Americans are lucky to have Trump as President

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Tim Newman (In Paris):

The ZMan makes the following remark in a recent post:

After the election, I made the point that Trump was a warning shot to the ruling class. They had to reform and Trump was that opening for them. If not, the next guy was not going to be as easy to deal with as Trump.

It’s been almost 10 months since Trump’s election and still the ruling classes and those who support them, on both sides of the Atlantic, haven’t yet worked out why.

Last week, the German magazines Der Spiegel and Stern ran these on their front covers:

If social media is anything to go by, a lot of people out there claim to believe Trump is a white supremacist Nazi. The logic goes something like this:

1. Some Nazis protested the removal of a statue in Charlottesville.

2. They were joined by the alt-right, some of whom are Nazis, some of whom are rather unpleasant right-wingers, some of whom are perfectly pleasant right-wingers and some of whom are just ordinary people who want to express their dislike of liberal politics.

3. People who hate Trump demanded he condemn the entire alt-right as Nazis, i.e. to tell a barefaced lie about one of his main political support bases. Trump declined, and condemned the idiots on both sides.

4. Trump is therefore a Nazi.

Apparently this New York property developer with a Jewish daughter, a TV celebrity who has been a household name since the eighties, is a Nazi. Who knew?

Of course, nobody believes Trump is a Nazi: if they did, they’d not be writing articles in papers using their own names calling him a Nazi, they’d be shitting themselves with fear. The Nazi label is simply the latest attempt to pin something on Trump which they hope will bring about enough pressure to get him to resign or be forced from office. We’ve had misogyny, taxes, and collusion with Russia and none of them worked, so they’ve gone with Trump’s a Nazi. Trump’s opponents are simply lurching from one baseless accusation to another in the hope the American public will at some point agree on one of them and turf him from office. They then assume everything will go back to how it was, with nice Republicans like Mitt Romney losing elections (while being called a Nazi) to an exotic Democrat who will focus on transgender bathrooms and global warming.

The way things are going, it wouldn’t surprise me if they succeed in preventing Trump seeing out his term. If this happens, many people will be absolutely ecstatic because they genuinely think this is all about Trump. It still staggers me the number of supposedly intelligent people who claim to follow politics and think that Trump is responsible for the social disintegration we’re seeing across America. Almost nobody from the chattering classes has bothered to identify and understand the political forces that plucked Trump from the primaries and propelled him to the White House, nor the rot that has set into the established political parties in the US which played an equally important role.

The chattering classes in Turkey had no problem ridiculing Recep Erdoğan during his slow rise to power either, confident they could contain him while dismissing his supporters as backward reactionaries that could be defeated by sophisticated discussions among themselves. At no point did the elites in Ankara and Istanbul listen to his supporters to figure out why they were voting for him, and look at ways to persuade these millions of people to come on board with their own policies. Perhaps they believed that beating him at the ballot box wasn’t necessary and they could just remove someone who didn’t do their bidding by other means? And look how that worked out.

Personally, I think Americans are incredibly lucky to have someone as benign as Trump being the one who stumbled on enough populist anger to get himself elected.

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@Richard Wheeler:

@retire05: I believe history will be kind to BHO–DT will be one and out and rank below Nixon.

Frankly, I don’t give a hairy rat’s a$$ what you believe. You are ready to declare DT’s presidency a failure after just six months in office. Never mind that he doesn’t have a high bar to clear to be better than his predecessor.

Somewhat surprised you’ve fallen for his blatant self serving–ego not financially driven Presidency—gave you too much credit.

I haven’t fallen for anything. I can see what DT is doing, not what he is saying. How’s the whole Harvey thing going? At least Trump is not on Martha’s Vineyard vacationing while people are suffering like Obama was.

@Richard Wheeler:

IT wasn’t onerous–it was irrelevant in the big picture–people were dying and families were stranded by 4-6 feet of torrential rains and as a builder he’s speaking of water damage? Do you understand how ridiculous and insensitive that sounds to MOST people.

WTF do you care? They’re Texans. You think we are all inbred morons. Not like you cultured Loonafornians, right?

He praised Sherriff Joe and hawked Sheriff Clark’s book He praised the FEMA head, General Kelly and other members of his admin—praised the first responders. Waved a Texas flag and praised Texans–bet you liked that.
Said HE was gonna do the best job ever etc

Damn straight I liked him waving the Lone Star. And compared to the job Obama did during Hurricane Sandy, there is no denying that Trump is doing a better job.

Why don’t you join your friend, Gullible Greggie, in even more disgusting comments about Trump during the worst flooding Texas has ever seen? It’s all you’ve got.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Well, true to form you deny what’s in plain English what’s before our very eyes.
Yes. I did ask you for your definition of racism, which you ignored. RW followed up and again, you ignored. I asked a 3rd time and low and behold, this is all of a sudden news to you-you imply to never have seen the question, didn’t know it was asked. If so, how did you even come to respond? It’s just your usual rubber/glue dishonest, unhinged lying dishonest piece of crap that you are.It’s actually the only function you serve here.

And even after that, you cowardly didn’t even answer how you perceive racism, just made up some word salad sewage. Let me help you with it.

Racism- prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
“a program to combat racism”
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
“Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia”
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
noun: racism

So, you finally muster the balls to come up with, with, something stupid while standing behind the claim that I “never posed the question” (even though, there it is repeatedly on this very thread) and justify your spewage with the likes of

“Pretty simple, huh? So, that makes Obama a racist, YOU a racist, Black Lives Matter racist and ANTIFA racists

“. Kinda like “so there, take that”. You win and I lose because, well, you just say incredibly stupid shit.

As always, you stupidly validate my arguments while claiming victory to Curt and your posse of incoherent merrymen.

But hell, I’m still a sport and for sits and giggles, willing to play along. Once more, prove this charge you make of Hillary using racial slurs. You can’t muster the balls to define racism so just point to something conclusive of your charge. It just seems you could at least do one of them.

@retire05, #52:

Why don’t you join your friend, Gullible Greggie, in even more disgusting comments about Trump during the worst flooding Texas has ever seen? It’s all you’ve got.

When, exactly, did your epiphany regarding Donald Trump come about? There was a time when you viewed him a bit differently. I’ve pretty much considered him a phony and an accomplished jackass all along. I could forgive him that, if I didn’t think about the damages that will have been done by the time he’s done. No one thought this guy would ever be elected because most people saw that he never should be.

I’m not quite sure what “disgusting comments” you’re referring to. I simply have a very negative opinion of the man, and don’t hesitate to say so or explain why. Generally without resorting to impolite language or personal insults.

@Greg: 05 bashed Trump mercilessly–now she’s a Trumpeteer. Thanks for the memories.

@Richard Wheeler:

@Greg: 05 bashed Trump mercilessly–now she’s a Trumpeteer. Thanks for the memories.

That’s right. I was not a Trumper during the primaries. But considering that he took the nomination and was running against the most corrupt candidate the Democrats have ever put up, I damn sure was not going to vote for Hillary, a woman who has rode her husband’s coat tails her entire life.

You two (you and Gullible Greggie) are definitely a pair. Perhaps you should get a hotel room together and let us Texans show you Loonafornians what real Americans act like.

Both of you are a disgrace to the uniform you both claim to have worn (yeah, I know, RW, you claim yousent your DD214 to Curt. Talk about nuts, that tops the chart for insecurity disorder).

If you’re such hot stuff, RW, why aren’t you in Texas volunteering to help fellow Americans? Or is just gritching about Trump the best you and Gullible Greggie (a.k.a. Greggie Goebbles) can do?

@Richard Wheeler:

Dt says he understands water damage cause he’s a builder-OUCH

So, as you ignored everything else he said exactly what was the point of singling this particular point out, if not to present YOUR point that it was some sort of nonsensical statement to make? He empathized. He sympathized. He supported. He praised. He donated a million of his own dollars. Yet, the only thing YOU took out of all those speeches… which were WELL RECEIVED, by the way… was that he mentioned he knows about water damage.

No, Rich, what we have going on here is just another sore loser liberal trying, desperately, to find fault in EVERYTHING Trump does, and it is rather childish.


And even after that, you cowardly didn’t even answer how you perceive racism, just made up some word salad sewage. Let me help you with it.

You ARE rather stupid, aren’t you? Lumped upon your racism, that’s quite a resume’. Soros must be really proud; I’ll bet you are one of his most useful of idiots.

I’ve never seen you ask that question and, since you are such a prolific liar (numerous examples of lying in #53) I don’t think you ever did. Yet, I fully answered the question but the lying, cowardice and stupidity that surges through your veins prevents you from admitting it.

Once more, prove this charge you make of Hillary using racial slurs.

I did. You worship her. So, YOU are a racist too. Just as you condemn people who have NOTHING to do with white supremacists, NEVER HAD anything to do with white supremacists, because they correctly point out that ANTIFA attacked them and started the violence in Charlottesville as racists, so YOU are irrevocably tied to Hillary and her racism by your groveling support of her.


If you’re such hot stuff, RW, why aren’t you in Texas volunteering to help fellow Americans?

First, liberals don’t volunteer. Second, they think everyone but them are racists, so they won’t help because they might help a racist (though this may be just an excuse for laziness). Third, they don’t care about people and only use such disasters to try and exploit the misery of others.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

First, liberals don’t volunteer. Second, they think everyone but them are racists, so they won’t help because they might help a racist (though this may be just an excuse for laziness). Third, they don’t care about people and only use such disasters to try and exploit the misery of others.

You’re right. I spent 23 months in Mississippi after Katrina. I was in an RV park where volunteers came, and went. Most of them were extremely religious Christians and most were very much to the right in their political views. They came, worked, helped people in need, all on their own dime. I saw the best, and the worst of America there. The best, the volunteers who just wanted to help fellow citizens, regardless of race, creed or ethnic heritage and the worst, the ones who thought the government (i.e. taxpayers) owned them everything and were not even willing to cut up the uprooted trees on their own property when given a free chain saw. Hell, our government put some of those people up in nice mobile homes for two years and then when the Feds say “you are out of time so we will sell you that mobile home for $500.00 (sometimes less) they griped how the government was being so unfair to them and they didn’t think they should have to pay for the mobile home.. When I left Ms., there were still blue tarps on some of the roofs on homes with a nice new vehicle sitting in the drive way. The Hummer dealer told me Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to his dealership.

Bill and 05
—You both ignore what I say . NO POINT ARGUING WITH YOU RIGHT WING NUTS—I already said this to RT—seems he’s gone again- is he with you 05?

You question my service? others did so who are long gone–dd214 sent to AYE CHI who consistently made you look foolish.05===remember?
As to volunteering–I’m a member of Team Rubicon–vets–you’ll see em in Houston..

@Richard Wheeler:

Bill and 05
—You both ignore what I say . NO POINT ARGUING WITH YOU RIGHT WING NUTS—I already said this to RT—seems he’s gone again- is he with you 05?

Right wing nuts? And that’s to mean that you, as a radical left winger who would rather see puppies live than human babies, is the sane one? Now that’s funny.

You question my service? others did so who are long gone–dd214 sent to AYE CHI who consistently made you look foolish.05===remember?

Why did you feel the need to send your DD214 to a complete stranger? Someone you didn’t really know? Are you that freaking insecure that you felt the need to do that? You really need help, RW, if an anonymous person questioning your military record causes you such stress.

As to volunteering–I’m a member of Team Rubicon–vets–you’ll see em in Houston..

I didn’t question Team Rubicon’s efforts. I questioned YOURS. Will you be in Houston or will you be participating in another gay pride parade in Loonafornia?

@retire05:I considered Aye Chi a friend and still do—I’ve stayed in touch with him as well as Mata Harley.
I’ll be working here in So . Cal. and rooting for all those affected in Texas. It’s gonna be a long recovery.
Trump would do well to heed the advice of Marine Generals Kelly and Mattis. Fox News Poll has 56 % of Americans believing he’s dividing the country.

@Richard Wheeler:

@retire05:I considered Aye Chi a friend and still do—I’ve stayed in touch with him as well as Mata Harley.

Well, goody, goody for you. But if you are finding friends on an internet blog, you have more problems than a heightened level of insecurity.

I’ll be working here in So . Cal. and rooting for all those affected in Texas. It’s gonna be a long recovery.

Working in So. Cal? Doing what, organizing a doggie parade with your gay friends? So, you’re “rooting” for Texas? Well now, I’m sure that makes all the difference in the world. All those people who lost one of those 100,000 homes that were lost will be ever so pleased and I’m sure that eases their burden.

Trump would do well to heed the advice of Marine Generals Kelly and Mattis. Fox News Poll has 56 % of Americans believing he’s dividing the country

Just can’t help yourself, can you? You know I’m a Texan and you didn’t even have the decency to ask how you could help. Instead, all you can do is rag on Trump. You’re pathetic. Stay in Loonafornia. We Southerners have Texas covered including the Cajun Navy from the state you love to bash as nothing more than inbred cretins.

You want to know why the nation is so screwed? Look in the mirror, RW. You’re the problem, you and Gullible Greggie, not us conservatives.

@Richard Wheeler:

You both ignore what I say . NO POINT ARGUING WITH YOU RIGHT WING NUTS—I already said this to RT—seems he’s gone again- is he with you 05?

I’m asking you to CLARIFY what you said, which apparently you can’t, except in the context of simply picking one isolated statement out of context and criticizing it as if it was the whole of Trump’s message. So, please, set me straight; what WAS the point of the “OUCH” comment?

Fox News Poll has 56 % of Americans believing he’s dividing the country.

He is “divisive” due only to people like yourself. People who have not given him the benefit of the doubt from day one, cling to every conspiracy you HOPE will result in impeachment, then become more bitter as each contrived conspiracy fails. He has made speech after speech imploring the left and right to come together to work to resolve problems, not create more with the sole purpose of blaming Trump for them. You want a reduction in divisiveness? Stop promoting divisiveness and falling for the corrupt media’s propaganda and HELP.


I didn’t question Team Rubicon’s efforts. I questioned YOURS. Will you be in Houston or will you be participating in another gay pride parade in Loonafornia?

Or, could he, at least for a few weeks, set aside his bitter hatred of Trump merely for defeating the WORST person ever to run for the office, and open mindedly evaluate the efforts put forth by this President and administration? I wonder, has the Aardvark Attorney donated any money towards the relief effort? Trump gave a million; let’s see some big-mouth wealthy liberals put their money where their big, loud, hateful mouths are. Or, by experience, are they afraid the Clinton Foundation will come in and pocket a large portion of it?

Working in So. Cal? Doing what, organizing a doggie parade with your gay friends?

Probably doing like the radical Muslim bitch using Harvey to raise money for her PAC so she can further undermine the US Constitution.

So, you’re “rooting” for Texas?

If so, that at least is better than Greg, rooting, wishing, hoping for a gigantic destructive explosion at a Houston chemical plant so it can be used as a political weapon.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Ok, we’ve at least identified a partial culprit of your ignorance. By you own admission, you can’t read. Or, you couldn’t read, chose not to read, or didn’t understand/chose not to understand the questions before you.

I asked for some validation of your claim of Hillarys alleged derogation name calling and you point to some supposably hot mic incident that has not been proven.

I asked for a definition of racism and your response was: “Racism is making judgments and prejudices based solely on race. Pretty simple, huh? ”

While that fairly weak tea assessment could be better clarified, it actually leans more towards exonerating Hillary of your alleged accusations while incriminating your St Donald. He judged a U.S. judge unfit because of his Mexican heritage. He protected a Sherriff who had used his judgment and prejudice to target people of a certain race. He chose not to provide-or to discourage people of a certain race housing (and was sued twice for it by the DOJ). He classified a certain race as murders, drug dealers, and rapist because of their nationality.

And while I could go on and on, there is just no way you or your fellow clones here can logically defend Trump of racism or compare Hillary to that-unless of course, you lie, obscure, lie some more, spin, lie even more, change the subject, lie, deny reality, cry Obama Obama Obama, lie some more, gather together as a flock and lie, defend each other’s lies, and help Curt, Dr John, Bigot Bob, et al peddle their spin.

And that pretty much sums up FA and your function.

@retire05: What is your problem with gays o5–You’ve long ago been identified as homophobic. You also have a problem with animal activists who simply want to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.–why?
You long ago identified Trump for what he is–then you changed your mind—most are not so gullible.Continue with your more predictable rantings and personal insults–I find it amusing and similar to Trump in style.

@richard wheeler:

@retire05: What is your problem with gays o5–You’ve long ago been identified as homophobic.

If you knew me, and my background, you would be embarrassed by that name calling. But then, knowing you, perhaps not. You have let your mouth overload your a$$ and you don’t even know it.

You also have a problem with animal activists who simply want to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.–why?

Nope. I have a problem with morons that put more value in the life of an animal than they do in the life of a human being. That would be you, Richie.

You long ago identified Trump for what he is–then you changed your mind—most are not so gullible.Continue with your more predictable rantings and personal insults–I find it amusing and similar to Trump in style.

Do I want to be friends with Trump? Nope. But just like Obama, I’m willing to give him a chance and so far, when it comes to my state, he’s doing what is right for the citizens of Texas. And there is no insult that would be too degrading for you, Richie. Not one word of sympathy or empathy has come from you for the people of my state. Perhaps, like your buddie Gullible Greggie, you are salivating at the thought of Texans hurting. In Texas, we call people like you two pond scum.

@Ajay42302: Racism is you. Stupidity is you. Cowardice is you. Dumbassery is you.

You lie about everything and everyone here recognizes this fact, so why you continue can only be attributed to the fact you simply like to lie.

@Deplorable Bill:

Racism is you. Stupidity is you. Cowardice is you. Dumbassery is you

But as demonstrated in the writings on this thread, you make accusations based not on facts or reality but rather simply on what you want to cling to as correct-even after it has been debunked.

I asked 2 simple questions. You couldn’t validate your accusation of Hillary and you answered with a definition of racism that not only failed to implicate her (assuming you had proven your accusation of her-which you didn’t) but is actually exactly who Donald Trump is-who you’ve constantly defended as non-racist.

And then you come back with your childish/foot stomping/hold-your-breath diatribe of ” Racism is you. Stupidity is you. Cowardice is you. Dumbassery is you”, as if that somehow restores your spectacular argumentative failure.

And to top all else off, you actually give credence to much of what I’ve accused you and this blog of being, obviously, without you possessing the intelligence to know you’ve done so.

And I would add that it’s probably that very lack of intelligence that persuades you to believe that my previous and often avoidance of you and your distracting questions is a product of you having some “got ya” moment rather than me finding you insignificant and irrelevant (which I’ve tried to explain to you on multiple occasions).


@Ajay42302: Yeah, I have a question: why are you such a constant lying coward?

You continue to prove me correct on most every front. Here we are again you proving my accusation of your reading comprehension skills. And yet again, you do so with the lack of intelligence i also pointed out.

Keep digging my rather illiterate friend.

@Ajay42302: You’ve NEVER been correct (either by sheer ignorance or your penchant for lying) and I don’t foresee that changing, unless Nazi-sympathizer Soros cuts you from his payroll.

@Deplorable Bill: More nonsensical gibberish coming from a blatantly desperate ankle biting sock puppet who just got his ass handed to him.

Let’s unpack your latest attempt of saving face. You say billionaire George Soros pays me to come to a site called Floppingaces whose writers usually copy and paste some screed or such and then has maybe 5 or 6 resident trolls to defend it? I get a paycheck as you say, to come here and argue with a few rabid diehard racist who can’t remove the trump turd from their faces to see daylight and would never under any circumstances agree or be deterred by the likes of a liberal?

Now by what possible stretch do you deduce that someone of billionaire status would give me money to do that?

The funny thing is, this is both consistent with your form of logic and debating skills AND consistent with you just saying incredibly ignorant crap that you cannot back up in any form.

But by all means, keep right on digging.

@Ajay42302: No, this is the summary.

You’ve been calling Trump and any who do not, as you and your spoiled, sore-loser ilk do, attack Trump on any pretext, mostly false, racists. This dispite when asked to substantiate that serious threat (you only consider it a political insult because of YOUR racism) you and your cohorts can NEVER provide some action or remark that can justify your childish attacks.

You run from the questions… like a coward.

Then, when YOU (or Greg or Rich) have to answer to why you support someone that has documented incidents of racism, you just ignore. YOU come back with tripe like it doesn’t convince you (you, who only traffiks in leftist propaganda).

In short, as a racist, you use race and racism as a mere political lever but when faced with proof or REAL racism, you are willing to overlook or defend it for your ideology.

So, that’s that. Now, I don’t believe anyone is that stupid without being funded to do so and Soros (the Nazi sympathisers that supports all your leading Democrats… making them, now Nazi sympathizers) is known to fund left wing violence and disinformation.

I could be wrong about that, since I have trouble imagining you being capable of collecting a paycheck, but your treacherous traits are right up Soros’ alley.

So, you lie constantly. When confronted with your lies, you scurry off like a roach and avoid answers.

You are a liar and every sensible person on this site has your number. You’d best disappear or change your tactics lest George finds out what a failure spreading leftist propaganda you are and makes you march with ANTIFA, where you might just get your a$$ kicked.