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Omama has promised to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. I make 65K a year so that means I will pay an additional $3500 per year in taxes. So Omama is a bald faced liar. And the Cap And Trade is a tax on anything using energy.

And he blames Bush for handing him a 400 billion dollar deficit while he holds 370 billion in TARP money from Bush’s term that he has yet to spend but is on the Bush Balance sheet. Another clear lie. (Liberals blindly believe anything they are told by their party leaders. Logic and history don’t even come into it.)

Bush may have handed Omama a 400 billion dollar deficit but Omama will be passing on a deficit in the trillions to whoever follows him. Omama has already outspent Bush’s entire term in office in less than four months.

Every time Omama opens his mouth lies fall out of it. At least you knew where Bush stood. But Omama promises opposite things to different people and no one seems to notice that he doesn’t keep any promises to anyone.

Wow Steve, the only thing even close to being factually accurate is your comment on Cap and Trade…

As already mentioned, a massive tax increase (aka cap and trade) was missed. This is perhaps the most onerous tax that has ever been proposed. It will tax every energy use. It will be paid by every American and perhaps some illegals. Obama’s financial tools expect $650B, others put the price tag a $1T. What is even more tragic (if possible) is the public rationale is so completely bogus. Anybody who has even a passing understanding of engineering, recognizes that solar and wind power ain’t the magic panacea that Barry proposes… physics hurts, not something that a community organizer might understand… kinda like economics

PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Poll finds 48% of Americans saying the amount of federal income taxes they pay is “about right,” with 46% saying “too high” — one of the most positive assessments Gallup has measured since 1956. Typically, a majority of Americans say their taxes are too high, and relatively few say their taxes are too low.


20th century infrastructure. 20th century educational system. 20th century health care. 20th century energy policy. 20th century military equipment mindset.

And how are we ever going to pay for the changes which needed to be made, but which have been too long neglected? With more and more tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

Restoring marginal tax rates from current 36% to 39% (where they were under Clinton) is “socialism.” Those would be the same tax rates which were 70% in the 70s and 90% under Eisenhower.

And taxing cigarettes to save teenagers from being turned into drug addicts, with a 15 year reduced life expectancy is bad, because the poor and minorities need their cigarettes is somehow bad policy?

California is the canary in the coal mine; in January I saw the end of the housing free fall, based on California. It’s now happening nationwide. Now we are seeing other sectors starting to level off.

You guys have made your point. The GOP is squarely on record as being opposed to everything Obama is doing. Betting the future of the GOP on a Great Depression. But it’s not going to happen, and Obama’s going to get the full credit for it.

Krugman said on “This Week” that the deficit has more than 6 trillion dollars of “running room,” by modern economic standards, based on Debt/GDP ratio. Neither Will nor Gingrich disagreed, and I don’t think anyone else would disagree, either.

Bush massively increased debt to GDP without anything to show for it, but a massive recession. Obama is going to borrow money to tackle the following problems:

20th century infrastructure. 20th century educational system. 20th century health care. 20th century energy policy. 20th century military equipment mindset.

It’s what a successful business does when it wants to transform itself. Borrows big — not to finance dividends (i.e. in this case, tax cuts) — but, rather, to build a foundation for the future.

This is how the story is going to go down. The train’s already left the station, and the GOP has been left behind, pouting and finger pointing. This is also how the story is going down.

Wait and see. Protest all you want. You are on the wrong side of history; wrong place; wrong time. I didn’t think this before, but it’s progressively obvious that this is what’s going on, right now, in real time.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

@openid.aol.com said:

Protest all you want. You are on the wrong side of history; wrong place; wrong time. I didn’t think this before, but it’s progressively obvious that this is what’s going on, right now, in real time.

Based on your own wishful thinking and reality challenged bias!

Get real Larry.

You live in a bubble. The Tea Parties are blooming faster than weeds on the White House Lawn.

History is on the side of those who fight for freedom. History also shows that the alternative is washed in blood and misery brought on mankind by the same do-gooder types you embrace.

Your way leads to deprivation, oppression and war.

Our way leads to peace, prosperity, freedom and opportunity.

That’s the lesson of history!

Delusional larry returns, citing partisan loon Krugman.
Boy, this tea party thing has you leftits and obama bots mad. Good.

Mike, I won’t argue with you at all about the Tea Parties. They are starting to really catch on. They are reinforcing the idea that an identifiable sector of the population is squarely against Obama’s policies — which is a good place to be — presuming that these policies fail.

But what if the economy recovers? What if people see infrastructure being rebuilt? What if middle class people start seeing college become more affordable? What happens if health care reform really does happen?

We won’t see the dividends from a changed energy policy for quite some time. Obama may take a bit of a hit for rising gas prices. I’m sure he knows this, but eventually it will pay off, and he’ll spend some political capital to wait this one out. As I pointed out before, even conservative economists have long felt that fossil fuel energy prices were too low, for reasons which had nothing to do with climate change. I previously posted a reference for this. Raising fossil fuel costs is the right thing to do, for the long term good of the economy.

And the military. Those F-22s. How many F-22s have we used in Iraq? Afghanistan? We are supposed to keep it going as a jobs program? I thought that the GOP didn’t like government-funded make work programs. They aren’t “real jobs.” Or are we are supposed to keep it going because of the theoretical possiblity that we might really fight a European theater war after all, against the Russians? Gates wants to divert that money for more special forces, greater mobility, greater numbers of mobile troop transporters.

And throwing hundreds of billions at an antimissile system while leaving our ports wide open? So we’ve got a military budget going up, but the money is being redirected to meet the threats of the 21st century, as opposed to the 20th century.

Anyway, I’m glad that the tea parties are getting some publicity. It’s good when people publicly go on record as supporting something in which they believe. I’ve already written that I give the GOP a lot of credit for currently showing courage of conviction, which is something which the equivocating, gutless Democrats have so often lacked.

I think, though, that Obama deserves similar credit for taking a stand. It’s remarkable just how many of his campaign promises he’s trying very hard to keep. Not 100%, but, on the big ticket items, way above average, for recent Presidents.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Delusional larry, wait til taxes and cost of living goes up thanks to obama. Watch the number
of people who feel they are paying too much in the way of taxes go up.
Your little self aggrandizing 20th century rant was amusing. Too bad it is those like
you that have shown themselves to be behind the times. Who was it that said we didn’t
send enough troops into Iraq? Who is it that thinks appeasement is the way to peace?
Who thinks strangling our military will bring us safety? Who is it lusting for socialism? As for Krugman, he has shown himself to be a hyper partisan leftist loon so it’s no surprise you cite him.

BTW, your claim that we are puting ourself in debt as a country is so we can move forward
only shows how deliberately detatched from reality and history you are.

Moving speech Larry; I’m sure you’re rallying cry was heard around the world. Now back to reality… I am glad that the U.S. is now a business and the Federal Government is our employer. I suppose Obama is our boss.. wait this is sounding all too much like socialism. But wait, I am sure that isn’t what you are saying. With the trillions that we are borrowing, we are only going to owe more than double that amount for our kids to pay. Unless something like quantum computers come to the scene, there has to be some pretty massive increases by the workers within our infrastructure to gain back all that we have lost and borrowed in any realistic time frame. You don’t gain money by borrowing money, especially when investing that money is almost a complete non-option.

It isn’t about finger pointing, its all about responsible spending. When I started my first company, my family was under REALLY hard times. It was tempting to take out more credit cards and more loans. Instead, I cut where I needed to cut, we ate cheap noodles and vegetables from a discount food store and managed to climb our way up. Now there isn’t much that I can’t do.. oh yeah of course until Obie-the-one starts to tax me into oblivion so /others/ that didn’t have to make the sacrifice, share my same level of living. Pisses me off left and right. And quite frankly Larry, considering I view you as one of those people, yes, I take it /very/ personally.

I just read a story that a friend sent me (lame forwards – but this is funny): I think it fits fairly well into this discussion:

I recently asked my friend’s little girl what she wanted to be when
she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her
parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were
President what would be the first thing you would do?’

She replied, ‘I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.’

Her parents beamed.

‘Wow…what a worthy goal.’ I told her, ‘But you don’t have to wait
Until you’re President to do that. You can come over to my house now and mow
The lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll
Take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you
can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.’

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight
in the eye and asked, ‘Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the
work, and you can just pay him the $50?’

I said, ‘Welcome to the Republican Party.’

Her parents still aren’t speaking to me.

Larry -nothing is for certain . Everything depends on money.

A tax increase of 2173% ($1.09 to $24.78 per pound on roll your own tobacco) on the poorest of the poor who use tobacco products. Guess there will be a $25 tax on each joint of pot when they get it legal. Na, pot is a democrat mainstay. Hundreds of small farms in my area are already out of business from the last round of tobacco limits. That’s millions of tons of food that doesn’t get produced since tobacco was the sideline money crop.

Just got back from a TEA party where several hundred showed in one Small town.

All we have to do and not spend a dime more for stimulus, burn all that money the fed is printing , Its monoply money anyway, is this.

Corp. tax rate cut to 25%
No payroll tax for 1 year or 2 even
Cut capital gains tax

Canadian Prime Minister is cutting corp tax there to 25%, the rest of the ideas were from Money guys and some republicans. We could just sit back and watch business come back here from over seas, jobs would be created, new business would be started up. this would inspire confidence in the free market and is exactly why Omama will not do it.
Changing the subject for a sec-

My lib neighbor and i had a conversation , politics, and he got angry at the end of our talk and actually said “I can’t stand you republicans, you always have the facts.” He knows no facts about anything, he is very emotional, and seems to base his decisions on emotion. All libs i know are this way.

Thanks for the various comments and points of view. Some arguments are very theoretical (i.e. what will be the level of the oceans in 2100). Others are more concrete, and we’ll all get to see how it ends up, in fairly short order (as in the next several years).

I’ve made my predictions. You’ve made yours. So we’ll see how it all ends up. I won’t hide. I’ve been doing public debate like this online since the mid-90s and I intend to keep it up. So let’s consider this a time capsule and come back and open it up, periodically, for progress reports.

With regard to Krugman, what he said was that, historically, modern Western countries have handled debt/GDP ratios of considerably greater than 1.0 without undue duress. Neither George Will nor Newt Gingrich disagreed, and I don’t think that it’s possible to disagree, based on any real economic data.

The USA was there (debt:GDP >1.0) post WWII and the economy recovered nicely, despite the 90% marginal tax rate, and we paid this down to 0.33, until Reagan increased it to 0.66, and then it came down again under Clinton, but then the Bush tax cuts pushed it back up to 0.7, with nothing to show for it, save for the debt. Now, Obama proposes to increase it for some pretty good reasons:

Building infrastructure is not “socialism”

Increasing affordability of college is not “socialism”

Investment in green energy technology may or may not be a good thing, but it is no more “socialism” than is the medical research supported by the National Cancer Institute or Heart Institute.

Increasing public support for medical care is, indeed, socialism, but so was the Medicare drug benefit, and so are police, and so are fire, and so are the military services. Medical care is in the same category as are these other protective services. All the other Western Democracies have determined that the government does have a legitimate role to play in health care annd our own system is dreadfully broke and in need of fixing and the Medicare model has worked brilliantly for two generations and is currently the best and most cost effective health care plan in America, outperforming the completely “private” plans, with regard to access, health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost effectiveness.

And raising the marginal tax rate from 36% back up to 39%, where it was in the Clinton boom years, sure isn’t socialism. This was 70% under Nixon and 90% under Eisenhower, recall.

There is a problem with scaremongering and exaggeration. I’d have thought that you’d have learned this lesson from Al Gore. But you are currently guilty of the same scaremongering and exaggeration. You really do run the risk of sending the GOP into the political wilderness for 40 years, which is what happened with FDR. I think that this is precisely where it’s headed. Just a prediction.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

why is it that when the liberals protest they are fighting for their rights? when the people on the right protest we are being whiney babies? me thinks they are the babies and we actually have a good reason to protest.

Because the misguided, clueless righties are only fighting so the rich can continue to own us.

Ah…no. Defense was not cut. It was increased by 4%. Stop lying


Libdud / orion we don’t take kindly to sock puppets here on FA.

This will be your one and only notification before you’re subject to being ejected.

As to the contents of your latest screed, no one “owns” us. We are able to determine our futures for ourselves as long as the gov’t and it’s corrupting power is kept out of our way.


Still suffering from an arithmetic deficiency apparently.

@ Aye Chihuahua


Libdud / orion we don’t take kindly to sock puppets here on FA.

This will be your one and only notification before you’re subject to being ejected.

Again with the sock puppets, your handy fallback position!

Remember back a few days ago when you were trying out the proxy server I told you guys about (yes, we all saw the “test, test”) and then you posted a message or two as “Mastiff” in order to gin up a credible reason for giving me the boot?


Let me guess: you’re orion.

“Still suffering from an arithmetic deficiency apparently.”

Try smaller words. Think “Dick and Jane” style with him. Or better yet, draw pictures.


Having read your post, it seems that you are questioning my integrity.

Am I right?

@Aye Chihuahua:


Having read your post, it seems that you are questioning my integrity.

Am I right?

In order to be spared your perennial second-favorite bullying technique–the delightful “There’s a question that you never answered. Can we assume from your silence that you’re a liar?” (even when you never asked as question), I’m going to be explicit:

Yes, Aye Chihuahua. I am questioning your integrity. I know for a solid-gold fact that you have lied about the sock puppet issue. Liars, by definition, lack integrity.

Aye Chihuahua’s Integrity, I question thee.


When did I “lie” about the sock puppet issue?

When was that exactly?

Cite it for me.

Show all the readers here where I told a “lie” about the sock puppet issue.

Show us all. Expose me to everyone who is reading here.

Time to cash the checks that you’ve been writing.

This time, it’s your integrity that will be in question.

I’ll be right here awaiting your apology.

orion is a douche nozzle, we aren’t lying, go tea bag barney

@orion said: ” Defense was not cut. It was increased by 4%. Stop lying”

So Obama didn’t make any cuts in defense like he claimed? Obama LIED??????

@ChrisK: I was prepared to cut you some slack when you first showed up here but I am rethinking my more tolerant position. You tried to pull the wool over my eyes at Mike’s America’s home planet with some similar B.S. and I have no reason to believe that’s not what you are doing here.

It’s up to you to decide whether you wish to join our Flopping Aces family of commenters and make a reasonable contribution to our discussions here or whether you want to play some silly juvenile libtard games and get your butt bounced out of here permanently.

Make up your mind.

When was that exactly?

Cite it for me.

April 9th, 2009 at 12:15 pm

April 9th, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Oh, wait. Let me guess. Taken together, these were not a snide accusation of lying and sockpuppetry, very thinly veiled as “jest askin’ questions.”

@openid.aol.com/runnswim: Larry, if you are concerned about ” affordability of college” when are you going to start doing something about the spiraling cost of higher education?

Why is it that Exxon-Mobil execs are evil for making a living but College professors who work a fraction of the hours petroleum execs do and yet rake in big bucks and make college unaffordable are exempt from liberal outrage?

Is it that you folks can’t touch the lib professors whose main job is poisoning the minds of young people?

@ChrisK: I’ll assume you did not see my comment directly above yours, but consider it a warning. You’re a guest in this house and expected to behave with some decent manners.


Is that all you’ve got? That’s some pretty weak stuff man. Really, really weak.

I asked you a series of questions and that makes ME a liar?


How does that make me a liar?

By the way, the posts in question are below so that everyone can read them in their entirety.

Aye Chihuahua
74Reply to this comment | edit


Uh Chris, Frank Hardy checking in with a couple of questions.

Are you really trying to convince us that your post @ 10:04pm was completely unrelated and separate from Mastiff’s post of 10:05pm, and that Mastiff is a completely unrelated and separate person posting by some bizarre coincidence from the same IP address that is still currently assigned to you?

Is that what you’re trying to convince us of in your endearingly clumsy way?



Ever hear of Occam’s Razor?

April 9th, 2009 at 12:15 pm

Aye Chihuahua
79Reply to this comment | edit


How fast do you think I can type, anyway?

With the innovations of copy/paste and multiple browser windows you would be amazed by what you can accomplish.

April 9th, 2009 at 1:14 pm

@Mike’s America:

I’m content to let Chris run with this for a bit.

He’s called me a liar.

I don’t take kindly to that and will hold his feet to the fire, and haunt his every posting, until he proves his claim to everyone here, right out in the open.

What’s funny about the whole thing is he doesn’t know about the background e-mail conversations that all of the authors had regarding his presence here.

He doesn’t know that I didn’t choose to vote him off the island when I had the perfect opportunity.

We, the authors, chose to allow him to stick around.

The final thing he doesn’t know is that I’ve been here long enough for the regular readers to know that I don’t lie.

Let’s see what Chris comes up with.

I can hardly wait.

Mike’s America said: So Obama didn’t make any cuts in defense like he claimed? Obama LIED??

Yes, Mike. He cut outdated weaponry. So he didn’t lie

Aye Chihuahua: You’re all sock puppets here. If you wanna ban me because I disagree and point to facts you morons can’t repudiate, then go ahead. It’s typical of the fascist right.

@Aye Chihuahua: We’re just paying the price for our tolerance. Goodness knows we put up with a lot around here from time to time and perhaps we need to draw the line a bit harder than we do.

None of us are afraid to be challenged by lefties with a brain and manners. Heck, we even put up with Larry and his refusal to choose a better commenting name than “@openid.aol.com/runnswim”.

But for every Larry it seems we get two libduds and Chris K’s who spend most of their time starting cheap fights or making idiotic comments.

Sometimes, the discussions here get rediculous. Just bounce Chris; he is a dime a dozen and is detracting from real conversation that could take place. We all know Aye is honest; nothing more needs to be said.

There are plenty of people on the other side of the isle, that post here in a productive way. Even though I don’t agree with all of what Larry says, I give the guy props for stating his position in a mostly calm, cool/collective manner. He gets bashed pretty hard but still tries to stick to the subjects (his opinions of course). People like Chris and GaffaUK are just fighting for the sake of fighting. The guy replies back with some dates and times. No posts, just the dates and times.. wow. Sounds like it is really worth arguing with this kid.
Just my 2c.

@orion: Libdud: So Obama DID make cuts in defense and you are calling me a liar for saying so?

And as for “outdated weaponry” do you even have a clue what the Airborne Laser is and why it is so important now that the North Koreans are launching missiles?

Or is defense “outdated?” Maybe we should just strip ourselves of all defenses and hope no one bothers us.

@liam09: I agree. When the libtard starts a pissing contest there is hardly any point in keeping him/her or it around.

I forwarded your comment directly to Curt in case he missed it. Seems we err on the side of just letting these dogs loose until they dig up the yard and p.o. the neighbors.

Aye Chihuahua: You’re all sock puppets here.

Really now?

Tell me who the sock puppets are please. I usually so good at sussing these things out, but maybe I missed something.

Is Mike me, or am I Mike? Mata was once accused of being me, but that theory didn’t pan out. I like Wordsmith’s ability to coin a phrase, can I be him?

The more important question is, who are you orion? We know for sure that you are libdud at least. Maybe more. The other thing we know for sure is that you were told NOT to post here using a sock puppet yet you persist.

If you wanna ban me because I disagree and point to facts you morons can’t repudiate, then go ahead.

You haven’t been banned yet have you? Obviously we keep you around so that we can toy with you.

Every court needs a jester.

The problem with you libdud/orion is that you don’t have the ability to support anything you post. You just sling things up against the forum wall to see what may stick and then you scurry away, taking cover under the bridge.

Your posts have been dissembled at the joints and the dry bones stacked in the corner over and over and over again.

I will say though, we’ve just about chewed all of the flavor out of you so your time is limited.

By the way, your alternate personality, libdud (the plagiarist), left some crumbs on the carpet on Aisle 5.


Thanks liam.

I appreciate it.

I was sure hoping that ChrisK would have the stones to come back and prove his point, but I guess not.

You know, I have heard twice today that insane spending will be good for us in the long run.
It was over on hot air and someone pretending to be a Repub.
Is that the new party line we will be hearing from the left?

That story of the little gal and the $50 by liam09 was very cute.
Forgot to add that Obama would go to the chinese, borrow another $50 and buy the homeless guy’s vote with it.

I can lock solid guarentee the SOB is lieing about no one under $250K seeing taxes raised. My income will not change for the 2009 year by my Federal estimates rose %20 for 2009. I about punched my accountant when he shrugged his shoulders and said “I can’t figure out why they have to go up.”

@ Larry

48% of Americans think that taxes are just right? I would guess that if your not paying anything in Fed. taxes, you would be happy. Just leave it to the wealthy. More class and racial warfare by the great one.

Larry you are certainly a great player and at least IMO, the catalyst for much “lively” debate here at FA; every conservative blog should be so lucky! If only you didn’t actually “believe” this madness that you write.

Where to start?

How about by debunking your first big prediction that Obama would “govern from the center.” Have ya taken a look at those appointments lately? If so, you would quickly realize that “tax cheats” and porno addicts are the least of our problems (who would have thought?). Never mind that everyone on board has either a 100 % NARAL rating , is an anti-catholic bigot, on the left fringe of “something”, or just a good old anti-American, “thank you George Soros for electing me” appointee. Meet the latest, Rosa Brooks.

As a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, Brooks consistently went to extremes.
In October 2007 she wrote: “George W. Bush and Dick Cheney shouldn’t be treated like criminals who deserve punishment. They should be treated like psychotics who need treatment.”
March 2009: “The Bush administration’s big legal lies paved the way for some of the most shameful episodes in our history, including the official authorization of torture.”
Ms. Brooks also supported the Iraqi who threw his shoes at President Bush: “He reminded the powerful and powerless alike that a single symbolic gesture can be more effective than a thousand grenades.”

And this woman is a top adviser in the Defense Department? Are you kidding me? Is Michael Moore not available? What the hell is going on?

Want more? Rosa Brooks was special counsel to George Soros’ Open Society Institute. And now she has access to America’s defense secrets at the Pentagon?

Again, what the deuce is going on? This is madness.

We called Undersecretary Flournoy and got zero from her. Then we called other Defense Department officials whom we know. They told us they are shocked.

So let’s recap: A confirmed far-left radical is now operating within the Pentagon, a woman who was shockingly irresponsible in her attacks on the Bush administration and who has worked with George Soros. And we have a country, Spain, that may attempt to embarrass America in front of the world.

What say you, President Obama?

As for that “education” you speak of Larry, let me remind you that it’s geared “Obama style” towards left wing propaganda. I often remind people. Especially academics, that the only thing worse than a lack of education is FALSE education. That topic deserves its own forum, but at least, finally, many Americans are finally becoming aware of “agenda education.” The lack of support for vouchers, especially in inner city schools, clearly supports my argumentm as well as over half of the WH staffed with Obama classmates (all from the same mold).

I just heard one savvy CA congressman (sorry, name escapes me), say, “While vocational studies were being replaced with computer labs, America lost its ‘blue collar’ might.” We may have “exported”, but we still need people to turn on the electricity. We no longer have those people Larry, so do know that the bulk of the “infrastructure” jobs will go to the illegals. But then, how else would a left wing nut like Obama keep up an approval rating like his has, when after all, it’s only the top earners and middle class who are paying all the taxes. What’s not to like if ya ain’t paying?

What you fail to understand Larry is how these “Alinsky” trainees work. Sure, they are all dog loving, glib talking, feel good speak on the outside (modern day sophists), but it’s the “behind the scenes” stuff (such as Rosa Brooks), were real policy is made. While many are distracted waiting Michelle’s latest armless fashion or salivating over Bo the dog, we are dying as a nation, both morally and economically, (in between the suckers’ rally of course).

Larry I hope it doesn’t take being sued by your neighbor’s dog before you finally see the light, or even worse, your long feared nuclear attack. It’s all an illusion; America is in serious peril.

Can someone get my post out of spam? Thanks

Update: Sorry for my typos in 42; unable to edit since it was taken out of the spam filter.

PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Poll finds 48% of Americans saying the amount of federal income taxes they pay is “about right,” with 46% saying “too high” — one of the most positive assessments Gallup has measured since 1956. Typically, a majority of Americans say their taxes are too high, and relatively few say their taxes are too low.

48% sounds about right, since that’s about the amount of people that pay no taxes. Don’t start with the payroll tax garbage. I’m talking people that actually see money pulled from their check and not handed back to them as earned income tax credit. Money gone forever into the bowels of Washington.


Larry is not really tol bame for the “commenting name” issue:

“Heck, we even put up with Larry and his refusal to choose a better commenting name than ‘@openid.aol.com/runnswim’.”

Larry is simply following the suggestion *on this site* to log in using OpenID to avoid posts being held up in moderation; AOL’s OpenID verifier (or whatever it’s called) is what spits out his user-unfriendly commenting name. I had the same problems – worse, actually – when I was using OpenID to log in, and that’s why I decided to log in with the goofy, unverified name of “ruaqtpi2.”

You have to admire Larry’s courage in appending his real name and location to all of his posts. Them’s some cajones muy grandes.

Jeff V



It wasn’t me who said something about Larry’s nom de blog.

I am aware of the problems Larry had with the SPAM filter and was actually one of the ones who tried to help him.

I think Mike was just needling Larry a little bit.


Bingo! If only the top 5% of income earners paid all of the taxes in the country, you can sure as heck bet that most “Americans” would not complain about the amount of taxes they pay, but a poll of most “taxpayers” would show quite the opposite sentiment.

If the government was actually using the money to provide quality services, and if there was faithful stewardship of taxpayer funds, there would be a lot fewer complaints. But the fact is that government has grown into an obese, spoiled brat, and it’s time for some “tough love” before it’s parents (the taxpayers) can no longer carry it.

It’s so sad that it has gotten to this point. We are to blame for allowing the media to be our baby sitter, instilling liberal crap into our heads. I was just watching an episode of “Cupid” a couple days ago, and it was serving up more of the usual Republican-bashing (as if “The View” and “Brothers and Sisters” weren’t bad enough!)

We also own some of the blame for allowing the public school system to turn into a liberal brainwashing behemoth. But that’s a topic for another thread.

I think we’ve lost “the hunger” for true freedom, and have become too complacent and too unrealistically optimistic that things will get better by electing the “right person” (though, in some cases, we have to choose the least harmful.) We’ve lost the revolutionary spirit, though much of this is by design of government. The long-term politicians are either the really good ones or the really sly ones. The latter are smooth-talking salesmen who know just how to promises everything, take nearly everythingand then hand out just enough crumbs to make the majority feel grateful.

Jeff V


I suggest that you read “Welcome to Obamaland” by James Delingpole. He compares Obama, his campaign, election, administration, and performance in office to that of Tony Blair, and goes on to predict our future based his experience over the last 12 years in Britain. The parallels are striking and unpleasant (to put it nicely).

Jeff V

I almost missed this above. It’s worth repeating:

@liam09 added:

I recently asked my friend’s little girl what she wanted to be when
she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her
parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were
President what would be the first thing you would do?’
She replied, ‘I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.’
Her parents beamed.
‘Wow…what a worthy goal.’ I told her, ‘But you don’t have to wait
Until you’re President to do that. You can come over to my house now and mow
The lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll
Take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you
can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.’
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight
in the eye and asked, ‘Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the
work, and you can just pay him the $50?’
I said, ‘Welcome to the Republican Party.’
Her parents still aren’t speaking to me.

And @pdill:

What you fail to understand Larry is how these “Alinsky” trainees work. Sure, they are all dog loving, glib talking, feel good speak on the outside (modern day sophists), but it’s the “behind the scenes” stuff (such as Rosa Brooks), were real policy is made. While many are distracted waiting Michelle’s latest armless fashion or salivating over Bo the dog, we are dying as a nation, both morally and economically, (in between the suckers’ rally of course).

@ruaqtpi2: Larry still gets stuck in spam on occasion so I don’t see much benefit to the gobbledygook name.

Hello there, Happy April Fool’s Day!!!

Five year old Little Johnny was lost, so he went up to a policeman and said,
“I’ve lost my dad!”
The policeman said, “What’s he like?”
Little Johnny replied, “Beer and women!”

Happy April Fool’s Day!