All the ‘Clinton Cash’ questions Hillary refuses to answer

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Indeed, save for a generic response to a generic question on the topic, Hillary Clinton has yet to answer a single question about “Clinton Cash.”

For example, Hillary hasn’t explained why her State Department approved the transfer of 20% of US uranium to the Russian government — even as her family foundation hauled in $145 million from investors in the deal, and Bill received $500,000 from a Kremlin-backed bank for a speech in Moscow.

Hillary has yet to explain why there was no conflict of interest in allowing top investors in the Keystone XL pipeline to pay her husband $1.8 million to deliver 10 speeches, even as she quietly shepherded an environmental impact study through her State Department that proved largely supportive of the pipeline.

Nor has Hillary explained why she violated the memorandum of understanding she signed with the Obama administration promising to disclose all donors, including the foreign head of the Russian government’s Uranium One, Ian Telfer, who funneled four donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation that were never revealed.

More at the New York Post

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It is beyond amazing that the same blind supporters of the Clinton’s that pooh-pooh these alarming “coincidences” still claim Bush and Cheney went into Iraq to enrich themselves because Cheney used to work for Halliburton and Bush was once in the oil business (Lord knows what the Texas Rangers had to do with the war in Iraq).

I conclude that the left have no principles, only the desire to use any accusation they can drum up for political gain. Falsely accuse the Bush administration, without a “smidgeon” of evidence of war profiteering, but when the indications of wrong-doing stares them right in the face, deny any influence peddling by the Clinton’s.

Truly amazing.

When the MSM are part of your “team,” you don’t have to answer anything.

“Pay no attention to those foreigners behind the curtain! The great and powerful Blase has spoken.”