Say What? The July 30, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Bill Moyers, PBS host: “The killer in Colorado waited only for an opportunity. And there you have it. The arsenal of democracy transformed into the arsenal of death. And the NRA — the NRA is the enabler of death. Paranoid, delusional, and as venomous as a scorpion.”

Bill O’Reilly: “Moyers has no clue, no clue at all. He apparently believes that federal and state governments can actually control gun crimes. That’s so dumb it hurts.  Chicago has banned handguns in public. How is that working out, Bill? So far this year… 1,136 shootings.  How about your state, Bill? New York? Well, it has a fourth toughest gun law in the country, it sounds good doesn’t it? Ready 2011, nearly 4,000 guns were confiscated by New York City cops. Just in the city… 4,000 guns. Yes, those tough gun laws, they’re working great, aren’t they? …You’re a genius, Bill. PBS is very lucky to have you.”

Permit-barring for Chick-fil-A vs. permit-ramming for the Ground Zero Mosque [Reader Post]

Matt Drudge and Michael Graham both note the hypocrisy of left-wing mayors who want to ban Chick-fil-A from their cities for opposing gay marriage. (“GODFATHER WELCOMES FARRAKHAN” and “Imam Who Inspired Menino’s Mosque Lists The Many Ways To Kill Gays”.) Hey leftists, how about first breaking away from your bromances with Muslim demagogues who want to put homosexuals to death?

They can’t handle the truth [Reader Post]

Spending time at Huffington Post can be one interesting experience. It is impressive to watch an entire segment of society engaging in self-indulgence and self-delusion. If Barack Obama told them Mitt Romney was an alien from Remulak and his house had to be burned down and he had to be destroyed they’d do without so much as a thought. When confronted with facts, they simply deny them. They stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes and yell “LALALALALALALA.” “Liar” is the word of the day for Mitt Romney.

Obama using the IRS to intimidate Romney donors [Reader Post]

I told you this would get ugly. And it’s getting really, really ugly.

A decade and a half ago, several women accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. Every single one of them was audited by the IRS, including Paula Jones, who James Carville referred to as trailer park trash, and Jones had little to nothing in possessions.