130,000 Iranian Fighters on Israel’s Border?

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P. David Hornik:

eported details of a possible U.S.-Iranian nuclear deal indicate more than ever that President Barack Obama is under the deadly delusion that he has the magic power to transform the Iranian regime into a responsible, peaceful player on the world stage. As Times of Israel editor David Horovitz sums it up [1]:

Iran is to be allowed to keep 6,500 centrifuges spinning, and there will be a sunset clause providing for an end to intrusive inspections in some 10-15 years…. Some of the terms reported by the AP are even more worrying than those that were leaked in Jerusalem: “The idea would be to reward Iran for good behavior over the last years of any agreement,” the AP said, “gradually lifting constraints on its uranium enrichment program and slowly easing economic sanctions.” There is also no indication of restrictions on Iran’s missile development—its potential delivery systems.

Meanwhile the Middle East Media Research Institute—or MEMRI, an essential resource for translations of Middle Eastern media—has published an alarming report [2] on Iran’s growing military presence along Israel’s border with Syria. The authors are Yigal Carmon [3], founder of MEMRI and a former counterterrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, and MEMRI director Yossi Yehoshua.

Iran Is Increasing Its Physical Presence Along the Israeli Border

Carmon and Yehoshua note that whereas “in the past, Iran preferred to manage the conflict with Israel exclusively through its proxies and allies—[Syrian president Hafez] Assad and Hizbullah…, there has recently been open physical presence of [Iranian] IRGC and Qods Force soldiers in Syria, specifically in the Syrian Golan”—meaning directly across the border from the Israeli Golan.

Reports of Iranian Solders Along the Golan Have Been Censored

Carmon and Yehoshua further cite published statements in Iran from May 2014—which were censored immediately after they appeared—that “130,000 trained Iranian Basij fighters [are] waiting to enter Syria” for deployment at command posts on the Syrian Golan. Meanwhile, with Lebanese Hizbullah in control of Lebanon, Iran is reportedly now building a new force, Hizbullah Syria, that already numbers 70,000 fighters.

Israel’s standing army, it should be noted, numbers about 200,000, along with another few hundred thousand reserve soldiers.

For Iran, the aim of deploying such forces across the border from Israel is not only to confront Israel militarily but also, say Carmon and Yehoshua, to

limit…Israel’s ability to use military measures against Iran’s nuclear program…. In the past, it was Hizbullah Lebanon that deterred Israel, to some extent, from acting militarily against Iran’s nuclear program. Today this deterrence is significantly strengthened by the advent of Hizbullah Syria and the direct presence of Iranian forces in the Golan.

Iran Remains Intent Upon Destroying Israel

Along with those aims, Iran’s overall objective (among others)—the destruction of Israel—remains the same. Carmon and Yehoshua quote Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on July 23, 2014: “the only solution is to destroy the Zionist regime.” Some other recent quotes from top Iranian officials (see the article for further details):

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Is Obama and Valerie Jarrett concerned about that? No.

Are they even paying attention? No, doesn’t look like it. They only seem to be upset that Bibi might give a speech to Congress. (“Oh, horrors! Not a speech!!!”)

I think the proof is in the pudding, and Obama and Jarrett are too focused on licking the beaters. But maybe that’s why Iranian born Valerie Jarrett is there in the White House the first place.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)