West Chester [PA] Rally ~ 02/23/2008


Reports of the decline of the CCVM have been greatly exaggerated!

As the remains of a recent snow storm blanketed the city of West Chester, our intrepid band of patriots turned out in good cheer, their smiles melting away the cold. I was pleased to see Frank out in this weather – nothing stops this man! Visitors from the Big Apple made an appearance at our rally, and we look forward to seeing them at future rallies. I want to thank the individual who brought the doughnuts – food is always welcome on our corner.

As usual, my friends did an outstanding job holding their signs and flags, cheering at the number of honks from passing cars. It has come to my attention that there are motorists who make it a point to drive by the intersection every Saturday to honk in support of our troops. We are a light, my friends, we are making a difference.

The VFP groupies redeployed over to the opposite sidewalk, rather than mingle with us. Not sure why, I thought we were cool. However, I am getting the impression that they fear me and my video camera.

Speaking of cameras – I am seriously considering investing in a wide angle lens for the group photos. This weekend I was forced to step out into the intersection to take this photo. The rate our group is growing, I’ll have to stand at the cross corner to get the group shot.

I lingered a few moments at the Courthouse making sure everything was neat and tidy before meeting up with the rest of the crew at the Brewery. Our after-rally nosh at the nearby Iron Hill Brewery was delightful. The food, company and conversation are always top notch.

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How many people were there ?

Skye – you pointed out that it was OUR SIDE that shoveled the snow and cleared the sidewalks and steps (thanks to Ray, USMC Ret, for doing the shoveling!)

I continue to be impressed by the great people who keep coming out, week after week, in cold and wet weather, just to show public support for our troops and their noble mission.

The commitment and unity is overwhelming. The sight of all of us each week is a breath of fresh air after the last 5 years of seeing the leftists spew their blame America and demoralize our troops – unopposed…

But these last six months has been a tangible testimony that they will NOT GO UNOPPOSED anymore. We are proud to claim that many of us are Vietnam Veterans who refuse to allow so-called “peace” protestors ruin the reputation and steal the honor of today’s troops.

We are in the FIGHT OF OUR LIVES and our troops understand this, they have not forgotten 9/11. All they want is our support. These “peace” protestors do not go unopposed here in West Chester, PA.

We are proud of America and our troops. We keep getting supporters from all over – last week, 3 from Maryland, and this week – 2 from New York.

Skye – thanks for your hard work – the photos and videos and allow everyone to see the excitement.

This week, more than the other side, John Ryan.

Many accusations from the ‘other side’ are thrown down – the most recent from the John Grant – director of Veterans For Peace Chapter 31:

“The Antiwar vigil is growing! and the pro-war vigil seems to be shrinking.

Now if directly questioned about his statement, John will deny writing this – good thing I keep copies of my emails from his chapter. He has denied writing such newsletters in the past. Good thing I keep copies of my videos…

Oh, still waiting for the evidence that John Grant has that convinced him that the pro victory group is backed by a political party, has support from above and national support. Hell, I’d like to know which political party has thrown their support to us.

JR – We had 30 people on our side. Not sure what the other side had. I was too busy thanking all the drivers that give “thumbs up” and smile.

I notice – we have been getting more and more people giving us positive feedback as they drive by. I enjoy making eye contact with them because the most of them are with us, it’s terrific. I’m sure many of them must be thinking, “one of these days I have to join them”.

Could someone send me more info? I’m not that far away, in Upper Darby.

Well NO’Brain…it is a no-brainer to find the info you seek – it can be found in the post itself.

N. O’Brain – we meet every Saturday at the Chester County Courthouse.

(located at the corner of High St and Market St in West Chester, PA – just 22 miles west of Philadelphia)

Here’s the address if you want to mapquest it or GPS.
2 N High St
West Chester, PA 19380

We meet at 10:45AM and finish around 12:15.

We have plenty of flags and signs to be held – or you can bring your own flag and/or sign.

Thanks so much for wanting to participate – you will love it – you’ll be surrounded by other people serious about the threat we face and grateful to our soldiers who are fighting hard to defeat this implacable enemy.

email me if you have any questions (richdavis53@comcast.net)

I look forward to meeting you and shaking your hand.

Thanks for your support!