The Democratic Party ruling class’ bloodless coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, who also happens to be the nominal sitting president of the U.S., is one of the most astonishing political developments of my lifetime.
Joe Biden, though clearly physically and mentally impaired, has sought the presidency for quite literally longer than I have been alive. Biden had been defiant ever since the June 27 presidential debate debacle that he was not going anywhere, despite overwhelming pressure from party elites and sycophantic media lapdogs demanding he do precisely that. He has a Lady Macbeth-like wife who craves power, and he has a felonious son in desperate need of a presidential pardon.
Yet the coup succeeded. Biden became the first incumbent president to not seek reelection after his first term since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. Biden made the much-anticipated announcement not with a solemn Oval Office address — that came three days later, and he didn’t even explain his decision. Rather, he issued a bedridden tweet — from a personal, not even official, account. It’s the equivalent of divorcing your wife over text message. As if that weren’t crazy enough, the announcement came smack in the middle of a five-day period in which Biden was not publicly seen. Suspicious much?
The Democrats’ decision to coup their own president is a curious one, on the political merits.
Hold aside the galling hypocrisy of the purported party of “democracy” trying to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot under an outlandish constitutional theory while simultaneously attempting to bankrupt, prosecute and incarcerate him on equally spurious grounds. Hold aside the self-proclaimed party of “democracy,” feigning ignorance over how its overheated rhetoric laid the seeds for their political opponent’s recent near-assassination, and its continuing to depict that opponent as an existential threat to the American constitutional order. And hold aside that purportedly “democratic” party deposing its own presumptive elected nominee — a stark reversal from its presidential primary, when party poobahs worked hard to shut out all viable competition. Somewhere in Minnesota, Dean Phillips would like a word.
Hold all that aside. Because even on its own terms, the coup of Biden for cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris is going to spectacularly backfire on the Democrats.
Already, Democrats and the corporate media have been working hard to “define” Harris for the American people. At times, this has included some rather dubious retconning, such as magically pretending she wasn’t the Biden administration’s appointed “border czar.” (She was.) But the even bigger problem for Democrats is that Harris is not an unknown commodity. On the contrary, she is a very well-known commodity — one who just happens to be about as popular with the American public as venereal disease.
Harris’ current average approval rating is around 38%, and an NBC News poll from June 2023 found her to be the single least popular vice president in American history — only 32% of Americans had a positive view of her, putting her 17 points underwater. Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign was an absolute dud, self-imploding well before the first primary votes were cast. And as recently as a month or two ago, Democratic elites were openly discussing whether she could still be dropped as Biden’s 2024 running mate. Funny how quickly one can go from weakest link to great savior of “our democracy.”
Dem elites have, and know they have, a few months before Jan 2025 when Trump will most likely regain office.
Don’t think for an instant they are sitting on their laurels while Kamala crashes and burns.
They are prepping to undermine and thwart Trump every step of his way thru a 2nd term.
It just depends on if Kamala is going to lose because it was just “too big to rig,” a win for Trump or, if she will cheat her way in and be puppet mastered (willingly, it seems) thru a term.
When Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden left the stage naked (showing the emperor had no clothes… or brains) after the debate, the Democrats knew the Presidency was lost. Maybe they could have shoe-horned an actually competent candidate in, but they couldn’t do that without creating a DEI DEIsaster for ignoring Kamala, checker of boxes, cackler at nothing. Their sole hope is to save the down-ticket races, maintain some power in Congress and block Trump from growing the economy, securing the border and restoring world wide respect.
Election fraud created this debacle for them. They deserve every bit of punishment that comes their way.
Their Mock Trial of Trump has come to Backfire on the Demon-Rats and their M.S. Media Lapdogs as well
Backfire? how so? The only thing that counts now is the Vote and the Democrats thoroughly control the process and the counting with Republican acquieaence in sufficient states to get whoever they wish elected Presiden tand with the great and semi-open successful operations in 2020 they will put a lot more effort in Congressional races.
Let’s face it, joe had to go.
He just told a fiction about how he got into politics (50 years ago.)
According to him his senator, Chris Coons came to him and begged him to run for even a local office.
Coons was born in 1963 so he’s have been around ten years old at the time.
joe also said Coons came when joe was in the shower so he (joe) came to the door in just a towel.
(So, he hasn’t changed about that in all these years.)
To top it off while slurring his words, joe called himself a “former president.”
Coons, 10 years old, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in the shower? Sounds about right.