Biden: I’m in great shape except for my brain. The possible nightmare scenario that could follow dumping him


Last night after being introduced on the 4th of July, Joe Biden greeted the crowd with a hearty “Ho ho ho!”

KAMALA: “We give thanks to our commander-in-chief, the vice— the president!”

But even before that his brain wandered off.

Earlier in the day, Biden seemingly lost his train of thought as he stumbled through his very brief speech at a White House barbeque — bizarrely claiming that highway congestion no longer exists and nearly calling nemesis Donald Trump his “colleague.”

“I probably shouldn’t even say that … anyway,” the commander in chief said after the latter bumble to a crowd of military service members and their families.

Biden trailed off several times in his four-minute speech, which was peppered with slurring, despite having a teleprompter at his disposal.

Biden is currently on his tour to convince America that he’s not what we see him to be. In fact, he’s planning a $50 million spending spree to that effort. The arguments he’s making could be coming directly from the RNC.

To bolster his argument that he’s still intact he released a heavily edited video criticizing what he claims are heavily edited videos (none of which were edited).

But it gets worse. A lot worse.

Biden, who already has a at times little to nothing on his schedule and who hits the pillow before the sun goes down said he just needs more sleep and has to stop being President at 8 pm.

President Biden told a gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours — and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. — despite previous reports he can only fully handle the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The 81-year-old’s acknowledgment was reported by the New York Times, citing two people who took part in the high-stakes meeting and others who were briefed on the comment.

Then he argued to a group of democrat governors that he is in great shape except for his brain.

President Joe Biden told more than 20 Democratic governors that he is in good health with the exception of his brain function while discussing the fate of his presidential campaign on Wednesday, sources told the New York Times.

Biden assured the governors that despite the growing calls for him to drop out of the presidential race, he would be staying in, two people who participated in the meeting and several others briefed on his comments told the NYT. In response to a question about his health from Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, the 81-year-old said that all was fine with him except for his “brain.”

“It’s just my brain,” Biden told Green, which at least one governor took as a serious comment that left them confused, the NYT reported. At least three others in the room apparently said they interpreted the comment as a joke.

>wink, wink<

“He was clearly making a joke,” Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, told the NYT, adding that he said “all kidding aside” after the comment.

He may have thought he was making a joke, but he was not. He was speaking the truth. His brain is not fine. PBS (!) is reporting that on the qt loads of democrats want Biden to step down.

“I can report from having these conversations that we are talking about scores of House Democrats, not a handful, scores who want the president privately, they say, to step aside,”

Dan Goldman, who is always fully stocked with jerkness, was promoting the idea of a Presidency by committee.

“So, let’s not just focus on Joe Biden here. Let’s focus on the people around him, the administration, the policies, and most importantly, the appreciation and protection for the rule of law and our democracy that Donald Trump, every single day, has vowed to take down.”

Former Assistant US Attorney General jeff Clark notes how the media went way too far defending Biden and his deteriorating mental state until there was no denying it:

Here’s how you know we have a controlled media: There’s NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, PBS. I could go on. All of these are *ostensible* competitors. Emphasis on the word ostensible. For, in a truly competitive market, one or more of them between 2020 and now would have put some reporters on the Joe Biden dementia story long before the debate with Trump. And since it’s so obvious that the story that Joe Biden is in cognitive decline is true, long before the debate, market competition for the truth would have worked up Biden dementia into conventional wisdom.

And even if these supposed media competitors were somehow all oblivious before Robert Hur’s report, they surely would have made Biden dementia conventional wisdom in the wake of that report. But they didn’t. They miraculously all lifted their information embargo about Biden’s dementia all at once and only in response to the debate. They ignored all prior evidence of it and gaslit you normal people who pointed to Biden’s deteriorating condition. Now, it is undeniable that Biden’s dementia is a national security threat of epic proportions.

But just as bad of a threat to our national security as a senile President is our monolithic, lockstep mainstream media. It acts as the handmaiden of the Democrat party and the post-Truman national security state. It routinely refuses to point out the obvious until it becomes convenient for elite objectives for them to do so.

Now for the scary news. Buzz Patterson thinks dems will force Biden to step down and a nightmare will replace him:

I’m hearing rumors from several sources that the Democrats are planning to dump Joe Biden after the upcoming debate and replace him. It’s not going to be with Kamala Harris. It’s going to be Hillary Clinton.  As some of you know, I was the Air Force Military Aide for Bill Clinton, lived in the White House, traveled everywhere they traveled, and carried the “nuclear football.” As such, I was always in close proximity to both Bill and Hill. Among the military who served in the White House and the professional White House staff, the Clinton administration was infamously known for its lack of professionalism and courtesy, though few ever spoke about it.

But when it came to rudeness, it was Hillary Clinton who was the most feared person in the administration. She set the tone. From the very first day of my assignment.  When I first arrived to work in the White House, my predecessor warned me. “You can get away with pissing off Bill, but if you make her mad, she’ll rip your heart out.” I heeded those words. I did make him mad a few times, but I never really pissed her off. I knew the ramifications. I learned very quickly that the administration’s day-to-day character, whether inside or outside of DC, depended solely on the presence or absence of Hillary. Her reputation preceded her. We used to say that when Hillary was gone, it was a frat party. When she was home, it was “Schindler’s List.”

In my first few days on the job — and remember, I essentially lived there — I realized there were different rules for Hillary. She instructed the senior staff, including me, that she didn’t want to be forced to encounter us. We were instructed that “Whenever Mrs. Clinton is moving through the halls, be as inconspicuous as possible.” She did not want to see “staff” and be forced to “interact” with anyone — no matter their position in the building.  Many a time, I’d see mature, professional adults, working in the most important building in the world, scurrying into office doorways to escape Hillary’s line of sight. I’d hear whispering, “She’s coming, she’s coming!” I could be walking down a West Wing hallway, midday, busier than hell, people doing the administration’s work, whether in the press office, medical unit, wherever. She’d walk in, and they’d scatter. She was the Nazi schoolmarm, and the rest of us were expected to hide as though we were kids in trouble. I wasn’t a kid. I was a professional officer and pilot. I said, “I’m not doing that.”

There was also a period of time when she attempted to ban military uniforms in the White House. It was the reelection year of 1996, and she was trying to craft the narrative that the military was not a priority in the Clinton administration. As a military aide, carrying the football and working closely with the Secret Service, I objected to that. It simply wasn’t a matter of her political agenda; it was national security. If the balloon went up, the Secret Service would need to find me as quickly as possible. Seconds matter. Finding the aide in military uniform made complete sense. Besides, what commander-in-chief wouldn’t want to advertise his leadership and command? She finally relented because the Secret Service weighed in. If the Democrats dump Biden, and I think they’re going to have to, good ole Hill will be on the shortlist. If she runs, I will dedicate this space to raining hell on her campaign. The Clintons are corrupt beyond words. Hillary is evil, vindictive, and profane.

That thought is indeed frightening, but it would involve a great deal of conflict. Kamala Harris is unlikely to go down willingly. Dumping her would open the DNC to all kinds of accusations of racism which would be countered with “Well, Harris is not really an African American.” Then there is issue of delegates being released and ballots needing to be reprinted. I posed this to AI.

While there have been discussions about replacing President Joe Biden, it’s a complex process. Here are some key points:

  1. Vice President Harris: She would be the most likely alternative, but her own popularity is not significantly better than Biden’s1. Skipping over the first female and first Black vice president could be challenging for the party.
  2. No Mechanism to Remove Biden: There’s no direct mechanism for party leaders to remove Biden from the ticket. If the party wants to replace him, it would require an open nominating process at the convention2.
  3. Party Rules and State Laws: Delegates are bound by party rules (which can be suspended) and state laws (not easily dismissed) to cast their votes for Biden3.

In summary, while discussions exist, replacing Biden would be difficult and uncertain. The party faces challenges in finding a suitable alternative.

And then there is Lady MacBiden, who would not easily let slip the crown. Buckle up. Turbulence is forecast.


Biden is going to attempt to counter his dementia-apparent debate performance with a heavily edited, completely scripted and without a doubt teleprompter aided interview held between 10 and 4 pm with Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos tonight.

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