Bragg’s Bungled Case: Report Exposes Flaws in Trump Indictment


A report titled “Lawfare: How the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and a New York State Judge Violated the Constitutional and Legal Rights of President Donald J. Trump.” was put together by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government today. It’s a deep dive into the 34-count criminal indictment against Trump, announced by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg back in April 2023. The charges? Allegedly, Trump fiddled with New York business records to hide a federal crime, turning misdemeanors into felonies. This all ties back to payments made by Michael Cohen to Stormy Daniels in 2017.

In the report they argue that even if Trump did fiddle with his bookkeeping, the transactions happened in 2017. That’s a full year after the 2016 election, so how could they have influenced it? Secondly, there’s a big question mark over whether Bragg even has the authority to enforce federal campaign finance laws.

The Judiciary Committee decided to get involved, demanding answers from Mark Pomerantz, a former Special Assistant District Attorney who was neck-deep in the investigation. After some initial pushback, Pomerantz finally showed up for a deposition on May 12, 2023. The Committee’s interim findings, released on April 25, 2024, pretty much concluded that the prosecution was politically motivated and that Bragg’s actions set a dangerous precedent for future politically driven prosecutions.

The report goes into great detail about the legal and procedural mess in Bragg’s prosecution of Trump. One major issue is Bragg’s “Russian-nesting-doll” theory of criminal liability. This unprecedented approach allowed the jury to convict Trump without agreeing on each element of the offenses charged, which is a big no-no when it comes to due process.

Bragg also stepped on some federal toes by pursuing charges related to federal campaign finance violations. According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) Commissioner Trey Trainor, Congress gave exclusive jurisdiction over these laws to federal authorities. Bragg’s actions? A clear overreach.

And let’s not forget Judge Juan Merchan’s role in this circus. The report slams him for failing to recuse himself despite clear political bias, slapping an unconstitutional gag order on Trump, and letting in some pretty prejudicial testimony. The jury instructions were a hot mess too, allowing for a non-unanimous verdict on the underlying crimes, which is a big deal in legal land.

The report doesn’t shy away from pointing out the political motivations behind the prosecution. Alvin Bragg campaigned hard on the promise to go after Trump. Once he got the DA job, he faced massive political pressure to deliver. The report highlights the dangers of such politically motivated prosecutions, warning they could erode public trust in the justice system and encourage future abuses of power.

During the hearings, several legal experts and former officials highlighted the procedural and substantive flaws in the prosecution. Elizabeth Price Foley, a constitutional law scholar, called the charges a “Russian-nesting-doll theory of criminality,” underscoring the multiple layers of due process violations. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy and others echoed these concerns, emphasizing the lack of specificity and the unprecedented nature of the charges.

The interim report wraps up by stating that Trump’s trial in Manhattan was riddled with legal and constitutional defects. The prosecution was politically motivated, legally shaky, and procedurally flawed, depriving Trump of a fair trial. The report calls for continued oversight to prevent future politically driven prosecutions and to ensure the integrity of the judicial process.

Basically it comes down to fact that Bragg’s case was the biggest fake news moment in history. While I appreciate the effort put into this report highlighting the joke of a criminal case brought by Bragg we need the Republican party and its leadership to do more than issue reports. Action is needed!

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Overturn the whole verdict remove Bragg end this whole thing have all involved Investigated and see whose are the very bottom of this whole thing they should be doing Life Without Parole

I have just received my 3rd payment order and $30,000 that I have built up on my laptop in a month through an online agent. This job is good and his regular salary is much better than my normal job. Work now and start making money online yourself.

Go Here……..

The NY trial should be declared a mistrial. The prosecution is in conflict with the recent USSC decision on Presidential immunity.
Should the unhinged judge proceed with sentencing, it is likely the SC will intervene. Hence, the delay until September. It gives the unhinged judge time to do an Emily Litella.

Last edited 20 days ago by TrumpWon

It should be declared an insult to the American people and the premise of an honest justice system.

These libs/dems act like those young kids who get together, drink (or do drugs) get an idea how to “get Trump,” then have the power (because joe’s weaponized DOJ) to give it a try only to be thwarted by the actual case law.
Then they do a collective, “Never Mind!” and instead of learning anything from their failure, just move to try it over again.

It will take a thorough cleansing of the DoJ before any action can be taken. It will be a good time and method to flush out those who defend the deep state over the Constitution. Inevitably, Bragg, Merchan and all others involved in this unholy prosecution should be held to accounts.

Alternatively, we could throw Trump and his accomplices in prison where they belong.

You are supposed to only throw people in prison that have committed crimes. Being 10,000% superior to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is not a crime.

Again with the nonsense child, give it a rest.

Amazing how you Libtards ignore all the corruption of Biden and his cronies.. I believe the chickens will becoming home to roost after this election.


Corruption and crime is perfectly fine with Democrats, as long as they are doing it. They only treat laws, rules, ethics and the Constitution as weapons.

Twice Impeached Porn Star Humping Convicted Felon Seeks Position as President

Pelosi Refuses To Back Biden On MSNBC, Says He Should Make Decision ‘Next Week

Whose idea was it for Queen Nancy to go on camera without any (or enough) makeup? GODDAMN!!! Paulie P. has to see that EVERY DAY!

Democrats are seeing the disastrous downside of cheating to put an incompetent puppet in the Awful Office. I hope they suffer the most extreme losses in history.

“Am I Speaking English to You?!” – Nasty Nancy Pelosi Snaps at ABC Reporter After Being Confronted on What She Said Regarding Joe Biden Running for Re-Election (VIDEO)

democrats are imploding.

No affair with Stormy, not convicted until sentenced. Meanwhile, the only thing keeping Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden from being a felon is he’s too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

Which begs the question, if he would be unable to stand trial, why on earth does he continue to play president?

You’re convicted when the jury finds you guilty. Trump is presently a convicted felon awaiting sentencing. He has already been interviewed by his probation officer.

Last edited 19 days ago by Greg



Trump is scheduled for sentencing on September 18th.

Not going to happen. The trial verdict is in conflict with the recent SC decision on Presidential immunity. Perhaps you should educate yourself with respect to the decision and the admission of evidence protected by immunity.

Trump’s lawyers would first have to establish that the hush money payment to the porn star and falsification of his private business records to conceal it were official presidential acts. Otherwise, he’s got no immunity from prosecution under the recent SCOTUS ruling.

“Private business records”. Very important distinction, since he isn’t a publicly traded company and he took no tax deduction for the expenses. NO CRIME HERE.

Now, what was the crime all 12 jurists unanimously agreed Trump committed that made this non-crime a felony?

Hopefully, if Americans gain control of both houses, legislation can be passed to withhold all federal funds from cities and states that will not enforce or cooperate with immigration laws and who serve as sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants. There ARE laws against illegal immigrants voting, but it takes enforcement. Democrats will not enforce laws that go against their interests, and having illegal immigrants voting is definitely one of their interests. It’s why the border is wide open.

BREAKING: SAVE Act Passes House 221-198 – Almost Every Democrat Voted to ‘Protect’ the Ability of Illegals to Vote in Federal Elections

What is wrong with democrats? Illegal aliens do not have to right to vote in our elections. Are you proud of the anti-American democrat party?

Illegal immigrants voting is cheating and cheating is the Democrats’ final hope.

Breaking — Anna Paulina Luna introduces ‘inherent contempt’ resolution to arrest Merrick Garland.
Trump issues statement on Garland.

Last edited 19 days ago by TrumpWon

Now he’s on the lam. Fleeing justice. A fugitive. Maybe Luna should introduce the same bill 34 times. Wouldn’t that look even worse?

False or misleading statements by Donald Trump
…During and after his term as President of the United StatesDonald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post‘s fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.[1][5][6][7] The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6 per day.[2] Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump’s mendacity as “unprecedented” in American politics,[13] and the consistency of falsehoods a distinctive part of his business and political identities.[14] Scholarly analysis of Trump’s tweets found “significant evidence” of an intent to deceive.[15]

By June 2019, after initially resisting, many news organizations began to describe some of his falsehoods as “lies“.[16] The Washington Post said his frequent repetition of claims he knew to be false amounted to a campaign based on disinformation.[17] Trump campaign CEO and presidency chief strategist Steve Bannon said that the press, rather than Democrats, was Trump’s primary adversary and “the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.”[18][19]

As part of their attempts to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Trump and his allies repeatedly falsely claimed there had been massive election fraud and that Trump had won the election.[7] Their effort was characterized by some as an implementation of Hitler‘s “big lie” propaganda technique.[20]

On June 8, 2023, a grand jury indicted Trump on one count of making “false statements and representations”, specifically by hiding subpoenaed classified documents from his own attorney who was trying to find and return them to the government.[21] In August 2023, 21 of Trump’s falsehoods about the 2020 election were listed in his Washington, D.C. indictment,[22] while 27 were listed in his Georgia indictment.[23]

Many academics and observers who study the American political scene have called Trump unique or highly unusual in his lying and its effect on political discourse. “It has long been a truism that politicians lie,” wrote Carole McGranahan for the American Ethnologist in 2017, but “Donald Trump is different”. He is the most “accomplished and effective liar” to have ever participated in American politics; moreover, his lying has reshaped public discourse so that “the frequency, degree, and impact of lying in politics are now unprecedented”.[9]

Historian Douglas Brinkley stated that U.S. presidents have occasionally “lied or misled the country,” but none were a “serial liar” like Trump.[24] Donnel Stern, writing in Psychoanalytic Dialogues in 2019, declared: “We expect politicians to stretch the truth. But Trump is a whole different animal,” because Trump “lies as a policy,” and “will say anything” to satisfy his supporters or himself.[25]

Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth, writing for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in 2017, described how lies have “always been an integral part of politics”. However, Trump was “delivering untruths on an unprecedented scale”, during his campaign and presidency. Skjeseth commented that no one in French politics was comparable to Trump in his provision of falsehoods.[10]

Paul Dans – Dans served as chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from February 2020 until December 2020. One of Dans’ tasks was liaising with the White House to help fill rolls for the approximately 4,000 presidential appointees across the federal government. Dans is the director of Project 2025.

Steven Groves – Groves served as special assistant to Trump to defend him against Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. He served as Trump’s deputy press secretary in 2019 and 2020. He previously served in 2017 as chief of staff to Nikki Haley while she was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Groves was an editor of the Project 2025 policy document.

Spencer Chretien – Chretien served as special assistant to the president in 2020 and 2021. His job involved identifying, recruiting and placing political employees at all levels of government. Chretien is associate director of Project 2025.

Jonathan Berry – Berry served as counsel to the assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2017 and 2018. Berry was also part of Trump’s presidential transition team in 2016 and 2017, advising on ethics and legal policy.

Adam Candeub – Candeub served in the DOJ as the deputy associate attorney general in 2020. In 2019, he served as a high-ranking commerce official in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

Dustin J. Carmack – Carmack served as the chief of staff to the director of national intelligence in 2020 and 2021.

Brendan Carr – A member of both the Trump and the Biden administration, Carr was appointed to the Federal Communications Commission by Trump. His post expired in 2023 and was renewed by Biden; it will expire in 2028.

Ben Carson – One of the most prominent Black conservatives in the United States, Carson served as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 until 2021. Carson ran in the 2016 Republican primary, before eventually dropping out and endorsing Trump.

Ken Cuccinelli – Cuccinelli served as the acting Secretary of Homeland Security from 2019 until 2021. In 2020, a congressional watchdog issued a report saying that he was unlawfully appointed to this position.

Rick Dearborn – Dearborn served as a deputy chief of staff in Trump’s White House in 2017 and 2018. Prior to Trump’s inauguration, Dearborn worked as the staff director in the presidential transition team.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth – Furchtgott-Roth served as acting assistant secretary for economic policy at the Department of the Treasury in 2018 and 2019.

Thomas Gilman – Gilman served in two roles in the Department of Commerce simultaneously from 2019 until 2021: chief financial officer as well as assistant secretary for administration.

Mandy Gunasekara – Gunasekara served as the chief of staff for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2020 and 2021. She had worked as a senior policy adviser for the EPA since 2017.

Gene Hamilton – Hamilton served as counsel for the attorney general in the DOJ from 2017 until 2021.

Jennifer Hazelton – Hazelton served as public affairs official at the Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2020 and 2021. She also served as a public affairs official in the State Department in 2017.

Troup Hemenway – Hemenway served as associate director for national security in the White House Presidential Personnel Office, which is tasked with vetting new appointees. He also founded the Association of Republican Presidential Appointees.

Dennis Dean Kirk – Kirk was supposed to serve as chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board, an agency which gives federal employees, including whistleblowers, a place to appeal if they feel they have been unfairly fired. Trump nominated him to the position in 2018. However, the Senate delayed confirming him and he never ended up serving in the role, meaning the Board did not have enough members to function during Trump’s administration. This created a backlog of complaints.

Bernard McNamee – McNamee served as commissioner for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from 2018 until 2020.

Christopher Miller – Miller served in three roles in the Trump administration in a period of only seven months. In June 2020, he was appointed as the acting assistant secretary of defense, in August 2020, he was named director of the National Counterterrorism Center, and from November 2020 until January 2021, he served as the acting secretary of defense.

Stephen Moore – Moore was not a member of Trump’s administration, but advised on his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump nominated Moore to serve as governor of the Federal Reserve, but he withdrew his name after facing criticism following the resurfacing of historic articles he wrote disparaging female athletes.

Mora Namdar – Namdar served as the acting assistant secretary of state in the State Department from December 2020 until January 2021. She previously worked as a policy adviser in the same department since 2019.

Peter Navarro – One of the most prominent members of the Trump administration, Navarro served as the director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy from 2017 until 2021. He was also the director of the National Trade Council in 2017. Navarro was a close adviser to Trump, largely on trade, but he also advised on the COVID-19 response and Trump’s false election fraud claims. Navarro refused to comply with the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack. He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress and eventually pled guilty. He was convicted and sentenced to four months jail and fined $9,500. He is due to be released from prison next week.

William Perry Pendley – Pendley served as the acting director of the Bureau of Land Management from 2019 until 2021.

Max Primorac – Primorac served as the acting chief operating officer for USAID from November 2020 until January 2021. He had previously worked as an adviser in the same agency since 2018.

Roger Severino – Severino served in the Department of Health and Human Services as director of the Civil Rights Office from 2017 until 2021.

Kiron Skinner – Skinner served as director of policy planning in the State Department from 2018 until 2019. She previously worked from Trump’s transition team.

Brooks Tucker – Tucker served as chief of staff for the Department of Veterans Affairs from April 2020 until January 2021. He had previously served as an assistant secretary in the same department.

Hans von Spakovsky – Von Spanovsky served on Trump’s short lived Voter Fraud Commission, which operated from May 2017 until January 2018. He previously served a brief and controversial stint as commissioner of the Federal Election Commission in the Bush administration from 2006 until 2007.

Russ Vought – Vought served as director the Office of Management and Budget, the largest office in the executive branch of government, from July 2020 until January 2021. He had served as deputy and then acting director between 2018 and 2020.

William Walton – Although not a member of Trump’s administration, Walton served on his 2016 transition team as co-head of economic issues for federal agencies.

Paul Winfree – Winfree served in three roles in Trump’s White House in 2017: deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy, deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council, and director of budget policy. He left the White House at the end of 2017. Trump appointed him to the Fullbright Foreign Scholarship Board in 2019.

Last edited 19 days ago by Greg

Go lay a Egg Greg