20 days of union violence and threats in Wisconsin

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March 17th, 2011: Threats against WI blogger and Madison Law Professor Ann Althouse:

WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky oldpieces of shit, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shootus? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That wouldbe fucking HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in realfucking life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single dayyou draw breath.

March 17th, 2011: WI Republican Senator’s property vandalized:

The office of Sen. Dan Kapanke (R-La Crosse) said the senator has been subjected to damage of personal property and has received threatening statements in the wake of mass protests in recent weeks over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill.

Kapanke have been unavailable, but an aide to Kapanke says that windows on Kapanke’s car were broken in Madison and the senator’s wife found nails strewn on the driveway of their home.

According to Rose Smyrski of Kapanke’s staff:

Nails were scattered on his driveway twice last week. The incidents were reported to the La Crosse Police Department.

Also, Kapanke’s’s windshield was damaged on March 9 after the Senate voted on the budget-repair bill.

The rest of sordid mess is here.

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Good news this morning.

In a press release issued Thursday, Sodexo USA announced that the company has filed a civil lawsuit against the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act., accusing the union of engaging in an “illegal campaign of extortion.”

Sodexo USA has filed the lawsuit in an attempt to halt the over-the-top harassment from SEIU, alleging that many of the acts are very serious and outside of the normal realm of union tactics, including acts of ” SEIU blackmail, vandalism, trespass, harassment, and lobbying law violations designed to steer business away from Sodexo USA and harm the company.”

The complaint alleges that the SEIU, in face to face meetings, threatened Sodexo USA’s executives that it would harm Sodexo USA’s business unless they gave in to the union, and then carried out its threats through egregious behavior, including:

* throwing plastic roaches onto food being served by Sodexo USA at a high profile event;
* scaring hospital patients by insinuating that Sodexo USA food contained bugs, rat droppings, mold and flies;
* lying to interfere with Sodexo USA business and sneaking into elementary schools to avoid security;
* violating lobbying laws to steer business away from Sodexo USA, even at the risk of costing Sodexo USA employees their jobs; and
* harassing Sodexo USA employees by threatening to accuse them of wrongdoing.


Also I was reminded that during the Winter Olympics a Georgian luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili, died.
SEIU chose that moment to accuse/attack Sodexo about food safety at the games.

Their press release at the time:
PRESS RELEASE: Healthcare Union Raises Concerns Over Safety Of Food to be Served to Olympic Athletes at Vancouver Olympics“

“Sodexo is providing catering services for athletes during this key moment in their sporting careers, and we’re concerned about the food they will be providing,” charged the SEIU in Friday’s press release.