Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly to write. I don’t mean in general staring off into space or watching the clouds in your coffee kind of stuff, I mean when you see something so extraordinarily evil that you’re left speechless.
That happened to me a few weeks ago when I saw the video of a white female student being brutally beaten by a black female student in Missouri. As you have no doubt seen, the black girl beats the white girl into unconsciousness and repeatedly slams her head into the concrete. The victim went into convulsions and as of this writing is in critical condition in the hospital.
There are two primary questions I had after watching this video. The first was why no one tried to stop the attacker when there were a dozen people around the fight, including at least one person recording a video. The second was what kind of upbringing would someone have to make them act this way? These two unanswerable questions melded into a third, which was, why do we see so many videos of blacks acting violently? Beating white people. Beating other black people. Attacking restaurant employees. Attacking cops. Pushing people in front of subway trains. And the list goes on. And on. And on.
On the day I saw this video I happened to be reading a book called Empire by Niall Ferguson. I was at the point where he is comparing the actions of the British – which is the empire to which the title refers – and the Japanese in their early 20th century empire. In particular, he discusses the Rape of Nanking, one of the most brutal and disgusting displays of savagery ever chronicled. He doesn’t pretend the British were never brutal. In fact they were and he discusses it. But he makes the distinction between the British killing opponents during battles – sometimes including unarmed women and children while peacefully protesting – or the deaths of prisoners from incompetent logistics management and the brutal, intentional infliction of pain and torture on civilians and POWs alike. There were literally contests to see who could kill more people or do so more quickly or brutally.
Such abuse was never limited to the Japanese, of course. The Germans were equally evil during WWII. Like the Japanese, their killing beyond the battlefield, more often than not, was a mix of cruelty, sadism, depravity, and systemized murder. Such evil has been endemic throughout much of human history. One of the reasons the Spanish were able to so easily subdue the great Aztec empire was because so many of its neighbors were enthusiastic about ridding themselves of the cruel, murderous empire, where captured enemies would frequently die horrifying, brutal deaths. More recently the Rwandan genocide, the brutality by ISIS, the execution of thousands of Nigerian Christians by Muslims, and the October 7th attacks by Hamas demonstrate that man can be a savage instrument of evil.
Since the moment Cain slew Able history is full of violence. But this seems to be different. Not different in that it’s unique in history, but that it’s unique in American history. What I mean by that is that it’s a perfect storm of Democrat malevolence.
That storm has three components. The first is what seems to have become the primary plank of the Democrat party. White racism. Prior to Barack Obama, America’s race relations had been largely improving for 40 years. With his “police acted stupidly” comment things got off on the wrong foot, and after the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown things went south quickly. Then the 2020 death of George Floyd sent race relations into a tailspin. With the riots and the shilling for BLM by everyone from the NFL to Microsoft to Congressional Democrats, things took a decidedly bad turn. Suddenly we were told systemic racism was to be found everywhere from law enforcement to math to punctuality to proper English. At the same time, we had the Pentagon, the White House, and practically every news organization in the country telling us that white nationalism is the single biggest threat to the country and that blacks were in constant danger. The left has done to whites what the Nazis did to the Jews, what the Japanese did to the Chinese, and what the Hutu did to the Tutsi… dehumanize them, make them into the Other, the ones towards whom no humanity need be shown. Once that mindset is absorbed, there are no limitations on what can be done to members of the target group.
The second is that black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. That regardless of what they do they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them, most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially the argument is, given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly.
The third is the collapse of the black family. Today more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals.
The outcome of this perfect storm is a significant proportion of the black population hate white people, have little belief they have a vested interest in civilized society, and there’s no one at home to teach them right from wrong. With little reason to have self-respect and even less reason to respect others, too many black Americans are simply acting out as a child would, with no filters, no self-control, no empathy, and no real remorse. That’s a recipe for disaster for society.
If America is coming apart at the seams, it’s not because of any “systemic racism”, but rather because Democrats have seen fit to weaponize blacks. And not just against whites, but against the very fabric of America. This plays itself out in major cities across the country, where most black Americans live and dominate politics. Indeed, black mayors (most of whom are Democrats) run almost every one of America’s largest and most important cities: Washington, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and New Orleans among others. Virtually every one of them is like living in a relative war zone compared to much of the rest of the country. The ironic thing about all of this is that the biggest victims of this black despondency and disconnect with civilized society are fellow blacks because the animating factors of alienation and desolation know no bounds, color or otherwise.
This is not a sustainable model. A nation divided by race cannot survive. Americans fought a war, then passed civil rights laws a century later to stop that. But here we are with a significant portion of America’s population looking into life’s kaleidoscope and seeing nothing but a fatalistic cacophony where they have no agency, nothing matters and thus nothing has any value, including their lives and those of others.
What we saw in that video is the epitome of the race war Charles Manson tried to launch but failed. Sadly for Americans of all hues, half a century later, the Democrats are making his dream a reality.
See author page
Spot on, Vince. I’ve long thought and posted here that IMO one of the most damaging phrases I’ve every heard in my life is “celebrate diversity.” It is inherently meant as a wedge emphasizing our differences rather than focus on what bring us together.
Immigration is wonderful
MichaeloKeeffe on X: “Right, this African who calls himself ‘Benga’ wants to be famous for bullying kids, approaching young girls and harassing Irish mammies. Let’s help him out.” / X (
Then, when he gets his ass beaten, he’ll cry “RACISM!!”.
“Systemic racism”. I love it. In Minneapolis, when Floyed murdered himself with his own fentanyl, this was because of “systemic racism”. Yet, the mayor was Democrat, the city council was Democrat, the chief of police was Democrat, the governor was Democrat, the state congress was Democrat, all but one of the Representatives was Democrat and the Senators were Democrat. So… who ARE these racists?
Yeah, a war was fought that resulted, to the chagrin of Democrats, in the end of slavery. It was reasonably assumed that the former slaves could gradually meld into society, but who was it that prevented that from happening? Yep, you guessed it… DEMOCRATS (again). THEY instituted “systemic racism” wherever they held power. The KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, all Democrat tenets. It is because of Democrats that it takes LAWS to mandate everyone is treated equally.
But that still isn’t enough. Now, since they HAVE to have racism as a part of their control, they have instituted racism against WHITE people. Democrats are addicted to racism; they can’t imagine a world without it because they would lose one of their most valuable weapons.
“… racism as part of their control….”
Control is the most valuable thing to these Democrats, the only thing!
Charlie was just ahead of his time, today he would be a college professor. Not talking about Jesus but Mao and Lenin.
Manson was a total Vegan and a Eco-Fanatic when Lennet(Squeaky)Fromm tried to assinate Gerald Ford when asked why she replied I DID IT FOR THE TREES
Both our World Wars as well as Korea and Vietnam was under the a Democrat President
Really excellent.
I also note the part sometimes played by charismatic leaders.
When Trump was President races got along better because economically, all people were being lifted up.
When Nelson Mandela was alive the end of apartheid it was peaceful for the most part, whereas now blacks are murdering whites and taking farms at will.
When the Brits and the Spanish were colonizing and far away from their leaders their basest elements ruled the day at times.
America is vast enough that you don’t have to stay in a dangerous area and just take your chances.
America is diversely ruled enough to where you can live in any of 26 states where you can legally carry a gun, even in a concealed fashion to protect yourself.
People are voting with their feet.
But Democrats want to eliminate that diversity and make the nation, from coast to coast, border to border, make the nation a violent wasteland.
i feel boxed in here in michiganistan. at 76 too old to move now so i hunker down and try to stay out of the way.
good post nan!
The guy on the left can’t walk the walk, but A.I. doesn’t know that.
thats racist greg
Why did Biden call for ceasefire?
OUCH: White House Cancels Annual Ramadan Dinner After Muslims Refuse to Attend
There is no “AI.”
It turns out Amazon finally admitted its “Smart Store,” where “AI,” keeps track of your purchases and has your card charged “automatically,” as you leave is just a couple of thousand Indian tech men.
They watched your every move in the store and manually made that list to charge your card!
No AI.
It is all a lie.
Must you always be do Ignorant?
pointed article that has a lot truth in it. i’m sure blacks will not enjoy reading this.
It might depend on where the blacks reading it live. Most blacks I meet in rural areas are hardworking, religious and good people. It’s the urban jungle that teaches them how to survive through crime and violence. Makes you wonder why leftists want us all rounded up to live in cities.
No, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks want to live a peaceful, prosperous life. It’s those who have been indoctrinated in communist dogma and are radicalized, then exploited by Democrats, that cause the problems and try to smear the rest of the black population with their hateful ignorance.
Is that why 95% of blacks vote lockstep for the party of the KKK, segregation, slavery and multi-generational enslavement to welfare bribes for democrat votes?
The “VAST MAJORITY of blacks” need to clean up their own house. It should be easy, if in fact, the “VAST MAJORITY are the decent people you try to paint them as.
Truth is, there’s only approximately 10% that are decent. The rest are impossibly incompatible with white civilization, OBVIOUSLY.
They are 13%
It’s completely OK to be white and successful and even better when it makes lib heads explode.
The Black Experiment
Essay by Anthony Bryan:
For almost 150 years the United States has been conducting an interesting experiment. The subjects of the experiment: black people and working-class whites. The hypothesis to be tested: Can a people taken from the jungles of Africa and forced into slavery be fully integrated as citizens in a majority white population? The whites were descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization. The former slaves had been tribal peoples with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements. Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed black people into a white society that saw them as inferiors. America has struggled with racial discord ever since. Decade after decade the problems persisted but the experimenters never gave up. They insisted that if they could find the right formula the experiment would work, and concocted program after program to get the result they wanted. They created the Freedman’s Bureau, passed civil rights laws, tried to build the Great Society, declared War on Poverty, ordered race preferences, built housing projects, and tried midnight basketball. Their new laws intruded into people’s lives in ways that would have been otherwise unthinkable. They called in National Guard troops to enforce school integration. They outlawed freedom of association. Over the protests of parents, they put white children on buses and sent them to black schools and vice versa. They tried with money, special programs, relaxed standards, and endless handwringing to close the “achievement gap.” To keep white backlash in check they began punishing public and even private statements on race. They hung up Orwellian public banners that commanded whites to “Celebrate Diversity!” and “Say No To Racism.” Nothing was off limits if it might salvage the experiment. Some thought that what W.E.B. Du Bois called the Talented Tenth would lead the way for black people.
A group of elite, educated blacks would knock down doors of opportunity and show the world what blacks were capable of. There is a Talented Tenth. They are the black Americans who have become entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors and scientists. But ten percent is not enough. For the experiment to work, the ten percent has to be followed by a critical mass of people who can hold middle-class jobs and promote social stability. That is what is missing. Through the years, too many black people continue to show an inability to function and prosper in a culture unsuited to them. Detroit is bankrupt, the south side of Chicago is a war zone, and majority-black cities all over America are beset by degeneracy and violence. And blacks never take responsibility for their failures. Instead, they lash out in anger and resentment. Across the generations and across the country, as we have seen in Detroit, Watts, Newark, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, and now Ferguson, rioting and looting are just one racial incident away. The white elite would tell us that this doesn’t mean the experiment has failed. We just have to try harder. We need more money, more time, more understanding, more programs, more opportunities. But nothing changes no matter how much money is spent, no matter how many laws are passed, no matter how many black geniuses are portrayed on TV, and no matter who is president. Some argue it’s a problem of “culture,” as if culture creates people’s behavior instead of the other way around. Others blame “white privilege.” But since 1965, when the elites opened America’s doors to the Third World, immigrants from Asia and India–people who are not white, not rich, and not “connected”–have quietly succeeded. While the children of these people are winning spelling bees and getting top scores on the SAT, black “youths” are committing half the country’s violent crime–crime, which includes viciously punching random white people on the street for the thrill of it, that has nothing to do with poverty. The experiment has failed. Not because of culture, or white privilege, or racism. The fundamental problem is that white people and black people are different. They differ intellectually and temperamentally. These differences result in permanent social incompatibility.
Our rulers don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.
Excellent clarity in your comments.
An anonymous racist essay that’s been circulating since 2014, variously attributed to Anthony Bryan, John S. Mosby, Edmund Hughes, Ina Duncan, etc. It’s also been passed off as a Baltimore Sun editorial.
It was never a Baltimore Sun editorial. It was posted at but the original is here:
Inherently ignorant people need to be taught manners as children, bc they’re incapable of being civilized adults.
Instead, they’re taught early that they are victims, entitled to everything without earning it and that being offended is their right and duty.
Whites are exhausted by blacks and their social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.
Is it possible for whites to be free of the white man’s burden?
You and those like you ARE “the white man’s burden”. You’re part humanities burden.
Another in depth counter argument filled with fascinating facts from the resident village idiot.
More of the left’s “Let us do anything we want and let the taxpayers pay the consequences.”
Still being a total Moron about it all
As you watch engineered food shortages, there will be food riots, they just killed 2 million chickens for the bird flu.
When the bird flu first showed up in birds in the 1980’s they found out they could cure it with hydrogen peroxide. It required 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to water at 1 part per 11 or .25% in drinking water.
This is for Chickens not peoples.
Keep bird poop out of your mouth and eyes kids. 😉