Protests continue to ravage college campuses across the country and spreading like a virulent malignancy. Many of the protests have descended into violence. Jewish students are being unlawfully denied entrance to their schools. School administrators cower in fear save for a paltry few. These are supposedly Pro-Palestine and anti-Israel protests. They may be, but it’s a small part of much larger scheme.
Two thousand have been made but virtually all of them are seeing their charges dropped and few really face the consequences of their actions. Outside professional agitators are among those protesting. 282 people were arrested in New York, but nearly half were not students. The wife of convicted Palestinian terrorist Sami Al-Arian was among those present in the Columbia encampment.
Taking a page directly out of the Hamas handbook, protesters are using children as human shields. At the University of South Florida a pro-Palestinian protester was found in possession of a gun. 39-year-old Atah Othman was charged with “Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance, unlawful assembly, possession of a firearm on school property (felony), resisting officer without violence.” See if you can figure out which one is Othman.
These groups are well funded by some notable organizations
A New York City nonprofit that received more than $12 million from Goldman Sachs’ charitable arm encouraged anti-Israel activists to re-create the violent protests of “the summer of 2020,” just hours before rioters stormed and occupied a building on Columbia University’s campus.
That is nothing less than shameful. Those funding these groups seem to shop at the same outfitters:
Weird how the protestors and Antifa look the same. They even got matching tents. Is Georgie gonna post bail, too
— Captain Obvious (@cjrjr88) May 1, 2024
When they departed the sites they left them trashed.
Left wing “progressive” billionaires are also supplying the cash.
George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.
The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.
Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.
So is a wealthy American born Marxist.
More about the funding here. So, we get that these Bolshevik billionaires would like to crush America and democracy into ruin under the guise of concern for the people of Palestine and then rule over a socialist state.
You might think, as I did early on, that it was this simple:
Referring to the United States: “We want to smash the Democratic Party, we want to smash the Republican party, we want to smash this whole goddamn capitalist, imperialist empire.”
— Christian Julio Lasval (@christianlasval) April 26, 2024
Referring to the United States: “We want to smash the Democratic Party, we want to smash the Republican party, we want to smash this whole goddamn capitalist, imperialist empire.”
But there is another vein of evil that courses under all of this. Below is a blinking red light.
This is what they did to a statue of George Washington
Here’s more
Just totally normal things you would expect to see at prestigious US colleges.
— Greg J. Marchand MD (@MarchandSurgery) April 29, 2024
Students are converting to Islam with the “help” of outsiders. Notice that the women are segregated from and behind the men. At times it was comedic.
Do you think these demands will be met?
— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) May 1, 2024
The larger picture is that Islamists are seeking to radicalize gullible students, insinuate Islam into the United States and ultimately assert dominance. The knucklehead students are their useful idiots. The machinery for this is in place. From Wendy Patterson on X:
List of Colleges with Arab Presidents
Based on the information provided, here is a list of colleges with Arab presidents: University of Southern California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fordham University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Yale University, Duke University, Rice University, Stanford University
List of American colleges with Arab Deans
Based on the provided information, here is a list of American colleges with Arab Deans: Texas A & M University, Kingsville Case Western Reserve, University Arizona State University, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Arizona, Saint Louis University, Michigan Technological University, Tufts University
Northwestern University bowed to the demands of pro-Palestinian protesters.
The Daily Northwestern reported the details of the deal and noted:
“the University has committed to provide a conduit for students to engage with the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. It will also re-establish an Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility this fall, which will include students, faculty and staff.
In addition, the University committed to some support for Palestinian students and faculty in the agreement. NU will ‘support visiting Palestinian faculty and students at risk,’ and will provide the cost of attendance for five Palestinian undergraduates to attend Northwestern.
The University also committed to providing an ‘immediate temporary space for MENA/Muslim students’ — a longtime demand from students on campus — and will provide and renovate a house for MENA/Muslims students as soon as possible. The final house is expected to come in 2026.”
Segregating Muslim students and guaranteeing that the poisoning of the student class will continue.
Here is a sample of the protest literature
They clad in keffiyehs and masks to conceal their bravery.
See if the syntax in this one sounds familiar
If you picked “jihadi”, you win.
“Somebody is radicalizing out students” Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz spoke after NYU and New School raid this morning, “we will find out who that is”. Chief of Patrol John Chell showed literature found inside the New School ‘Gaza Solidarity Encampment’ after it was…
— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) May 3, 2024
CAIR demands amnesty for all protesters. Once the games end the aspiring mask-clad jihadis want no accountability.
BREAKING: The Council on American-Islamic Relations and several other Hamas fronts have signed letter to NYC D.A. Alvin Bragg and Columbia President Minouche Shafik demanding the reinstatement of suspended pro-Hamas Columbia protestors and dismissal of all charges against them.
BTW, two months after 9-11 Shafik called it “a form of protesting.”
The University of Tehran is offering free tuition to American students who are expelled from schools here for their actions. So are the Houthi’s. These are the future teachers and leaders. They were taught to hate America; they hate America and will teach hate for America. Tear it down and you’ll need a replacement.
Islamic theocracy.
Students are being brainwashed by radicalized professors and funded by Marxist billionaires who in turn are the useful idiots for the Islamists.
We were warned about this
7 years ago, the UAE’s Foreign Minister issued a warning to the West.
His words now sound
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 19, 2024

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Amnesty for those rioting in support of terrorists, anti-Semitism and Jewish genocide? Only leftists would have the gall to even consider such a thing. Since these are illegal riots destroying property and trespassing occurring in numerous cities and states, the organizers are guilty of organized crime. If only we had an FBI and DOJ that was dedicated to law enforcement and justice, they might be pursued on such grounds. But that won’t be happening; they will be given every benefit of the doubt and begged for votes.
Let them go live in the Middle East for a few years see them throwing Gays off the tops of tall Buildings and having women run around in tents
Their anti-American leftist riots have impressed Iran so much they offer free tuition to any of the students who get kicked out of school. Who could turn that down? Hell, there’s probably less Marxist indoctrination in Iranian colleges; they may actually NEED educated people.
Why is Soros and his son still breathing?
Because they are partners with the DNC.
It’s happening in England right now.
Manish Pangotra (Modi Ka Parivar) on X: “British Islamic scholar Anjem Chaudary calls for the abolition of secular democracy and the implementation of Islamic Shariah law in the United Kingdom “The implementation of Sharia will be facilitated by Muslims attaining “positions of power and authority” in Britain, he says.” / X (
We the people need to be better organized, Trump isnt going to save the world all by himself, we cant trust in that at all. We saw how rapidly the took back ground and much more after the installation of their pedo.
Continuing with biden only make to situation worse.
The insanity in this installed government from DAs up.
The only innocent Gazans are those who have not yet learned to walk or talk. There are no innocent American politicians, either.
Kushner bagged $2 Billion from Mohammed bin Salman.
15 of the 9/11 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia.
Peddling that bullshit again. Your desperation is showing.
Never once has any Trump cultist explained why Jared’s $2 Billion cash infusion isn’t a matter of serious concern. You always tap dance around the question like you just did.
So true, the biggest insurance winner was…? He had another appointment that day away from Building 7.

Who got Barry into Harvard?
According to Sutton, al-Mansour was “raising money” for Obama’s education and had asked him to “please write a letter in support of [Obama] … a young man that has applied to Harvard.” Although Sutton did not specify a date, this would likely have been in 1988
Georgetown and Harvard, for example, accepted $20 million gifts in 2005 from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, servants and supplicants bow to the Princes.
Trump participates in arcane Satanic ritual…
Exactly how is this “satanic”?
…asks the man who can’t see that Trump follows The Father of Lies.
His hush money defense will be that it wasn’t about the election—that he was only trying hide adultery with a porn star from his wife.
Funny she says it never happened even in writing.
It was a shake down.
So Bragg is doing this to break up a marriage? cause no one can see any felonies here
We’re supposed to believe Trump was only interested in her for stimulating intellectual conversation?
03/24/23 – Posts share old Stormy Daniels statement as new info
She stated she was led to believe the denial was required pursuant to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement.
I truly have faith this wont be your biggest brain fart today.
gregs desperation is up to defcon 5.
Notice how greg has abandoned jack smith. smith lied to the court and the documents were tampered with.
What about that $2 Billion bin Salman handed over to Trump’s son-in-law? What was that in return for?
They’re all a bunch of crooks and gold-plated lowlifes.
Trump pardoned his son-in-law’s dad. Here’s what Charles Kushner did.
greg has a hard on for speculative opinion.
I’m just asking, What about Jared’s $2 Billion cash infusion from bin Salman?
Biden’s loan repayment check set off your alarm bells. Jared’s $2 Billion makes it seem like pocket lint.
I’m just answering… what about it? This is the actual business Kushner is in, not some money laundering scheme where he has no experience, like Hunter in Burisma. It’s not like $2 billion in cash was just handed to Kushner; it is equity supplied for investors and investments. And this happened after Trump was out of office; there IS no influence peddling.
A “loan repayment” for a loan that never happened IS alarming. Explain what, besides corruption, that would indicate?
If you have evidence of something illegal going on, just go ahead and present it.
So Stormy lies for money and you want to believe her? Well, no surprise; you believe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s uncle became cannibal shit.
Kushner did nothing with the $2 Billion for nearly 2 years while collecting management fees.
Money for nothing, from a Saudi prince who Kushner had secret dealings with as a Trump administration official…
You know he isnt blowing it on drugged up orgies with under-aged girls while filming it on a laptop. He isnt funding anti American anti peace protests on ivy league campuses. We are not aware of multiple shell companies with payments to other family members for unknown services. His dad spent time in the pokey for unsavory activity, and Trump sprung him.
Clinton freed a woman involved in bombing the Senate she was one of the heads of BLM. Biden has been doing this shady shit for and stealing documents from the SCIF for 40 years.
We are saying dont care, Biden and his circus freak demolition crew have to go as quickly as possible.
Both you and I wish we had better options to mark on the ballot, we dont these are the cards we are dealt. Your hand is showing in your mirrored aviator glasses, looks like you lose.
It’s clear that was not the case as the slut is missing not only good looks but intellect, as well.
Nothing like having someone who doesn’t have the intellect to do anything but make porn flicks admit that she is too damn stupid to even read the non-disclosure agreement or understand that the agreement was clearly outlined.
News flash, Comrade Moron, if it ain’t in the agreement, it doesn’t count.
You’re as stupid as the grifting slut.
You still prove to us you don’t know anything at all
We know about the clean-up crew that went to diddys house.
AP is one of the worst sources of news you Moron
But he didn’t crawl on hands and knees behind him, crawl under his robes and smack his ass right in the middle where the air comes out to try and get him to provide some relief to his stupid energy policies, did he? It so happens Kushner was already in the finance business, not in the influence peddling business.
Other Arab nations hate and fear Iran. Trump showed them strength, courage and resolution in dealing with Iran, which united them with us and even with Israel. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden of course, under command of Obama, upended all that, immediately began kissing IRAN’S ass with the end result being the war in Gaza.
There you go again. Hijacking a thread topic. If you want to discuss something else submit a post relevant to your topic to Curt.
This topic is about Middle East terrorist influence on American college campuses and throughout the country.
You are such a dolt.
The biggest terrorism in our colleges is the admission of substandard students for government money.
Over half of the arrested “protestors” weren’t students and had no connection with the universities.
Thats the substandard students following,the non students should have been held without bail.
$2 Billion was the payoff for turning a blind eye on the murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi.
No one cares about a fool that crossed the Royal family of Arabia, could America arrest them? what an idiot you are.
Why do you think Bragg is prosecuting Trump for an affair, is that illegal we should ask Slick Willie.
What are the Arabs getting out of American Colleges to pour so much money into them?
That Trump’s followers don’t care doesn’t mean no one cares.
Yup we are the ones voting for him dummy.
Care all you want dude is dead
Cry me a river sparky.
It’s not about Khashoggi. It’s about your indifference to evil.
Whos indifference to evil?
As The Shadow would say WHO KNOWS EHAT E VEN LIES IN THE HEARTS OF MEN.THE SHADOW KNOWS made a Spinster Laugh but he was still on the side of Justice
This river?

Ol’ teddy left the scene of an accident. It is possible Mary Jo might have survived. It would have ruined teddy, what is a life worth when the political life of a Kennedy is at stake.
Much worse things can happen to girls than a payout and NDA. Just ask the Clintons.
Does it bother you that an officer of the court lied in order to render injustice to an innocent defendant?
I’ve written here about the amazing numbers of honor killings in Islam for years, greg.
YOU never cared.
Even when they were American daughters of Muslims.
As long as they were mostly wives, daughters and business competitors who were then falsely accused of being homos, you never batted an eye.
Kashoggi turned against his fellow Muslims in writing, a DEATH OFFENCE in Islam.
They honor killed him.
The desert is full of the unmarked graves of those Muslims murdered by family members and Sharia accepts it.
And these protesters in the colleges are desirous of having Sharia here!
We care for Our Nations and the Citizens and World Peace Biden don’t, you Moron
Nobody gives a shit about khashoggi.
Hey why dont you hate Trump for what the Saudis did?
Once they covert to Islam its to the start deporting them to the middle east so they know what its really like