Welcome back! Another light post / light content week as this was what Steven Covey would call a “Sharpen the Saw” week at Chateau D’ Bob. I’ve got two draft posts in the hopper, so more content will be coming next week. On to the Lefty crazy:
2/22 – Seattle Public School Kids Being Told Proper English and Grammar is ‘White Supremacy’
2/24 – WATCH: Libs of TikTok schools Taylor Lorenz on why transgenderism is wrong [VIDEO]
2/26 – Planned Parenthood’s Sex Miseducation
2/27 – Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Letter from CPAC”
2/28 – Report: FBI Plans To Arrest Blaze Media Reporter Without Telling Him What Charges He’s Facing
Update in the tweets below
2/29 – With The Trump Verdict, Is New York City Bringing Down Its Financial House?
Have a great weekend!
Blaze Media Investigative Journalist @TPC4USA has now been taken into FBI custody for his J6 reporting
Watch: pic.twitter.com/OF9WVh26ER
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) March 1, 2024
All three killed by Biden’s illegal aliens. pic.twitter.com/5JkfbDdgmK
— Jont Trubek (@JontTrubek) February 28, 2024
Not enough people were laid off. https://t.co/iMMqiHgecb
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 25, 2024
Alternate Headline: 2960 students refuse to walk out of class in support of trans weirdness https://t.co/3svhxBn5hd
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) February 28, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
“Gimme dat fing what you cut dis dude up wiff.”
“Yes, doctor.”
We’ll look back on the days where DEI hires had to at least be able to speak English
Seattle wont allow them to salt the Streets after a snowstorm because they say Puget Sound will be Contaminated. Looks like the City is run by total idiots
Giggle giggle snort

Or better still, Sundown Joe* depending on where you cross
I guess they’ve taken that worn out trope that “Trump loves the poorly educated” to heart. The left wants to create more for him to love. It appears they assume black kids will be lazy and fail to learn effective communication skills, so they come up with this stupidity to make them feel better. Reminds me of the invention of “Ebonics” so black kids didn’t have to learn language at all.
Those dogs don’t become aggressive like that in a vacuum. I would investigate to see if Dr. Jill hadn’t been abusing them with peanut butter. Maybe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden abused them in the shower. One thing is for absolute certain: this family is totally dysfunctional from stem to stern.
Well, I don’t know about “schooling” but she definitely made her point. I would have pointed out the disruption trans people create by demanding everyone around them participate in their mental illness world. I would also dispute the “happy trans” concept. They only seem “happy” when they are forcing others to conform to their delusions. I also couldn’t help but notice that Lorenz positioned Raichik so she was facing the sun to put her at a disadvantage. Didn’t exactly help.
I’m not sure, but I don’t think black people can be racist. At least the left is totally consistent.
I wonder if the rise in STD’s in the US is a result, at least in part, to the left pushing abortion as a means of birth control. Condoms used to serve the purpose of birth control, but if an abortion is readily available and possibly publicly funded, why not raw-dog it? Planned Parenthood is in the abortion business, so naturally they want to promote sex and unwanted pregnancies as early as possible. They should not get a dime in public funding.
This is the nation today; the Democrats oppose everything that secures elections and promote everything that easily allows election fraud while, conversely, the Republicans have the exact opposite position. If there is something other than the obvious to draw from that, I would like to hear it.
Yep, he’s hauled away in chains… you know, because he is such a violent threat, with all that suspicion of parading and all. And all because he dared to report facts counter to the Party line. Democrats Uber Alles!!!
If parents oppose their child becoming conservative, can CPS be called? Can the children get help from their teachers without their parents’ knowledge? Luckily, to transition to conservative doesn’t require a male to cut anything off; that is only required if they convert to liberal.
It would be surprising if it didn’t. This massive and unconstitutional penalty for the crime of offending the weakest (psychologically) of the weak should scare any business away forever. For, regardless of their politics, the door is open to such cases being brought for any reason. The State (local or federal) might simply want your property and wealth (a partial socialist motivation in the Trump case). Even when (not if) this ridiculous example of lawfare gone wild is overturned, unless their are harsh repercussions for the fascist perpetrators, the fear of a repeat will always exist.
I’m not sure the nation can survive all this saving of democracy.
To correct the X post, those three young women were killed by “newcomers”.