrate is far below sustainability (fertility rate in 2022 was on
average 1.782 babies per woman, considerably short of the 2.1 replacement level). There are
many reasons for this, including easy ability of birth control and abortions, the integration of
women into the workforce, the cultural downgrading of motherhood, and the desire of both
women and men for consequence-free sexual relations, sometimes known as “free sex.”
Women have taken to abortion with an unexpected enthusiasm. Abortion advocates now refer to
abortion, which is a violent form of killing a pre-born baby, as “health care” and as “act of love,”
and proudly “shout their abortion” on social media. While the Democrat advocates of abortion
claimed it would be “safe, legal, and rare,” it has frequently been unsafe, and it has never been
rare, with annual abortion counts of a million more or less surgical abortions, but as many as
fourteen million annually using chemical methods. The Democrat Party, born in the service of slavery and supporter of anti-black Jim Crow laws, has in recent decades made abortion a major pillar of policy, thus encouraging an American culture of death.
Not only America, but all Western countries and Western-influenced countries (except Israel)
are not reproducing their populations. Many fall well below the reproduction rate. One solution they
have found is immigration to provide the labor and taxes needed. In Europe, immigrants have
been accepted in large numbers even though they are averse to the local culture and society, and
choose to live in segregated and locally controlled communities.
In America, too, large numbers of legal immigrants have kept the population up. But, as well, a
sea of illegal alien immigrants has flooded into the country through an intentionally open border,
but not because of a need for them, but because the Democrat Party believes this flood is in its
interests. The Democrats believe that black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) are its
guaranteed political constituency, and that it can count on their votes. The Democrats also pursue
the strategy of gaining control over voters through the dependency of providing welfare
payments and services such as medical care, schooling, and college tuition, upon which illegal
residents are particularly dependent.
Whatever the benefits to the Democrat Party, an open border is a serious wound in America. The
very policy is a violation of federal law, and the government becomes the chief scofflaw in the
country, followed by the many Democrat states that have become “sanctuary” states. Also,
universities have become “sanctuary” institutions, pandering to the illegal aliens. Lawlessness celebrated!
What an inspiration that must be to street criminals. And then there is the massive increase in
demand for public funds for medical care, education, and welfare payments, many of which have
to be covered by states and municipalities.
The badly stretched police forces are stretched even thinner by open borders. Among the illegals,
as well as those who want to better their lives, there are criminals, cartel members, violent gang
members, and terrorists. There are also massive flows of deadly drugs and prisoners of human
trafficking still controlled by their traffickers. Federal immigration officers have their hands tied
by Democrat policies, as criminals among the illegals carry on their trades, often against
American citizens. Police are overwhelmed by this, and Americans as well as illegals suffer.
But it doesn’t end there. There has been a concerted effort under the label of “justice reform” to
destroy the justice system entirely, allegedly in order to advance “social justice” and “anti-
racism.” There has been a successful campaign to defund and disband the police, leaving most
jurisdictions underserved. Funding by activist donors has successfully elected public prosecutors
who resist prosecuting criminals. Prisons have been made to free many prisoners long before
their sentences are completed. The alleged justification for all of this is that criminals are the
oppressed of society, and their victims are “privileged” oppressors. Also that African-Americans
are targeted and victimized by the legal system (a claim clearly refuted by crime and justice
statistics). The result of all this is that American cities are war zones, with armed criminals
victimizing the civilian population. Violent, lawless disorder everywhere.
Nowhere is the decay of America as evident as in its schools. Once institutions taught children
readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic. Schools are now teaching tiny children sex, gender, and transgression, and are grooming them to join the gay and trans communities, and even to switch sides
or shift on the gender continuum. Beyond this, kids are introduced to race categorization,
segregation, and activism. Pupils learn which races are good and which are bad, which are
“privileged” (like Anne Frank) and which are oppressed (like Barak Obama). They learn that
America was founded to advance slavery of blacks, the Constitution written to protect slavery,
and that throughout its history America was, and even today is, “systemically racist.” So it is wrong to
be patriotic toward an evil country, but you can in good conscience swear allegiance to the queer
and trans rainbow flag or the Black Lives Matter flag. Self-hate from the bottom up.
Nature recognizes only two sexes (and hydras, which bud off to make babies). Biology, which is
the study of life, follows along, because it has no choice. But the sex and gender identity agenda
that rejects the sex binary insists that biology is no longer valid or relevant to American life.
Nor is science, really. After all, science, logic, lineal thinking, concern for evidence, promptness,
courtesy, the search for correct answers, validity–all of these are symptoms of evil “whiteness”
and must be rejected by all in order for “anti-racism” and “social justice” to triumph. With the
pillars of science, logic, and validity lost to America, how long will the house stand?
Now that anyone allegedly can become whatever they say they are, and sex is (allegedly) a
continuum, the model biblical family is no more. Of the 130 million American households, only
17.8 percent feature married parents. However, the majority of children, 70 percent, live with
two parents, while 30 percent live with one parent or other relatives. There is great variation
among ethnic groups. The upshot is the decline of parenting and of the American family, with
a consequent decline in educational success and increase in youth pregnancy, drugs, homelessness,
crime, and incarceration. The cancelation of the family has been a longtime goal of the Marxist
left, because leaving individuals without resources and at the mercy of the state fits right into
their plans. In the meanwhile, weak families are associated with a variety of social
pathologies—homelessness, joblessness, drug addiction, and criminality—that make life worse
for everyone.
me who?
So, the left condemns the Constitution because the stupid and hypocritical “wokism” hadn’t been invented yet?