What is it with Biden and Iran?
A drone attack by Iranian backed militias just killed 3 American soldiers and injured two dozen more in Jordan.
Three U.S. Army troops were killed and at least two dozen other service members were injured in Jordan in an overnight drone attack near the border with Syria, U.S. officials said Sunday.
This is the first time U.S. troops have been killed in the Middle East since Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, per CNN.
The drone appears to have been launched by Iran-backed militants in Syria, officials said.
Biden’s Afghanistan clusterf**k led to 13 Marines being killed. Now he’s accumulated three more deaths to his tally.
There have been at least 159 attacks on US troops and assets in the Middle East by Iranian backed proxies. Biden has responded with pinprick bombings which are completely ineffective deterrents. His stooge spokespersons have been completely dismissive of the injuries sustained in those attacks.
It seems like yesterday that Biden told off Iran, saying “Don’t.” And let’s not forget his “stark warning” back in October:
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said he issued a stark warning to Iran’s ayatollah that the U.S. would respond if his nation attempts to harm American troops in the region.
Biden disassociated drone attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria that have injured at least two dozen Americans from Hamas’ attack on Israel this month at a Wednesday news conference.
American troops have been in the region for decades, fighting ISIS, and working to prevent the terror group’s reemergence, the U.S. president said.
“My warning to the ayatollah was that if they continued to move against those troops, we will respond and he should be prepared,” Biden said at a Rose Garden news conference. “It has nothing to do with Israel.”
Sixteen days ago, Biden said “I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything.”
Like all of Biden’s foreign policies, it failed. What the hell is it with Biden and Iran?
Biden’s obsequiousness toward Iran is a continuation of Barack Obama’s weakness policy. Obama sent Iran $1.7 billion in cash and bent over backwards to accommodate Iran’s demands in begging Iran to join the JCPOA, which Iran violated from day one. Biden continued that policy of weakness- lifting sanctions and freeing up billions for Iran in the stupid futile hope that it won’t pursue nuclear weapons. Iran responds with a one finger salute.
159 attacks on US forces weren’t enough for Biden to get the message and take any serious action. This cannot stand.
Trump knew how to handle this. He ended Qassem Soleimani when an American was killed by Iranian backed forces. There was a lot of caterwauling by Iran and democrats but it shut things down. That is what should happen again- Iran needs to be made to pay dearly for its proxy actions, and that means destroying something highly valuable to Iran as a true “stark warning.” Oil fields would be a good start.
Iran is running the attack show and can shut it down.
I will be shocked if Biden does something meaningful out of this. Instead, I anticipate seeing Blinken, Kirby and the Muppet explaining how tough Biden has been on Iran and how we need to be thoughtful.
And the attacks will continue.
And FFS, if you’re going to stick troops in these remote places, make sure they’re properly protected.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Maybe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should SCREAM “DON’T” like he screams his hatred and insults at Trump and Trump supporters. But, here we are again, being dragged into another conflict, thanks solely to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s STUPID, INCOMPETENT, WEAK policies and actions. Because of election fraud, people are dying and the world is more dangerous. This would NEVER have happened under Trump.
This is a good opportunity to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities, if they haven’t been able to hide them to the point that we don’t know where they are. More than likely, though, he will blow more holes in the sand and pound his chest (until he knocks himself down).
Recall that it was Obama’s ass-kissing of the Muslim Brotherhood that started the ball rolling on all of this. Now, who is pulling the strings behind the curtain here? Yep… the sissyboy himself. Who expects anything different?
I know… pick out some innocent civilians and KILL THEM!
How much more must we put up with this disaster. The fucker is so weak that no one fears any retaliation. Opposition will continue to pick off members of our military.
What should scare the hell at of any American is now that he has let in millions of illegal alien invaders, many of which are terrorists, this dumbfuck biden will not defend domestically should there be terrorist activity.
Know that with Trump neither the attack on Gaza or the Ukraine fiasco would have occurred.
It would problematic to bomb Iran given obama is an iranian operative, his closest advisor, valerie jarrett, an iranian by birth and biden, a puppet of the CCP who are protectants of Teheran.
The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the Families of the Brave Servicemembers we have lost. I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender….
Page Two: Three years ago, Iran was weak, broke, and totally under control. Thanks to my Maximum Pressure policy, the Iranian Regime could barely scrape two dollars together to fund their terrorist proxies. Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the Regime has used to spread bloodshed and carnage throughout the Middle East. This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance – Just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the War in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have Peace throughout the World. Instead, we are on the brink of World War 3…..
And the Afghanistan withdrawal, had it happened at all, would never have been such a fiasco.
The nation is at a perilous level not seen since the civil war, the attack on Pearl Harbor and the islamist attack on 9/11. biden has demonstrated he is not on top of his game. We are a ship without a rudder as long as this dolt is CIC.
I wonder if they put the sanctions back in place if they would run low on war toy money.
Jack Poso https://truthsocial.com/packs/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
BREAKING: US troops bombed by kamikaze drone as they slept in the outpost at Tower 22 in Joran, along the Syrian border. Whatever air defenses were there weren’t enough
3 killed, up to 34 injured, per current reporting
Biden is getting our troops killed in their sleep
This is why the military is having a hard time getting recruits. Their “commander-in-chief” wouldn’t have their backs whether it be leaving them behind in Afghanistan or making them targets for Iran to kill or injure.
That’s bullshit, sock puppet.
We’ll see if when the latest soldiers he got killed return home and he meets the caskets (if it doesn’t interfere with his vacations), some staffer takes his watch from him. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a piece of shit.
Want to see a Puppet Pinhead? Look in a Mirror The Left pulls your strings and you Dance for them
In a colorblind meritocracy which was MLK’s dream…
She would be working at McDonald’s
This is the most incompetent, from the very bottom to the absolute top, regime in history.
And their official statement is not believable.
U.S. failed to stop Iran drone attack because of misidentification.‘Enemy Iran drone misidentified as friendly U.S. drone.’
Maybe the drone wouldn’t declare its pronouns and the rules of engagement prohibit engaging targets until their preferred pronouns are known.
They weren’t working for the American people.
They were working for the biden administration.
And they weren’t heros.
They were folks.
And they weren’t present tense anylonger.
They are past tense because joe got them killed.
So says Karine Jean Pierre but look how she lies.
Yes, the comments are disgraceful. Working for the biden regime. An illegitimate regime and because of him they lost their lives.
Never would have happened under President Trump. Rest in peace brave warriors.
The very stable genius who crafted the Doha Surrender Agreement, removed all but 2500 troops from Afghanistan, and arranged the release of 5,000 captured Taliban fighters just before Biden took office could sort all of this out in a jiffy.
You know who I mean. The same very stable genius working behind the scenes to assure that Putin takes over Ukraine and gets reelected in two months. The same guy working to kill a solution to the border crisis.
There you go peddling that nonsense again.
That has been debunked six ways from Sunday.
It was nonsense, alright, but Trump did it anyway.
You are a hopeless idiot. Get yourself some help.
Such nonsense that even his top generals told him to not do what he did.
But…. but… but TRUMP told him to do it! Ordered him to do it! MADE him do it, because TRUMP was a dictator! A mean old, nasty dictator!!!
Remember 9 months before that, when Trump wasn’t President anymore? Or don’t you?
Putin is going to at least take portions of Ukraine because Russia is winning the war with no help from Trump.
The border crisis would have only been worse had “a” solution been approved.
That particular solution simply would have institutionalized joe’s open borders.
The Senate bill is questionable in so far as it coming out of the Senate. It is already DOA in the House. It is a terrible bill. It does nothing to secure the border now or ever.
But its bi-partisan

Your loser cult leader surrendered Afghanistan to Islamic extremists just to blame Joe Biden for the consequence.
Go fuck yourself traitor.
The lying bastard will also try to blame Biden after puppeteering the betrayal of Ukraine to assure Putin’s reelection. That’s what the mother f*cker does.
He’ll blame Biden for every illegal crossing the southern border, after monkey wrenching first bipartisan remedy in decades. That’s what he does.
biden deserves blame for the border traitor.
Actually he might just go after the NGOs The Clintons, Bushes and Obamas for facilitaing not only the journey here but travel into the interior. Soros and others that would twist the tail of more than a few liberals.
Then there is the Epstein list. Sure we remember those pedos.
No, joe fucked up Ukraine all by hisself. Ukraine is not important. Our southern border is. So have a nice day, traitor.
Ukraine stands between Europe and Putin. He’s already laying the groundwork for an attack on Moldova, which is a constitutionally neutral nation. And Finland? Finland is a NATO member. The Russian people are being told that Finland has designs on Russian territory.
Anyone paying attention understands that Putin intends to restore the former Russian empire.
So, that seems to be Europe’s problem. What are they doing to stop it?
As of October 2023 Europe had provided $84.9 Billion in aid to Ukraine, while the US had provided $71.4 Billion.
Well I would say they need to get in it to win it. It is their problem, not ours.
If a NATO nation “gets in it”, then we’re in it too. We could suddenly find ourselves in World War 3. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine must fail to avoid that.
That is incorrect, traitor.
I guess we need Trump more than ever now, then, don’t we? After all, he made sure there were no new wars. He wasn’t interested in making money off them, like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is.
Not according to CNN
Where military assistance comes fromThe United States is by far the biggest provider of military aid to Ukraine.
Who is running against Putin?
Cummon Mr Russian election expert.
So, you figure Trump was planning on leaving the White House in 2021? So, what’s with all this “insurrection” and “threat to democracy” bullshit where he was never going to leave? Are you having a stroke or something?
Trump knew he was losing for months.
That’s funny, because it was only election fraud that cost him the election.
But that doesn’t answer my question, does it? Do you never even think about reconciling your lies with each other?
At ten o’clock he was winning big is AZ, PA, GA, MI and WI. That is when the states stoped counting sho they could figure out how many votes they would need to steal it.
Seems like the brain functions are malfunctioning, kind of like Biden the pedophile.
So pathetic, so debunked, Joey cant take any blame for his own stupid actions.
To Democrats, “bipartisan” means, do it all OUR way, but YOU take all the blame when it craters.
No matter how you twist in the wind, it was Biden and he was CIC,not Trump, it belongs to Pedo Pete.
Trump made the agreement, pulled out the troops, lost the military hardware, and had the 5,000 Taliban prisoners released before he left office.
You are one delusional little rump ranger, aren’t you? Up is down, day is night, black is white and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a genius. Does that about cover it?
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was President when HE pulled all the troops out of Afghanistan, even though the Taliban had totally abrogated the Doha agreement. It was null and void and no longer in force. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden did it HIS way, and his way is always a disaster. A failure. A catastrophe and people always die as a result. Rember the innocent family he had vaporized just to look like he’s in control?
He could be brought up on murder charges if he lives past January 20, 2025
No he couldn’t. Trump says presidents are permanently immune from criminal prosecution. Did you forget that?
No, that one is incorrect also.
Hmmm, it seems the word permanent is not in his statement. Another example of greg embellishing for his own personal benefit.
He’s concerned about indictment AT TERM END. Only immunity that continued after leaving office would protect him against that. He wants permanent immunity after leaving office for anything done while in office.
Yeah, the word permanent is absent. A president does not function as president upon completion of a term or terms.
Find somebody who can explain this to you. You probably shouldn’t sign any legal documents without consulting a lawyer first.
Comrade Greggie, I see you are trying (failing) to convince others that you are correct in your interpretation of the rules. Unfortunately, you are really, REALLY ignorant when it comes to laws and the Constitution.
On a positive note, if such immunity were affirmed by the Supreme Court, Biden could simply lock Trump up in a padded cell without fear of subsequent prosecution for it. like Putin has done with Navalny.
Putin has had total and permanent immunity from prosecution for anything he does while in office since 2020. He’s a very smart man, as Trump has observed on multiple occasions.
Biden doesn’t have arrest powers.
Should Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden be prosecuted for murdering that innocent family in Afghanistan?
Why wouldn’t Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden do what Putin has done? It’s in the fascist dictator play book.
Yes, just like obama should be prosecuted for the drone strike in Yemen killing two Americans without due process.
Those are the facts. Trump made the agreement, pulled out the troops, lost the military hardware, and had the 5,000 Taliban prisoners released before he left office.
I do not think the actual agreement references any contingency on leaving the military equipment. Me thinks that is a lie.
When you pull out the troops and leave their equipment behind, you have abandoned it to anyone who takes possession.
Could you cite that in the Trump plan? Certainly it’s spelled out line by line so there would be no ambiguity.
It was a Trump action, not a Trump plan. It’s what he actually did. He pulled out troops and left their equipment behind.
biden left 85 billion on August 21 2021. That was on biden
Psalm 109:8 “Let his days be few; and let another take his office
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden pulled all the troops out and left the equipment.
Back that up with reputable sources. Trump left troops remaining. You’re a f*cking liar.
I’m still waiting on you to prove that Biden was bound by any agreement made by Trump.
No one is required to waste their time trying to prove or disprove anything for you. If you want to know what happened, look it up for yourself. It isn’t hard.
Boom, you have been wrecked.
I don’t own anyone $83 million. I don’t owe anyone a nickel.
What are you? Twelve years old?
IOW, you have no valid answers.
You’re a clown, needledick.
Nah, you never let facts get in the way of your bullshit lies.
But Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden didn’t follow the Doha agreement. In no way, form or fashion did he abide by that agreement and neither did the Taliban. If 2,500 troops weren’t enough, why did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden pull them ALL out, in the dead of night, and not even let our allies in on the secret? The Taliban let the prisoners out after military genius Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden turned Bagram and all its equipment over to them. That’s where the terrorist that killed our 13 service people and wounded countless others was being kept.
All Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s “plan”. And he has engineered the war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza and, coming soon to a neighborhood near you, the war in Iran.
And it’s all thanks to election fraud.
You seriously expected the Taliban to honor a pinky swear with Donald? Like you believed Putin, when he was massing troops on the Ukrainian border while saying it was all just an exercise? Biden had been warning what Putin was going to do for months.
Funny… they DID until Trump left office and a weak, doddering, incompetent thief replaced him. And it was Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden that said it would be OK if Putin launched a “limited incursion”, giving Putin a green light. Where is the evidence I have ever believed anything Putin has said? Just like with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, I never believe what dictators with a history of lying say.
Actually, they didn’t wait. After signing the agreement on 02/29/20, the Taliban resumed unrelenting attacks on the Afghan military and civil police forces on 03/03/20.
05/01/20 – Taliban step up attacks on Afghan forces since signing U.S. deal –
So, the Trump administration pressured the Afghan government to release the 5,000 Taliban fighters—which they did.
Trump continued the drawdown of forces in spite of this. Much of it was done precipitously—and secretly, until it was revealed by a Pentagon leak. The Taliban had already taken control of most of the countryside by the time Biden was sworn in. There wasn’t even an evacuation plan.
And then Trump smacked them and smacked them HARD. Then there was no more trouble from them. But, when Trump left, the Taliban launched a major offensive, which violated the agreement. Therefore, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should not only have hit them hard with overwhelming force (as Trump did) but invalidated the withdrawal.
But Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is simply too stupid for that.
Really? When did that happen?
1/15/21 – Pentagon says US has dropped to 2,500 troops in Afghanistan –
Really? How was that supposed to work? There weren’t even enough troops left to protect the capital, the US Embassy, and the airports.
Senior U.S. commanders are skeptical of the Taliban’s stated commitment to peace, although they have said they can accomplish their mission in Afghanistan with 2,500 troops.Then along cam Pedo Pete and took command with all his experience, refused to listen to his military, abandoned a base replete with equipment. Decides a public airport is much better than a defensible airbase.
Geeze sounds like they had a mission..missions require plans, not only did Brandon not keep with the plan he delayed the evacuation by months.
Continues to fund the Taliban, er humanitarian aid.
As opposed to the vast military experience of the man known far and wide as “Cadet Bonespurs”?
Shall we compare the results of the two?
At least he had military schooling.
You know oldstyle schooling that had a goal of learning a subject.
Funny… it worked. Unit, of course, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden f**ked everything up.
No it DIDN’T WORK, as the 05/01/20 article demonstrates. Trump’s loony agreement was going to hell in a handbag three days after it was signed.
Yes, it did. There was no offensive until Trump left and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden did nothing about it. By the time he did HIS withdrawal, the Taliban was in Kabul. I don’t think I’ve met anyone so stupid that they can’t see this.
The Taliban’s offensive resumed two days after Trump’s moronic agreement was signed. Jonathan Hoffman was a Pentagon Trump too.
There WAS no offensive. They didn’t dare.
Not going to be good for the black vote.
Well, the Democrats will just award them all medals and lay them in state at the Capital. That’s how they turn the dead into leftist props.
To borrow a page from your book:
Oh, so you don’t believe dead servicemen should be honored? Got it.
I’ll play your stupid little game. What would you honor them for and what kind of honor? We’ll wait.
The country was already behind in recruitment in most of the armed services.
This isn’t going to help.
These poor heros were put in harm’s way with no means of defending themselves or even retaliating.
So, nothing has happened in response.
joe says he will do something, later.
Yes, they deserve medals and honors, not some wristwatch-checker who impatiently wants to be elsewhere.
Appeal to the UN to pass a harsh resolution telling Iran that wasn’t very nice.
Well, it looks like Joe missed the mark on yet another one. What’s new? Where is the foreign relations acumen? Once more, Joe Biden’s staggering ineptitude leads to dead Americans. In addition, this is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black—everything they blamed Trump for, they’re actually doing themselves.
Mike Baker on How Biden Reversing Trump’s Policies w/ Iran Led to the Mess We Are in Today
“The Trump Administration listed the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization. And then Biden in February 2021 reversed that decision…Like everything else with the border decisions. Ridiculous. The idea that if Trump did it, it must have been bad.”
And Manchin. Yep, as long as you voted the Democrat way, Klansman are A-OK. I guess after Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden started the Civil Rights Movement, the went and kissed Byrd’s ass.
Any idea why we haven’t hit back yet? Did the DoD not have any contingency plans for a response? The response should have been instantaneous, after 160+ attacks.
Do you want war with Iran? The entire Middle East could erupt. It could quickly morph into war with Russia.
A cautions, carefully measured response is in order. Biden knows what will happen if he acts too precipitously and knocks over the wrong domino.
It’s at times like these that I thank God Trump isn’t in the White House.
Do you want to surrender to Iran? Do you want to apologize to them for our service people getting killed by their drones and their proxies like Obama and Kerry did when Iran captured our disable Navy vessel?
THIS is the fucking mess your supreme moron, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, has created, on his own, his policies, his decisions, his disrupting of Trump’s policies, has created. Note that that there IS no good answer; that’s how FUCKED he has made things. Yeah, if Trump was in the White House, there would have been no disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, no war in Ukraine, no war in Gaza, no Iran supporting terrorism, no attacks on shipping and no wide fucking open border. Yeah, boy… Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden sure is better, ain’t he?
Do you want to avoid WW3? (That would be WW2, by Trump’s count.)
Nothing like a weak leader rewarding killers of Americans.
Everyone in the world laughs at us.
obama holds the record for the most children killed by a Nobel peace prize winner.
Trump has been nominated multiple times. Though, unlike Obama, he has actual “peace” to justify his award, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell he’d be awarded one.
Adolf Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939.
Just like Obama was… and look at the violence Obama brought upon the world with ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. But, again, Trump actually has accomplishments in peace… something else Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden destroyed.
Biden blasted after spox says attending ceremony for fallen troops not ‘on his schedule’…
Words escape me at this point in time. OMG
Between going to vacation, vacation and coming back from vacation, there simply isn’t time.
biden just gave the American military a giant F-U. What a disgrace to the men and women in uniform.
These being black soldiers, you can bet the Democrats will present some over-the-top insincere, hypocritical “honor” for them, after they just plopped them down in Jordan with targets on their backs.
Too busy with vacations and moving money around in shell companies.
Shameless, FJB.
The families should request biden not be at Dover AFB when they receive the return of their remains. Such a slap in the face of American heroes. God help us get the November.
03/05/24 – FBI warns about Iranian spy allegedly plotting to kill US officials –
Trump is probably Farahani’s primary target, having ordered Soleimani’s assassination.
There is always someone looking to assassinate the President, thats why there is a secret service. Allowing in unvetted illegal aliens, our next batch will be from Haiti, puts not only the general population at risk but ups the ante on every political figure.
Well, he’s damned sure not after Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. He’s the best friend and asset the Iranians have.
9-0, greg
Your IQ?
That would be a good not to declare presidents immune from criminal prosecution for all official act for life.
Could you rewrite that sentence is it a quote from Biden it makes zero sense.
You must not be paying much attention to what Trump’s lawyers are asserting to the Supreme Court. That’s PRECISELY what they argued to the Appeals Court. They even acknowledged that it meant a president could order political opponents shot and be immune from prosecution.
Your rewrite:
Kitt was addressing your blathering, trying to figure out what you were trying to say.
How about names of attorneys and actual quotes since you are a known liar?
I’ve posted it before. For those with faulty memories, here’s a complete recording of the the oral argument. The exchange in question, between Trump Attorney D. John Sauer and Judge Florence Y Pan, begins at the 6:15 mark with the following:
Listen to all of it. Maybe the implications will finally sink in. Sauer is actually arguing that a president could order Seal Team Six to kill a political opponent, and could not be criminally prosecuted for doing so unless first impeached and convicted in the Senate.
This is total lunacy. It would place any president with even 1/3 political support in the Senate above both the law and the Constitution.
The recent ruling has given you the answer, the President must be impeached and convicted by Congress then the justice system under the new President has the option of trial. Its the way it has always been.
The Supreme Court hasn’t yet ruled on the immunity issue.
Seems it will have the same decision. The constitution has provisions for prosecuting a President.
No other power or body of law has that right, There is nothing that says a President cant be impeached after he leaves office.
That’s NOT what Trump is arguing, that’s the absurd direction the leftists have taken it. So, back to my question, do you think Obama should be prosecuted for murdering al-Awlaki?
So Obama selling high powered weapons to drug lords, geting one of our Border guards killed, he should be prosecuted for murder…right,or the droning of an American citizen in a public place in a country we were not at war with, 1st degree murder?
Im sorry Greg the sentence needs clarification it might be missing a comma or I need a WTF did Biden just say decoder.
biden has no chance vs Trump in November. More rats will be jumping the ship in the coming months because they know it is over.
The largest crowd biden will speak to this year will be Thursday night
Wonder what they are going to dope him up with for the event.
They put Hunter in charge of that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ve been telling everyone to stick a fork in him for years now. He keeps soldiering along.
So, Obama should be tried for the murder of al-Awlaki?
No, yours.
Dsturbing photo of Biden on campaign trail.
He’s probably already in country with a money card, a cell phone, and free healthcare.
…or with a small remotely controlled drone designed for political assassinations. You’re not taking the threat seriously enough.
It isn’t only a matter of revenge. They know full well such an event would trigger total political chaos in the United States. Our disunity, internal tensions, and trigger points pose a far more serious vulnerability than any weakness in our military capability.
So very true. So why don’t the Democrats stop inciting it all? Why don’t they stop lying about Trump supporters and putting illegal immigrants before US citizens? Why don’t Democrats stop promoting violence against anyone opposing them? Why don’t Democrats stop with the illegal lawfare, destroying any faith in our justice system? And most importantly, why don’t Democrats endorse election security measures instead of supporting every means of election fraud conceivable?
If there is an assassin in the nation, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden let them in. Do you recall anyone warning that turning our border into a welcome mat is dangerous?
Is this the war you wanted?
04/12/24 – US intel indicates Iran could strike ‘Israeli soil’ in next 24 to 48 hours
It’s the war Putin would like to see happen.
China wouldn’t mind, either.
Those who support Trump didn’t want any war. Trump did all he could to prevent them from happening, instead of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s stupid policies which encourage wars and then he reacts with more lame stupidity. Question is, is that the way YOU wanted? Is all the new turmoil and threat around the world worth the election fraud that made it happen? Is that why Democrats open our border, bring in 12 million new illegal immigrants (and rapists, murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, terrorists and pedophiles) and then register them to vote?
Maybe if Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden gives Iran another $6 billion, they’ll like us and be nice to Israel?