By Clay Waters
The New York Times again attacked President Trump’s “law and order” rhetoric by implying it’s racist (and that Trump himself is racist) while insisting the phrase has backfired on Trump after the disgusting spectacle of the riot on Capitol Hill.
Reporter Elaina Plott’s “political memo,” “How Trump’s ‘Law and Order’ Mantra Was So Loaded Yet So Hollow,” also smeared the police as a group while downplaying the political damage wrecked by the left’s cry to “defund the police.”
For years, the phrase rolled off his tongue in times of strife, a rallying cry to his predominantly white base.
So it was unsurprising when, on the day after his supporters stormed the Capitol, he uttered those familiar three words just 20 seconds into a video filmed from the White House.
“America is, and must always be,” Donald Trump declared, “a nation of law and order.”
Plott boasted Trump’s “favored mantra had become all but meaningless.”
Ever since descending the gilded escalator of Trump Tower to announce his presidential bid in 2015, Mr. Trump has tethered his success to the politics of law and order, stoking fears and then positioning himself as the only person capable of confronting them. As for what — or whom — Americans should fear, Mr. Trump virtually always targeted people of color and people who protested for their rights: Mexicans, migrants from Central America, Black Lives Matter activists, the diverse array of protesters in major cities last summer.
But this month, it was a largely white mob trawling the Capitol grounds with Trump banners and zip ties, and killing a police officer. And yet the president did not preside over a tear-gas-fogged show of force, as he had during a protest for racial justice before the White House last summer….
This piece of the “news analysis” could have been pasted from an editorial in the far-left Nation:
If Mr. Trump spent much of his presidency casting the G.O.P. as the party of law and order, he is concluding it by clarifying just who, in his view — and in his base’s view, the law was designed to order. It’s the Black Lives Matter protesters who are confronted and arrested by the police in Mr. Trump’s law-and-order America; the white mob, on the other hand, can expect officers who pause for selfies.
“This ‘Blue Lives Matter’ stuff was just a code word for race that they were using,” said Stuart Stevens, a longtime Republican strategist. “‘Law and order’? Here you have a police officer murdered on Capitol grounds, and the White House doesn’t even acknowledge it. It’s incredible.”
Stephens, a former Romney for President adviser and a truculent Trump critic, is a New York Times favorite. After the outbreak of rioting on Capitol Hill, he claimed on MSNBC that Trump “called on American terrorists to attack the Capitol, which they did more successfully than 9/11 terrorists.”
Plott argued that Trump law-and-order message didn’t work electorally, though her own paper admitted differently after the disappointing congressional results for Democrats in November.
How many BLM rioters are in jail? My guess… very few. Few were even arrested and those that were were just unlucky enough to get caught killing someone. Meanwhile, every day we get a new update of those arrested for participating… or THINKING ABOUT… the Capital riot, and they are mostly white.
As with their claims about “racial justice” and police going on a black shooting spree for the mere fun of it, their proclamations of who failed at law and order is equally total bullshit.
ALL of the violence was left wing, was celebrated by Democrats and, though it could have been easily ended early on, was simply allowed and condoned by the Democrats in control of the areas where the violence ALWAYS erupts. Of course, when the optics can serve their cause, they (finally) deploy the National Guard… in DIVISIONAL STRENGTH! But, who are they protecting? The “popular” new president* or US citizens? Well, here’s a hint: for over 7 months, Democrats NEVER moved to protect innocent citizens.
Did the government hide the 9/11 attack on the Capital from us? Does anyone know why those who attack Trump always have to use lies to do it?
how much of this review by the slime is accurate?? the slime like the post operate on anonymous and figmentation of writer’s brain. several members of the capital police were told to stay at home on 1/6. the antif**k-up mayor was briefed well in advance and was offered pentagon and NG presenrce. she refused to read the report no accept the suggestions for better security. The Mayor is the INSURRECTIONEST.. SHE is an ACTIVE supporter of the two domestic terrorist groups: burglary, larceny and murder and anti-f++k-up
Recall, no one was arrested on 9/11, no administrator was demoted and most of the power players in the government moved on to better and higher paying jobs. 2,996 Americans lost their lives on 9/11, twin towers completely destroyed and the cia headquarters destroyed (next to one of the towers), pentago breached will millions of dollars of damage. one can not compare the events of 9/11 to 1/6. remember that the jihad sleeps at your door every night and has infiltrated the educational and social structure of the country. recall that the domestic terrorist in this country have established ties with jihad terrorist groups.
that is until a Mob trashes th NYT building and destroys all those Newspapers full of Lies