8th Grade Girl Jim Acosta Warns Trump Against, Hypothetically, Saying Something About #FakeNews During Hurricane Coverage

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1. Apparently Jim Acosta is now doing opinion commentary on events which did not happen, but which he psychically divines might happen in the future.

2. In fact, the media does push #FakeNews about hurricanes when there’s a Republican President to attack. Pretty amazing that he doesn’t know about all the #FakeNews about people eating babies and raping crocodiles at the SuperDome.

So here’s Jim Acosta, 50 year old Mean Girl, professional Drama Cyclone, the Walking Human MySpace Page.

On the plus side, his reversion to his 8th-grade-girl past self seems to be having revitalizing effects on his hair.

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99% of the news we see or read is Fake News and all we have to do to know this is listening to Dan Blather and Tom Brokejaw and the rest of the Talking Heads

We have become accustomed to the major news outlets we have being partisan and biased, but just let this soak in for a moment. This is supposedly an organization that provided the public with facts and a newscaster (not an opinionater) is reaching, struggling, yearning to make a natural disaster something to use politically against the President of the United States.

In addition, CNN was working hard to turn the first hurricane to hit the coast in 12 years into proof of climate change. No mention of the alarmists’ predictions of more frequent and more intense storms never materializing; only talk of how terrible the CAT 4 storm was.

While the left tries to suppress a person’s right to free speech, they use what is supposed to provide the citizens with facts as a propaganda arm. Legislators that believe in liberty, freedom and our Constitution should be looking to find a way to impose journalistic standards of honesty upon the media.

But, they are protected by the 1st Amendment to tell lies….

the car bobble heads remind me of all of the media and a good portion of the congress.

Olbermann is a profane deranged liberal, its rubber room time for this guy. Check out what ol Keith Tweeted to the Sec. of Education during the hurricane.

Al Bore so boring he would bore you with his idiotic poem