Democrats’ Despotic Power Play: Lawfare and the Death of Justice


Xitter post by Cynical Publius

One of the truly evil accomplishments of the Fascist Democrats is how they can so easily and rapidly normalize outrageous actions and behaviors. As we head into tonight’s debate, let’s call things for what they really are:

The fascist #lawfare that the Democrats have inflicted on Donald Trump and his associates is the greatest political scandal in US history. It is a violation of every American norm, it is born not of justice but of the raw exercise of despotic power, and it has obliterated America’s trust in its judicial system. It is the single most destructive thing the Democrats have done since they started a war to keep their slaves.

Consider these facts:

  • Democrat state AG’s literally ran campaigns on “getting” Donald Trump, without ever specifying what the charges might be.
  • When charges were brought, many were based on novel legal theories never before tested in the courts.
  • Statutes of limitations were literally amended by state legislatures to allow for the prosecution of ancient “crimes.”
  • At both the federal and states level, Biden and his appointed cronies personally orchestrated the criminal #lawfare.
  • The “insurrection” hoax was mounted by the Democrat/Media Complex specifically and exclusively in an attempt to use the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from the ballot and to serve as a basis for Stalinist criminal charges.
  • The federal “crimes” that Trump is charged with are based on actions identically taken by Biden, Hillary and countless other Democrats.
  • By ensuring that multiple civil and criminal trials were ongoing, the goal was to bankrupt Trump and prevent him from campaigning.
  • Everyone knows deep down, whether they are willing to admit it or not (and I mean EVERYONE), that none of this would be happening if Donald Trump were not a Presidential candidate in 2024.
  • In the face of all of this, the Democrats trot out “respected” legal “scholars” to remind us all that “no one is above the law,” while at the same time never once speaking about equal justice under the law.

Lady Liberty is crying. The damage that the Fascist Democrats have inflicted on the very fabric of our n nation is incalculable. I honestly do not know if we can recover from this—we have become the kind of state that, if it had happened somewhere in the Western Hemisphere in the 20th Century, it would have caused the likes of Teddy Roosevelt or JFK to contemplate armed invasion to restore democratic institutions and a viable system of justice. We quite literally have become a banana republic.

As you watch the debate, do not forget—and do not let Democrats forget—what they have done to us.

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democrats are the new American communist party. What they have done by weaponizing the justice department is treason. They should all suffer the consequences of treason.

But, from the Democrats’ point of view, the damage they are wreaking is on something they don’t plan on using if they can attain total power.

Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums

06/27/24 – All Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately, the state’s chief education officer announced in a memorandum Thursday.

At a State Board of Education meeting, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said the Bible is “one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country.”

“It’s crystal clear to us that in the Oklahoma academic standards under Title 70 on multiple occasions, the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system,” Walters said.

Every classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said.

The Oklahoma memorandum follows a law in Louisiana passed June 19, that requires all public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments. A group of Louisiana parents and civil rights organizations are suing the state over the new law, contending the legislation violates both US Supreme Court precedent and the First Amendment.

Oklahoma’s directive “is in alignment with the educational standards approved on or about May 2019, with which all districts must comply,” according to a news release.

“The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,” Walters said in the release. “Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation. This is not merely an educational directive but a crucial step in ensuring our students grasp the core values and historical context of our country.”

Interfaith Alliance, a national organization that seeks to protect religious freedoms, told CNN in a statement Thursday: “This is blatant religious coercion that should have absolutely no place in public schools – in Oklahoma or any other state.”

“True religious freedom means ensuring that no one religious group is allowed to impose their viewpoint on all Americans. The vast majority of people of faith in this country reject these dangerous, intimidating efforts to force a Christian nationalist agenda into our schools, our courts and our government,” the statement said.

The new memo comes after the Oklahoma Supreme Court blocked an effort to establish the first publicly funded religious charter school in the country. The court on Tuesday ordered the state to rescind its contract with St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School in a 6-2 decision with one recusal.

“Under Oklahoma law, a charter school is a public school,” wrote Justice James R. Winchester for the court. “As such, a charter school must be nonsectarian. However, St. Isidore will evangelize the Catholic faith as part of its school curriculum while sponsored by the State.”

They just keep pushing the blatantly unconstitutional b.s. as if they want to see just how far they can go without getting destroyed in November.

Last edited 3 days ago by Greg

What’s wrong with that Pinhead? Better then the typical leftists propaganda they print in the Textbooks from the typical leftists from the NEA. You sure are Ignorant and there is Not Separation of Church and State anywhere in the U.S. Constitution it just prohibits having Established Religion like with this Islamic Radicals

Now that the debate is over one must wonder:
Will joe’s peeps be vindictive and STILL put President Trump behind bars, or, is joe’s lawfare against his opponent over?
We learn which it is on July 11th.

I anticipate more indictments or some other lawfare action to try and take Trump out. That side-by-side comparison last night was devastating; clearly Trump is a juggernaut that is on the very top of his game and cannot be stopped without corrupt means.

Trump IS the corruption, fool. He’s the rapidly spreading cancer that will kill our nation.

Now, don’t get all upset because Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden shit the bed at the debate last night and showed everyone just how incompetent and incapable he is and you know you now face weeks and weeks and weeks of all of us telling you, “WE TOLD YOU SO, DIDN’T WE?” While Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is proven to be corrupt and has created one disaster after another (why we shouldn’t allow election fraud to choose our Presidents), Trump has not committed any crimes or corrupt acts whatsoever. Try not to take your party’s lies too seriously; it makes you look stupid.

Oh… and we told you so, didn’t we?

Win or lose, Biden is a better man than Trump.

Will Trump show up for a second debate, or is he too chickenshit?

Last edited 3 days ago by Greg

Does that include showers with his daughter?

How? In what way? How is a guy that forced his daughter to shower with him, diddled his baby sitter, raped Tara Reade, walked around naked in front female USSS agents, helped his crack-head, whore-mongering son peddle US influence and extort money from Ukraine, stole classified documents and peddled them for his own enrichment better than Trump? Please elaborate.

Oh, and we told you so. Didn’t we?

PBS like the rest of them is all Fake News and your a total idiot for believing their fake news

Speaking of looking stupid:

Trump has not committed any crimes or corrupt acts whatsoever. Try not to take your party’s lies too seriously; it makes you look stupid.

Twice impeached, a convicted felon, a serial adulterer, a phony Christian, a breaker of oaths who lies “like a dog”—you’ve got to be out of your effin’ minds to follow this mendacious asshole.

Last edited 3 days ago by Greg

What part of “evidence” do you not understand? Not a single shred of evidence has yet been provided that actually incriminates Trump anywhere in any way for anything. Check it out.

But, we told you so, over and over again, didn’t we. Did Trump look afraid of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden last night?

Look into the Mirror and see a Fool