“And so what we need to do going forward is to address some of the broader problems in our immigration system. And that means changing minds and changing votes, one at a time. I know there are some folks who wish I could just bypass Congress. I can’t. But what I can do is sign a law. What you can do is champion a law. What we can do together is make comprehensive immigration reform the law of the land.”
via Right Pundit
Why oh why does EVERY Lawmaker sent to Washington THINK we NEED yet ANOTHER DAM LAW??? OR 70,000 new laws!!
AND…Our President needs to get with the program….
Here is what I think is going to happen; Obama is going to push this to the brink, then not do it. He will blame Republicans for blocking it.
Obama and the Democrats have more to gain by stringing Hispanics along than by granting blanket amnesty that will just get revoked.
The Democrats have had numerous opportunities to accomplish this but either didn’t bother (when they had full control) or inserted poison pills into the legislation to make sure Republicans rejected it.
Put Hispanics in the category of people this administration feels is stupid enough to keep getting fooled by the same old trick. They are Charlie Brown, Obama is Lucy and reform is the football. They fall for it every election.