Earlier this month I pointed out how Alyssa Milano, the self-appointed #MeToo point person on the Kavanaugh confirmation, wrote in 2018, “The lives of survivors will always be more important than Brett Kavanaugh’s career.” But when a woman came forward alleging sexual assault against Joe Biden last month, Milano’s reaction suddenly became a lot more nuanced. On a radio show she explained, ” I just don’t feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I’ve known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without their being a thorough investigation.”
Milano also suggested that if Reade’s story were credible it would be getting more media attention: “I’m sure the mainstream media would be jumping all over this as well if…if they found more evidence.” I wasn’t the only person who was surprised by this sudden turn toward skepticism. Here’s Hill reporter Krystal Ball expressing surprise. Notice Milano’s purely partisan response:
Bernie supporter, right?
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 6, 2020
You can listen to that four minute clip if you’re so inclined in which Milano explains how she’s gone from #believewomen to not being willing to throw away Biden because of an allegation against him which she found unconvincing.
Yesterday, Business Insider reported that two additional women remember Tara Reade telling them about sexual assault/sexual harassment she experienced in the 90s. And now Alyssa Milano is changing her tune a bit:
I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara. #MeToo
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 28, 2020
Milano has already endorsed and expressed support for Biden. So what does “I hear and see you, Tara” actually mean? Does it mean she believes what Reade is saying? If so, does that mean she has changed her mind about endorsing and supporting Biden? So far, she hasn’t said anything about rescinding her endorsement. I guess the career of Joe Biden still takes precedence. That’s probably why Milano is being ratioed by people are not happy which how she has handled this.
Speaking of which, Biden is hosting a town hall about the impact of the coronavirus on women today. He has promised a special guest will be there. Rose McGowan is predicting he’ll be endorsed by Michelle Obama:
Tara Reade wonders if Joe will finally be asked about the allegations.
That is the key question. When will the media get around to asking Joe about this? Because as of now they are still protecting him.
Or Veep announcement…so will Joe Biden finally be asked? https://t.co/42JS3AJGyF
— Tara Reade 🐎 (@ReadeAlexandra) April 28, 2020
Finally, I came across this and wanted to share it as one more indication of the way the media has been handling this story badly. Rich McHugh is the person who wrote the story for Business Insider which revealed two new people who corroborate Reade’s story. He was interviewed by Katie Halper about a previous story he did on Reade filing a police report about the alleged assault. After publishing that story McHugh noticed that the Washington Post somehow inserted two words into a quote from the police report. Here’s the correction as it appears at the end of the Post’s story:
Liberals their so screwed up they need to unwind
There is more actually evidence here than Kavanaugh (and that ain’t saying much).
Biden get’s tarred and feathered for this, just like every other Rep/Conservative.
This double standard is finally affecting the Dem base, as they know it’s wrong. Costing them votes.
@Nathan Blue: The only reason the Democrats might finally address this issue seriously is that if they don’t, this most favorite political weapon of theirs (just behind accusations of racism) will not be able to be used again.
This #BelieveAllWomen push was just flat out wrong. It assumes that no woman ever accused a man of sexual abuse wrongly. Hello? Crystal Mangum?
Do women deserve to hear their accusations heard? Yes. Does the accused deserved to be investigated? Yes. But in the case of handsy Joe Biden, the lame stream media neither wants to hear the accuser or investigate the accused. You see, Biden, like Clinton, is a Democrat and above reproach when it comes to the majority of the news media. I’m frankly surprised Hillary Clinton didn’t address the “bimbo” who is accusing Biden and call it a “right wing conspiracy” to keep him from getting elected.
Bret Kavanaugh had to undergo another FBI investigation due to Christine Ford. Why isn’t there an FBI investigation into Biden?
I knew the #BelieveAllWomen meme would come back to bite the left in the arse. But it won’t because CNN, and other left wing media, will cover for Joe. Nor will they ever make a big deal out of the fact that good ole’ Uncle Joe had no problem swimming nude in front of his female Secret Service detail.
Oh, absolutely. No question. However, the point (mine, anyway) is to get the Democrats to admit to their hypocrisy. That’s not to say Reade is lying; while it is ALWAYS suspicious when a victim waits a long time to expose the accused (I’m not a woman and don’t experience the trauma or embarrassment) but this DOES seem to have validity (much more so than any of the accusations directed at Kavanaugh, Moore or even Justice Thomas).
I think there is a serious fear of what might be found if Reade’s accusations were seriously examined.
@Deplorable Me:
I had the t-shirt that said: A Woman Needs A Man Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle.
With the push for the ERA, it was #WomanPower that we were being fed a daily diet of. No one could believe that some women were actually content, and happy about being “house wives” and being able to raise their children without the help of a day care to dump those children at. Those kind of women were ridiculed as being “brain washed” by the patriarchy system.
But with the accusations against Bubba Clinton, and his harridan wife’s excuses, that died down.
Then came Bret Kavanaugh. The left saw a chance to rail on conservatives again for being anti-women. Christine Ford was their standard bearer. Unfortunately for the #BelieveAllWomen crowd, she was not believable. In fact, she was pathetic.
Now we have a woman who actually worked for Joe Biden, who claims she filed a complaint against him and who was transferred out of his office after she filed her complaint. She knew him. He knew her. Unlike Christine Ford who could not remember even the smallest details (who, when, where) and not one friend could back up her story. Don’t look for Tara Reade to be canonized like Anita Hill was. She won’t be.
The DNC is busy trying to figure out how to make this go away.
@retire05: It won’t go away. That’s the thing with these credible accusations. Of course, we can watch and see if, after the election, Tara Reade just disappears as if he was being used and her usefulness was done. Like Trump’s accusers and Christine Ford.
@Deplorable Me:
Don’t forget Herman Cain’s multiple accusers. The minute he dropped out, so did they.
@retire05: And Roy Moore. There is not enough room and time to list all the abuses of this tactic committed by the Democrats. The proof is abundant they care about it only as a weapon.