The Week in Radical Leftism, 05/17/2024


Welcome back to Day 1208 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! And sorry for light content, but I’m just finally today kicking the sore throat/cold that shook me out of my sleep in the small hours of Monday night / Tuesday morning. Onward!

5/9 – Why Do Woke People Say “Gaza” In The Weirdest Way??

5/11 – Greta Thunberg and the Greatest of all Heresies

5/12 – What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Green ‘Energy Transition’

5/13 – How Vietnamese lawmakers struck back when L.A. County declared Jane Fonda Day

5/14 – Ole Miss NAACP Pulls Cowardly Move After Smearing Students As Racist

Lawsuits, please. While I feel badly for these two students at least they have a national advocate in Outkick. It makes you wonder how many similar witch hunt victims are out there in anonymity.

5/14 – Dexter Taylor Sentenced 10 Years for Building His Own Firearms After Judge Banned Mentions of Second Amendment

5/14 – Winston Marshall: I didn’t have to expose Nancy Pelosi — she did it herself

5/15 – Why are so many conservatives such downers?

5/16 – Beware of Climate Activists Cosplaying as ‘Conservatives’

5/17 – How a Christian monk created America and why the Left is determined to destroy her.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Not everyone would step right up and claim the title of Anti-Christ, behold the head of the church of England, casually burning in the lake of fire with Baphomet.
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Los Angleworms declares Jane Fonda Day. I sure hope they have a Lonesome Summer from a Boycott of their area

5/9 – Why Do Woke People Say “Gaza” In The Weirdest Way??

I went to Tel Aviv for work with a team in 1999 and we all noted that hocking-up-a-loogie sound that is a part of many of their words. I wonder, has anyone pointed out to pig Tlaib WHERE she is an elected Representative and WHO she really is supposed to represent? (note: it’s NOT “Palestine”).

5/11 – Greta Thunberg and the Greatest of all Heresies

I guess Greta is simply drawn to any “cause” that is based on lies and Marxism. Did she consider that starting a war is not very environmentally responsible?

5/12 – What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Green ‘Energy Transition’

What the left wants to transition to is a world where energy and mobility is limited to the wealthy, leadership elite and controlled.

5/13 – How Vietnamese lawmakers struck back when L.A. County declared Jane Fonda Day

Why anyone would consider honoring that treasonous gash is beyond me. I guess traitors need a hero, too. I wonder how many of those who pushed this stupid idea also spread the lie that Trump called veterans “suckers and losers” as if they care about anyone in the miliary?

5/14 – Ole Miss NAACP Pulls Cowardly Move After Smearing Students As Racist

Why isn’t the group called NAAPOC? Isn’t “colored people” racist and merely reversing the order of the words is acceptable (for now, anyway)? When did they make the rule that evidence was needed to accuse someone of being racist?

5/14 – Dexter Taylor Sentenced 10 Years for Building His Own Firearms After Judge Banned Mentions of Second Amendment

A guy building his own gun gets 10 years but someone using a gun to rob people gets no jail time. That’s the Democrat’s idea of “justice”. So, does anyone still doubt that the fascist totalitarian police state is infectious and spreading? Like all these fascist lawfare cases, this will be crushed in appeal.

5/14 – Winston Marshall: I didn’t have to expose Nancy Pelosi — she did it herself

Wow… “ethnonationalist” describes the primary strategy of the entire Democrat party. But, please, do not expose any more of Nasty Nancy; we saw enough when she was on the beach. She only clings to her Representative seat to clean up on all the pork she put in those trillion dollar waste bills.

5/15 – Why are so many conservatives such downers?

Well, admittedly, the Democrats’ capacity to cheat, the DoJ’s inclination to ignore it and the Ministry of Propaganda’s eagerness to defend it is kind of depressing.

5/16 – Beware of Climate Activists Cosplaying as ‘Conservatives’

Yeah, but… the alternative is to be a leftist.

5/17 – How a Christian monk created America and why the Left is determined to destroy her.

Why would Marxists limit themselves to just facts? What can they do with that?

I lost about 2/3rds of my post last week and didn’t have the time or energy to redo it. But, I had suggested a story for you. I kind of loved this one. You have to scroll down to:
The New York Post ran a delightfully karmic story yesterday headlined, “NYC pol says law allowing rape suit against him was unconstitutional — despite voting for the legislation.”

Funny how things that bite you in the ass suddenly turn into “unconstitutional”.

And of the Comic above which ones the real Dummy? its kind of hard to tell