We’re already familiar with Haley, the preferred candidate of the Vichy Republicans. A one time rising star among us Normals, she found a way to latch herself onto every Establishment position. I won’t recap them all here, but when you’re siding with Disney’s support for having sexually explicit conversations with Kindergartners behind their parents’ backs you’re part of the problem. And we’ve also seen her recent implosions, such as her fumbling through the Civil War question or insulting every voter in Iowa. With the Virginia primary coming up the other day I got my first presidential primary mailer. What you see in the header image is what I received. And when I looked at it my first thought was… WTF?!?
Help me out here, but when I look at this I thought I was looking at the image that will be Dems in sending an oppo mailer trying to make her look like some dictator wanna be. In the near impossible event that Haley is the nominee this would be the perfect crudely drawn image The Radical Left would use with the word “MAGA Extreeeeemist!!!”
Mark Dice goes into more detail about problems with Haley. Like renaming her husband. Yes, seriously. And Dice tries to deflect the rumor that Trump is considering her as his VP pick as disinformation from the DeSantis campaign, but I’ve seen no evidence of it, and no denials from the Trump camp other than Don Jr. On the flip side, Kurt Schlichter makes a surprisingly good case for Trump enlisting Haley as his VP. Short answer (but you’ll want to read the whole post) is that Haley will bring in the Vichy Republicans’ votes, and just as importantly their donor money. Defeating Biden* (or Gavin, or Michael, or whoever the Dems Toricelli in at the last minute) is first priority, and we take whatever path gives us the best chance of victory.
What Schlichter does not address is the fact that giving the Vichies such a powerful plant in the White House means they will be working tirelessly with their friends on The Radical Left to ensure that Trump never takes office, whether through a Hawaiian judge nullifying election results until enough can be manufactured for Biden* ‘to take the presidency. Or if Trump manages to win by greater than Margin Of Fraud he’ll face a very real and unified impeachment effort to install Haley as President. Or maybe they do something worse. Haley is getting a big head over some polls showing her in 2nd place, oblivious to the fact that without Trump on the ballot the vast majority goes behind DeSantis. But she does see a path.
I don’t see it based on that amateur hour mailer she sent. Sister Babe did not share my opinion, saying “All I see is a skinny, aging Southern woman. And I’ve seen enough of them.” Maybe I read too much into it – what say you?
Nikki Haley's campaign had to cancel an event today in Iowa because no one showed up.
The Nikki Haley "surge" is an astroturfed mirage. pic.twitter.com/dPa5BnzHlN
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 8, 2024
NEW: Nikki Haley's foundation has a program called My First Library which offers kindergarteners DEI-themed books in South Carolina schools.
Do voters in New Hampshire want DEI pushed onto their kids in schools?
Nikki Haley is not a Republican. Don't be fooled! pic.twitter.com/Phy4KBaKKR
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 8, 2024
Candidate who welcomed Disney to South Carolina and sounds like a Democrat is pushing Woke ideology? pic.twitter.com/MLCOpoN8zQ
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) January 8, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
President Trump does not need neocon nikki to run as VP to win the general in 2024, period full stop.
She is more ambitious than Lucifer and less principled.
Fair point. I fully believe that Trump will have more votes cast for him than whoever the Dems run. And while I don’t know how, but I have zero doubt that the Uniparty will not allow him to take office. Haley makes the margin for cheat a lot greater, but invites the devil into your home. Which is the greater of two evils?
It’s amazing the way you guys have already run the election in your heads, and have already started treating your imaginary election as canon.
I’m sure you ARE amazed. It’s called “thought”.
It that anything like, just out of thin air, predicting if Trump is elected, he would suddenly, without any warning, become the worst, most deadly dictator in history, even though numerous Constitutional mechanisms prevent it? Oh… no. That’s actually cowardly hand wringing, pearl-clutching, whiny crybaby fear-mongering.
The difference is that when Trump loses, you will already have decided that he won, and you’ll act as if he did. Just like last time.
Will I? You know this how? Last time there was massive and widespread election fraud. That’s kind of an important factor.
It would appear you are auditioning to be an author here. I do not find your writings to be worthy of my time.
dems in NH break the law by telling dem voters that their “vote won’t count,” for any dem candidate, so they must “vote for Nikki Haley,” instead.
For her part, Nikki is saying the one different thing to joe that polls well with dems: “I’ll build the wall,” at the border.
I think this is the first time I heard her say she’d build the wall at the border.
(Could be mistaken.)
I’m waiting for the trump card (pardon the pun) of not accepting the electoral votes of any state that bars Trump from the ballot
Actually, they should say their votes don’t count because the DNC is going to print thousands of pre-voted ballots and install the candidate THEY choose.
Haley is polling better than any other republican Trump challenger–Trump tools will therefore target her.
Looks like she’s 3rd behind both Trump and DeSantis in Iowa tonight.
78% in so there’s still room for a bit of movement.
But, if this holds, no amount of strong showing for “nikki” in New Hampshire will make any difference.
Everybody knows dems can vote for her so game over, nikki.
Loomer may be a loose cannon, but she does score her share of hits
She is not constitutionally eligible: END OF ARGUMENT! NO FURTHER DISCUSSION PERMITTED!
New one on me – how so?
Her Parents were not yet citizens at the time of her American birth, but were here legally in the country, her parents are model citizens. Haley’s parents weren’t born in the U.S., which disqualifies her from presidential candidacy under an interpretation of the 12th Amendment. The same argument was made of Senator Cruz.
Trumps mother was born in Scotland
Andrew Jacksons parents were both born in Ireland
T. Jeffersons mum was born in England.
W. Wilson mother born in England
Barrys daddy born in Kenya, never a citizen
Natural born will we say breech babies or those born of C-section are not eligible?
Are you the Supreme Court or something?
The DNC engaged in unethical behavior? I am shocked!
Dems could change parties in Iowa, too.
Some showed up tonight and did so.
But, consider this:
Nikki came in 3rd.
Her dems were literally “fair weather friends.”
They didn’t get off their duffs and come to the caucus and change party designation and support her.
If they had, she would have won or come close to winning.
Even if the weather is better in NH, I doubt her dem buddies will bother with helping her.
And Vivek just dropped out and endorsed Trump.
That might translate into another 5-7% more votes for Trump down the road.
Nimarata Randhawa, Nikki Haley’s birth name, isn’t a Republican, a RINO, or a Democrat. She is an opportunist. She will say anything to anyone depending on what group she is talking to. Those types can never be trusted.
A shape shifter a rakshasa or raghosh in her Parents homeland. Perhaps a ichchadhari naagin a snake that can attain human form.
Agreed. I do think that Schlichter makes a good argument tho
Whatever her situation, at least a half dozen elected Democrats around the country have made clear that the time for tightening up the rules for eligibility for elective office in the United States was 25 years ago.
What changes would you like to see made?
“Nikki Haley is a Completely Unserious Presidential Candidate”…which is exactly why I never considered her. I have no user for as VP either. Would prefer if she just take her millions and go away, never to be heard from again.
Unless you find someone comparable to Golda Meir or Margaret Thatcher, and you won’t, statistically all women in politics will be unmitigated and yet avoidable disasters. If that doesn’t figure into your calculus from the word go, we’re going to have to keep staving off one disaster after another because diversity hires will always be trouble.
If wives, mothers, and grandmothers ran each nation’s government, we probably wouldn’t be seeing war everywhere we look.
Did you ever stop to think who it is men protect them from?
Certainly not the case with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, is it? Being a gutless coward, he LOVES starting wars and getting rich off the kickbacks.
You have never worked in a female majority workplace its constant drama back-biting, idle gossip, and turmoil.
That probably depends on the workplace and depends on the women.
See the results Haley 8% came in 3rd. Trump trouncing the competition.
I’ve worked in female-majority workplaces for over three decades, and I haven’t seen what you’re describing.
You are a known liar mikey, they also have separation of workspace.
It doesn’t count if you’re one of them.