Garland is hiding a secret- Biden is unfit for office



After Joe Biden’s shout fest State of the Union speech Donald Trump suggested that Biden take a drug test:

Former President Donald Trump once again demanded a drug test for current President Joe Biden before their expected June debate.

This suggestion arose from Trump’s accusation that Biden was “high as a kite” during his March State of the Union address. In front of a crowd at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota, Trump voiced his demand.

I am totally on board with that, thanks to Merrick Garland.

Garland was found to be in Contempt of Congress yesterday for refusing to hand over the audio recordings of SCO Robert Hur’s interview with Biden.  Garland is blocking access to the recordings after Biden invoked Executive Privilege over them:

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden invoked executive privilege Thursday to keep the recording of his deposition about storing classified documents at his home confidential as House Republicans set two committee votes to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to release the recording.

The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel determined the recording falls under executive privilege and Garland shouldn’t be punished for following the president’s order to keep the recording confidential, according to Carlos Uriarte, an associate attorney general.

The Office of Legal Counsel has long held that executive privilege extends to a “closed criminal investigation where disclosure is likely to damage future law enforcement efforts,” Garland wrote to Biden on Wednesday.

Hur found that Biden was unfit for office:

In that report, Hur said Biden could potentially defend himself in court, if charges were recommended, by appealing to jurors as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Biden seized on that immediately

Biden pushed back with a fiery news conference defending his acuity.

We don’t know who is right (Actually we do) and we need to know if Biden is unfit for office. If he is fit for office, he is also fit for prosecution of violating the Espionage Act. This can be clarified with the release of the recordings. “You have the transcripts, you don’t need the recordings”, say Biden supporters.

That’s a non-starter because the White House works furiously to sanitize Biden’s remarks all the time.

White House Quietly Corrects Joe Biden Transcript After Numbers Gaffe

White House ALTERS Biden transcript to clean up gaffe implying African American and Hispanic workers don’t have ‘high school diplomas’

White House makes nine brutal corrections to Biden’s NAACP Detroit speech

White House works to correct Biden’s remarks at ‘ridiculous’ rate

While President Joe Biden is known for his blunders and colorful turns of phrase, his staffers increasingly are correcting his words after the fact via strikethroughs in the White House transcript.

The written record of a May 19 campaign speech in Detroit includes no fewer than nine corrections, some of which created mini-news cycles of their own in real time.

One was when Biden recalled being vice president during the pandemic, saying “Barack,” meaning former President Barack Obama, told him to go to Detroit and “help fix it.” But Biden was running for president during the pandemic, and Obama had been out of office for three years.

The transcript replaced the word “pandemic” with “recession.”

In a separate spot, Biden spoke about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the people who stormed Capitol Hill as “erectionists.”

The White House press team wrote the blunder as “irrectionists” and corrected it to “insurrectionists.”

Correcting the record has been a frequent habit of Biden’s staffers for years, one that the president’s critics say reflects his lack of fitness for the office.

“I’ve heard of cleaning up a president’s mistakes, but this is ridiculous,” presidential historian and Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley said. “It should be called the White House Mess team.”

There is no good reason to withhold the recordings – even Jake Tapper agrees.

CNN’s Jake Tapper told Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York on Wednesday that there is no legitimate reason for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to withhold the audio of President Joe Biden’s interviews with special counsel Robert Hur.

We have all seen how Biden frequently gets confused. We have all seen him repeatedly lie about his history. We have mall seen him need Jill to lead him around. He cannot conduct a press conference without the questions and answers being scripted in advance. We have seen him unable to have discussions with foreign leaders without note cards.

Along with many others, I want to see how different the transcript is from the audio recording. Without any doubt something is being smothered here- Joe Biden in unfit to hold the office of the Presidency.

America needs to know the truth.

He is slipping quickly now- watch



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