The Week in Radical Leftism, 01/05/2024

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Happy New Year, and welcome to day 1081 of the Biden* Occupation! I know I said we’d be back to normal this week, but Little Bob being home from school for most of the week with the latest bug going around throws everything off. If nothing else, this post is worth every penny you paid for it! We’re only five days in, so how much crazy can our Lefty pals deliver? If nothing else, they never fail to deliver:

12/29 – ‘GlitterBomb’ Creator Mark Rober Is Doing More To Foil Crime Than Democrat Cities Like San Francisco

12/30 – A New Year’s Resolution for 2024?

12/31 – ERIN ELMORE: Pro-Palestinian protesters deface Lincoln Memorial with red paint

12/31 – Don’t Celebrate the Maine Secretary of State Being Swatted

Sorry, but not sorry. A few years ago I would have unequivocally condemned  Swatting a Leftist politician. But given how The Radical Left operates and how common this disgusting tactic has become, there is only one way to end it. Make it happen to enough prominent Leftists that they start saying the phrase that Leftists use to non-apologize and admit they are wrong: “Both sides need to stop”

1/1 – Top Twenty Terrible Predictions for 2024

1/2 – Jewish girl attacked for wearing IDF sweatshirt in New Jersey mall

1/3 – Year 2024: Everyone Except Paul Krugman Is Wrong

1/3 – Five signs of hope in 2024

1/4 – Trump Totally Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep

Nope, that headline is not a joke. It’s from Kurt Schlichter, and I hate that I completely agree with him.

1/5 – ISIS-K Just Dragged Iran Into Afghanistan’s Jihadist Civil War

Have a great week!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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12/29 – ‘GlitterBomb’ Creator Mark Rober Is Doing More To Foil Crime Than Democrat Cities Like San Francisco

I guess that’s the maximum sentence in San Franciso… get farted on.

12/30 – A New Year’s Resolution for 2024?

Perhaps the resolution should be to never succumb to the leftist stupidity no matter how attractive the possibility of agreeing just to shut them up might seem, because they WON’T shut up.

12/31 – ERIN ELMORE: Pro-Palestinian protesters deface Lincoln Memorial with red paint

I was awaiting the news of the perpetrators being caught and charged, but I forget, these are leftists and this crime was committed at night, when all law enforcement is rendered powerless.

12/31 – Don’t Celebrate the Maine Secretary of State Being Swatted

The thought now is that she swatted herself. At any rate, it’s stupid and puts law enforcement lives at risk, not to mention the safety of those swatted. All I waited for was the whiny, crybaby leftists to feign their outrage. For some reason, there doesn’t appear to have been any.

1/1 – Top Twenty Terrible Predictions for 2024

I predict Democrats will continue to get more desperate and shrill, commit more violence and blame Republicans and cheat in November. Dang, am I good or what?

1/2 – Jewish girl attacked for wearing IDF sweatshirt in New Jersey mall

I would think the term “whore” would apply more to those who support known baby murderers and rapists of children, but that’s just me.

1/3 – Year 2024: Everyone Except Paul Krugman Is Wrong

I wasn’t aware there was a Nobel Prize for Dumbassery.

1/3 – Five signs of hope in 2024

The corrupt leftist media is the #1 threat to this country. Without their complicity, none of the rest of the leftist agenda would have a chance of success. It’s good that the general public is finally getting tired of being lied to and treated like foolish morons.

1/4 – Trump Totally Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep

I don’t view Haley as all that vapid and stupid and wouldn’t it be great to be able to brag that we have a female VP of color (and she is just as “of color” as Kamala) that can actually form a thought and put a sentence together without the same word making up 45% of the comment.

1/5 – ISIS-K Just Dragged Iran Into Afghanistan’s Jihadist Civil

Well, if there is a war there, I hope it happens after Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is gone so he won’t be sending aid and weapons to both sides.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Plain Bill

Ok I wont celebrate the swatting, can we send her a fart bomb box?

The government is intent on forcing you to buy toxic hyper processed food.

TYRANNY: Government Officials Illegally Raid Pennsylvania Man’s Farm Without Notice for Hours and Seize His Property, Leaving Him in Dire Financial Straits (VIDEO) – Please Donate to Help Him!

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Ok I wont celebrate the swatting, can we send her a fart bomb box?

Probably couldn’t get that through security. Send Swalwell and Kerry instead.

Why isnt the school shooting still blasting wall to wall?
Word is another Trans.

I dont care I am pouring a glass for this.
93-Year-Old George Soros Becomes the Latest Victim in ‘Swatting’ Prank Call

Bro Bob I hope this is on next weeks round up..or are you in on the alien cover-up?

What Is The Ultimate Squad Of Movie Marines? Grunt Style And American Grit Break It Down

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt


Video Of Police Responding To Gigantic ‘Aliens’ Invading A Florida Mall Goes Viral

200 cops arrive cause someone didnt like the return policy on crap they didnt want for Christmas?
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01/02/24 – How death threats get Republicans to fall in line behind Trump – The insidious way violence is changing American politics — and shaping the 2024 election.

In early 2021, Richer was an Arizona Republican official who regularly attended local party events. At the time, he was the newly elected county recorder of Maricopa County. The job was a new level of prominence — he was now the most important election supervisory official in the state’s largest county — but going to Arizona Republican events was routine: the kind of thing that Richer, like any state politician, had done hundreds of times before.

But at one event, the crowd heckled and harassed him. When he tried to leave, they dragged him back in, yanking on his arms and shoulders, to berate him about the allegedly stolen 2020 election. He started to worry: Would his own people, fellow Republican Party members, seriously hurt him?

There was a clear reason for the madness. Many of the Republican faithful had recently decided that Maricopa County had been the epicenter of “the steal,” Joe Biden’s theft of Arizona from Donald Trump — and the entire presidential election with it. This wasn’t true, obviously. Richer tried to tell them it wasn’t true, hoping his long track record in the state Republican party would give him some credibility.

It did not. What happened instead reveals a pattern that is quietly reshaping American politics: Across the board and around the country, data reveals that threats against public officials have risen to unprecedented numbers — to the point where 83 percent of Americans are now concerned about risks of political violence in their country. The threats are coming from across the political spectrum, but the most important ones in this regard emanate from the MAGA faithful.

Trump’s most fanatical followers have created a situation where challenging him carries not only political risks but also personal ones. Elected officials who dare defy the former president face serious threats to their well-being and to that of their families — raising the cost of taking an already difficult stand.

As a result, the threat of violence is now a part of the American political system, to the point where Republican officials are — by their own admissions — changing the way they behave because they fear it. For Richer, the price back in 2021 was high — and enough to prevent him from safely participating in his own party’s politics.

The more he tried to convince people that the 2020 results were legitimate, the more hostile the audience became — and not just at this one event. He recalls people at Republican meetings getting in his face, grabbing him, and even banging on his car windshield in the parking lot. Richer kept attending party meetings for three months, hoping that the attendees’ behavior would go back to normal.

But they didn’t. The once-friendly events were emotionally exhausting — and, worse, potentially even dangerous.

“I was a Republican activist. That’s what you do: show up to events,” Richer recalls. But eventually, “you don’t feel comfortable.”

By 2022, when Richer was presiding over the November election’s ballot tally, his office was fortified like a military base: surrounded by armed police deployed to protect him and his staff from threats. He recalls numerous staff members quitting on the spot after heated confrontations — and he was personally targeted by credible threats. When we spoke, he was about to testify in one of three federal cases against people who had vowed to kill him.

“You need to do your fucking job right because other people from other states are watching your ass,” the man allegedly said in a voicemail. “You fucking renege on this deal or give them any more troubles, your ass will never make it to your next little board meeting.”

It’s been well over two years since Richer attended the kinds of Arizona GOP grassroots events where he was once welcome. Today, the institutional Arizona Republican party is dominated by politicians who have embraced Trump’s lies about the election — people like Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and Mark Finchem. The harassment and threats from the MAGA faithful was one weapon in the extremist takeover’s arsenal, working to push voices of sanity out of key party events — breaking even determined ones like Richer.

In Arizona, the Trumpist threat of violence worked. And it worked for reasons that should worry all of us at the beginning of an election year that could decide the fate of American democracy…

Brave Republicans at all levels of government, from local officials like Richer to Sen. Mitt Romney (UT), have been warning us of the dangers going into 2024. They have seen the recent rise in right-wing political violence, most notably on January 6, and seen how comfortable Trump is with openly directing his supporters to hurt people.

“Violence and threats against elected leaders are suppressing the emergence of a pro-democracy faction of the GOP,” writes Rachel Kleinfeld, an expert on political violence at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Absent threats, Kleinfeld argues, a move to Trump from inside the party — perhaps a more serious challenge in the presidential primary — might have had a better chance of getting off the ground…

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justices. Leftists “swat” Republicans. Abortion zealots firebomb pregnancy clinics. ANTIFA/BLM riot, loot, assault, murder. The left has created the culture of violence. The left is the SOURCE of the violence.

“The website was founded in April 2014 by Ezra KleinMatt Yglesias, and Melissa Bell, and is noted for its concept of explanatory journalism.[1]Vox has been described as left-leaning[2] and progressive.[3]

Those names ring a bell, Comrade? They should. Two of the most raidcal socialist Obama supporters to ever walk on a sidewalk.

“explanatory journalism is really a derivative of Walter Lippmann’s philosophy of how to be a journalist and what a journalist’s real goals should be. It ain’t honesty, bubba.

To quote you:

“No credible evidence is noted.”

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

Trump hopes the economy crashes in the next 12 months because he doesn’t want to be Herbert Hoover…

What about that doesnt make sense to you?

You somehow missed the part before where he describes how the economy is going to crash under Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, so merely hoping it goes ahead and gets that over with before it happens after he is President (and gets 100% of the blame for it by the relieved Democrats) is nothing insidious.

You keep taking comments out of context and you keep looking stupid. YOU can control that; why don’t you?

01/09/24 – Trump says he hopes economy crashes in next 12 months: ‘I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover’

Former President Trump said in an interview that aired Monday that he predicts the U.S. economy will crash and that he hopes it does so within the next year.

In the interview with Lou Dobbs, Trump, the current front-runner in the GOP presidential primary race, explained that, if he were elected again, he would not want to serve a term similar to President Hoover’s — who took office when the economy was stable but later oversaw the start of the Great Depression.

Trump railed against the economy but conceded that there were some good aspects of it and took credit for those successes.

“We have an economy that’s so fragile, and the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did,” Trump said. “It’s just running off the fumes.”

Trump added: “And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president I just don’t want to be, Herbert Hoover.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Ya, so? This economy is not stable, its no where near the barn or farm.

Trump hopes for an economic catastrophe in the next 12 months because that would be best for Trump.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

If it happens democrat cities are totally F’ed, austerity on steroids wouldnt make the freebies gang very happy.

No, he’s not. Learn to understand English. You have a severe problem with that.

He does not have to hope. It is going to happen.

You’ve been saying the economy is about to crash for three years. Actually, it crashed on Trump’s watch and has recovered on Biden’s. The economy added 2.7 million jobs in 2023.

 “And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president I just don’t want to be, Herbert Hoover.”

You might want to pay attention to the entire comment. He’s not hoping for a crash, he’s hoping he’s not held responsible for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s inevitable crash.

Idiot cant read the entire quote, his news sources are harping on his partial, inaccurate context of the haters crowd.

You might want to pay attention to the entire comment. 

Oh, you can bet he did. But Comrade Greggie repeats everything written by so-called “journalists” who graduated from the Walter Lippmann School of Journalism.

Propagating the left’s lies is what Comrade Greggie does. He’s just not very good at it.

Of course he’s hoping for a crash, to blame on Biden. He set up the surrender to the Taliban so he could blame Biden. His MAGA puppets in Congress are yanking the rug out from under Ukraine three months before the Russian election so he can blame Biden.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

All debunked every bit of it.

Of course he’s hoping for a crash, to blame on Biden.

When there is a crash, WHOSE fault would it be but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s?

He set up the surrender to the Taliban so he could blame Biden.

I’m pretty sure Trump intended to be President when we withdrew from Afghanistan, which would have been under completely different circumstances, per Trump’s agreement, than those Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden went ahead, against all advice, and withdrew. The debacle in Afghanistan was 100% Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden fault. He kept NOTHING of Trump’s agreement in place.

Notice how greg is in his safe space. No talk of fat ass willis or the debacle with Austin. greg is such a pussy.

In addition to being a pussy he is the forum’s number one idiot.

He does have competition, they take “can you be any more stupid” as a challenge.
If he wants comfort he can go to the MSNBC chat line.

To be fair, one cannot continually defend Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Democrats and NOT look totally stupid.

Imagine, stealing the shit Hillary said. THAT’S desperate. OR, was it a Ron Burgandy-style prank by the teleprompter programmer?

See, I never knew he ran the whole civil rights thing. I wasn’t aware a white racist implemented that. Learn something new every day.

Oh wait, don’t you know that this is Trump’s economic plan. That he purposely put it in place knowing the economy would tank during the 2024 campaign and biden could do nothing about it. A brilliant plan.

Of course. Trump intentionally and insidiously only put in place GOOD economic policies knowing Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden would automatically reverse everything, tank the economy and (giggle) get blamed for it!

4D chess but planned by Barron, why else would the search the kids room?

Under different circumstances, how? Trump had already buggered things up beyond any hope of recovery. His absurd agreement with the Taliban and surprise late-term troop withdrawals had returned half of Afghanistan to Taliban control before Biden even took office.

Trump had made no plans for “getting anyone out of Saigon.”

His absurd agreement with the Taliban and surprise late-term troop withdrawals had returned half of Afghanistan to Taliban control before Biden even took office.

You keep blathering this lie. So you need to show how any agreement made by a previous president is cast in stone and cannot be revoked by the new president.

But you can’t. And just as Biden spent his first day in office revoking EOs of Trump, he was capable of negotiating his own treaty with the Taliban. Oh, wait, Biden’s handlers failed to do that. But they did think to move the evacuation date up to September 11.

“It’s two-fucking-thirty, asshole.”

Best line ever spoken at a Congressional hearing.

Renegotiate how? Reinvade the half of the country already lost? Reestablish alliances with tribes that changed sides when we abandoned them? Reclaim all of the abandoned military hardware we no longer controlled? Recapture the 5,000 Taliban prisoners that Trump had the Afghan government release?

How would Biden have done that?

If you can’t say, you’re just flapping your gums, which is all you ever do.

As I observed previously, Trump had buggered things up so badly before Biden was even sworn in that there was no going back. He kept his side of his moronic agreement in return for NOTHING from the Taliban.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Note that it wasn’t until Trump left that the Taliban began their offensive. They KNEW Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was weak and stupid and played him like a cheap fiddle. They never imagined the windfall they would gain by him cutting and running, leaving billions of dollars of military equipment behind.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden didn’t HAVE to withdraw. The Taliban had violated the agreement. He should have reinforced Bagram and stomped the shit out of the Taliban, like Trump did, THEN negotiate a NEW agreement. But, he was simply too incompetent. He only considered his own gains.


There was no part of Trump’s agreement remaining. The Taliban had broken it. There would have been no withdrawal under Trump with the Taliban in Kabul and Trump MOST CERTAINLY would not have relied on the Taliban for “security”.

It is the pinnacle of stupidity to try to hold Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden blameless. Like he has done with absolutely every other aspect of the economy, government and foreign policy, he totally discarded anything Trump left in place and put his own stupidity in operation instead.

The Afghanistan disaster is 100% Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s doing. All he cared about was scoring some headlines.

Melanias mum passed, RIP Amilija.