The Obama Echo

I’m hearing an echo. You hear it? But her dismissive point, and I hear it a lot from her staff, is that all I have to offer is words — …

West Chester Rally ~ 02/16/2008

The weather on this mid-February Saturday was near perfect. I arrived early to see many new faces among our crowd and recurring favorites! I am ever inspired by the tenacity …

Obama’s Tired Old Socialism

Ed Morrissey delves a little deeper into Comrade Obama’s economic plan I blogged about yesterday and it paints a picture of someone who wants the government to burrow itself even …

The Berkeley Boycott

As the Berkeley idiots continue to spout “we have nothing to apologize for” about their disgusting stance against our Military its guys like these who make me proud: Dear Mayor …

The True Nature Of Obama

Socialism thy name is Barack Hussein Obama: Mr. Obama unveiled much of his economic strategy in Wisconsin this week: He wants to spend $150 billion on a green-energy plan. He …